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Old 04-01-2007, 03:12 AM   #1
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Post your idiosyncrasies.

Or just any other random shit about you.

I'll start.

When I'm in class, or sitting at my computer, I will often chew my lip. This often leads to sore, cracked lips, and it SUCKS.

I also pick at my fingernails, and the skin surround my fingernails quite a bit.

I hate when my fingernails get dirty, and regardless of how often I clean them, or how short they are, I manage to get dirt under my fingernails. I don't even know how. I don't do anything besides sit on my ass. It makes me feel dirty.

I hate when my hands feel dirty. Especially when my hands get sweaty (laptop makes my palms a bit sweaty after long use), and then the sweat dries, leaving a gross feeling on my hands.

I hate the feeling of boogers in my nose. It drives me nuts. This leads to me picking at my nose quite a bit (this could relate to dirty fingernails, no?). I have no problem picking my nose in front of anybody. Nobody's above picking their nose, so long as you flick it at the floor after. Eating it is just DISGUSTING. In all my years, I've never eaten a single booger.

I don't eat healthy at all (insert ribs pic), but it's so hard to change my diet.

I love licking my teeth after I've just brushed them.

I hate when the display on my watch isn't on the top of my wrist. I hate the feeling of it when it gets spun to the inside somehow.

When I take a shower, I wash my entire body with one kind of soap, and then again with a different kind (this may not be uncommon...I have no idea).

I crack my knuckles a lot.

I think it's cute when my girlfriend farts.

When I let my pets out, I always say goodbye to them, and tell them I love them. So in case something happens to them, I don't feel like I never got to say goodbye or anything (I usually do this with family members too).

Sometimes I get really quiet and uncomfortable around people. Not necessarily my friends or anything. I just usually have a hard time talking to people that I don't know very well. Sometimes it screws up my breathing, and I'll get so out of breath before I inhale again. I have no idea why.

I like ketchup, A LOT. I put so much ketchup on some foods.

BBQ is really good too.

I don't like to eat soft foods, because they make me gag.

I judge people way too quickly.

I almost always sleep with a fan on, even if my room is cold.

Sometimes I meow to my cat, hoping that he'll meow back.

I'm too nice to people, even when they don't deserve it.

I have a habit of not listening to people when they talk. And sometimes I think it's obvious, because I reply with "Yea..."

I always tap my hands and feet to music that I'm listening to.

Wearing mis-matched socks is for the birds.

I hate wearing a long sleeve shirt if it doesn't come all the way up to my wrists.

I have no problem with stealing from big companies.

In all of my web design, and Flash classes, I made my projects so over-the-top good, and went so far beyond the minimum requirements. Just to make everybody else know that I'm the best in class.

I try not to lie to anybody, ever. Especially my girlfriend and parents.

I go out of my way a lot to help people, even when they don't deserve it.

I don't call things 'gay', because I think it's really dumb. But if I hate somebody, or find somebody annoying, I'll refer to them as a 'fag'. Although I don't do that much anymore.

I love to clean my ears with q-tips. It's seriously one of the best feelings there is.

I can't stand it when people have messy handwriting.

I HATE one of my roommates, and everybody he hangs out with. There's a certain type of person that I just cannot stand, and one of my roommates and all his friends embody everything I hate in people. They're all so fucking stupid. They roll their own cigarettes, play Halo like it's the best videogame in the world. Things that are 'cool' or 'awesome' are instead 'sick'. They're so immature and useless. Although I really like one of my other roommates, they're both so loud in the morning. They both have class at 8 in the morning, and my earliest class isn't til 11 on MWF, and 1 on Tues and Thur. As soon as they wake up at 7:30, they're so loud. Slamming their drawers, inviting their stupid friends in and being loud while I'm still trying to sleep. Absolutely no regard for anything. Adam, the roomie I loathe, NEVER locks the door when he leaves. Shit gets stolen so much at my school. I can almost guarantee that if I never locked my door for a week, something would get stolen. The next time I come back to the room, and he left it unlocked, I'm taking my laptop and hiding it in a friend's room for a day and saying it got stolen, and hopefully he'll get the picture. Fucking idiot.

I look at girls' asses...a lot. But I'd never, ever cheat on my girlfriend.

And above all else, I'm addicted to the internet.

And I'm tired.
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:35 PM   #2
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I felt compelled to post on this one. Good topic... I have some things in common but others are quite the opposite.

I also like ketchup alot. However I don't really eat ketchup on more things than normal people, just more ketchup on the things I do eat it on. People who eat ketchup on eggs are weird. However, I'm very weird in my own rite.

Sometimes, I'm relatively clean, and sometimes I'm just gross. I seldom shower 2 days in row but don't like to go a long time without. Occasionally it does end up being longer than I like, I must confess.

I smoke too much pot.

I sometimes use pot as an excuse for why I'm so lazy, and while it does make me lazier, I have always been a lazy person.

I eat mostly fast food, except when my girlfriend cooks because I am helpless in a kitchen.

I hate when people don't give music I listen to a chance, but sometimes do the same with other peoples music.

I have bad teeth because I never took good care of them. And yet I still only brush them in the morning.

I can't sing in front of people (because I know how bad it is) but I sing to every song I know (even if it sucks) while I'm driving.

When my girlfriend does something I don't like, I mope. Then when she asks me what's wrong I can't tell her because I don't want to upset her as well.

While I've gotten better with my money, I still could stand to prioritize a little more. I just bought a ticket to see Rage Against the Machine in July and I owe the IRS several hundred dollars from 2004 plus I owe my mom over a grand. I still don't even know how I'm getting to the show which is in New York. That will surely cost me a lot more.

My car is sitting in the back of my apartment with a broken out window and a spare tire, where it has been for months. I just use my work truck for everything. Haven't bought gas since my car got broken into.

I don't like to eat food that is inconsistent, as in soft food with crunchy parts like a dough nut with sprinkles, or almost anything with nuts.

I very seldom eat vegetables.

I can sometimes be messy but hate when people pick up after me.

There's much more that I may or may not post when I think of it...
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:35 PM   #3
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I hate when the ends of my socks get crooked, I need the toe seem to go straight across my toes, if it gets messed up, I have to take my shoe off to fix it.
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Old 04-02-2007, 11:14 PM   #4
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i refuse to cut my fingernails by any other method than chewing them.
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Old 04-03-2007, 12:26 AM   #5
hex can see my boobs

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I cannot sleep with the television or the radio on, not even if it’s some Buddhist yoga meditation music. I need silence to fall asleep.

I like the rain better than the sunshine.

I don’t watch television; I’ll only watch a TV show if you really want me to and you have it on DVD so that I can watch it all. I refuse to be sucked into 24 or Heroes just in case I actually do like it and adopt this desperation for Monday night television. I hate that lifestyle.

I eat ketchup on my eggs! And on my grilled cheese sandwiches.

I can’t stand living away from the beach, but I’m not a fan of swimming by myself…probably because I’m afraid of sharks and I’m a weak swimmer.

I have never played tennis in my life.

I don’t date due to emotional involvement with someone 2200 miles away.

I love my dog, but I’m not really interested in meeting anyone else’s.

I hate tartar sauce and any other mayo based goo. Okay, really I hate mayonnaise. Period. HATE. HATE. HATE. I also hate black licorice and maraschino cherries.

I haven’t smoked weed since August 2005 and I haven’t been a cigarette smoker since August 2006 (after a two month relapse).

How can people stand it when their socks are inside-out? Especially if just one is inside-out?

I hate talking on the phone unless there is a plan to be made or something important to be said. This is unfortunate since I live so far away from friends who always want to “catch up.” Write me a damn letter, I am a busy busy girl.

People who are loudly overly opinionated annoy the shit out of me.

I love Nascar (#48!). And football (Broncos, UCLA & UA). And even baseball (Dodgers!). Basketball can fuck off.

I am a serious morning person. A seven am wake up call is me sleeping in, but by eight pm I’m toast. Thus, I drink much much much too much coffee.

I wash my hands compulsively and usually end up brushing my teeth about five times a day.

I am seriously anal about my grades. Anything below an A is a failure. I know it doesn’t matter, but I had a bad childhood experience that made me much too hard on myself.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:01 AM   #6
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I hate talking on my cell phone in public. If I'm in line at the bank or something, and my phone rings, regardless of who it is, I will reject the call.

And in regards to Liss' post, I'm a closet Nascar fan. Nascar was more prominent than religion in my household when I was growing up. My dad was also a racecar driver. Although I don't do it often, I can sit and watch an entire race, and get into it. The last 20 laps of a race always get my heart pounding. (Liss, you must have been pleased with Jimmie Johnson this past weekend at Martinsville {any and all Nascar discussion ends here})

I stay up way too late.

Not sure if I mentioned this one, but, I've never smoked pot.

I hate anime, and people that like it.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:20 AM   #7
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im not good of thinking of stuff till i see some one else already said it so..

i also pick my nails and the skin around my nails... i dont know anyone else who does that so glad jesse does so im not all alone on that. i however think biting your nails is pretty grosse.

i also cant sleep with a tv or radio on. actually i take that back AM talk radio will knock me out, since my grandpa used to always listen to it as he went to sleep when i was sleeping over his house as a kid. on a related note its not required but deffinetly prefered that i have a fan on while i sleep. preferable pointed at my head since i tend to overheat for some strange reason when i fall asleep/am really tired. mainly though the noise just helps me sleep. maybe becuase it drowns out all other background noise.

i wont drink after you, ever. i always turn the tab on my soda can to the side so i can identify my drink amongst others. if i forget to turn my tab and walk away from my soda, no matter how sure i am about wich ones mine i wont drink it. im even reluctant to drink after my girlfriend, wich is weird since ive got all her germs anyway. (hiv?)

i use the word soda instead of pop (the prefered term in my region). mainly becuase i got tired of getting crap about it when out of state. the word "pop" just sounds weird to me now when i say it.
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:54 AM   #8
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Here's a few more in some response to some of your guys'.

I also only chew my fingernails, never cut.

I can't sleep without a fan and actually, I have a hard time going to sleep if the TV isn't on. Thank god for a sleep timer.

All my socks are white but I still have to find a pair or they feel wierd all day. Additionally finding a specific pair can be a bitch when they all pretty much look the same.

I always said "pop" when I was young but say "soda" now even though I haven't left this general area for more than a week and a half at a time. I couldn't tell you what most people around here call it.
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Old 04-03-2007, 01:39 PM   #9
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I check my bank account several times a day online, when I know there have been absolutely no changes since the last time I checked.

If I'm expecting a package, I check the mailbox neurotically, sometimes I have to fight myself to not check it twice in the same day, despite the fact that I know there is no chance of it arriving.

I won't drink/eat after almost anyone. But I will let you drink after me, but don't give it back to me.

I wash my hands almost anytime I walk by a sink and noone is watching. If I don't, I feel like I have grease on my hands (which could very well be the case).
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Old 04-03-2007, 01:59 PM   #10

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I'm the most fidgety person in the world. My hands always need to be busy.

I used to only wear socks inside out because the stupid seam is on the retarded is that?? I have since caved to social pressures.

I like having the TV on in my apartment, even when I'm not watching it. It makes me feel less lonely.

I'm very itchy. I'm very clean and free of insects...but I itch a lot.

I love kissing, but I get annoyed when someone kisses me. I just don't like having someone all up in my shit like that...don't know why.

I can't touch my eyes, or let anyone else touch them. Just can't.

I eat very symmetrically.

I do everything to a chewing, sex, walking. I really really hate being "off".

If I touch the little groove between my finger nail and skin, I have to touch every one. Two sides per finger. Or I go insane.

I'm harsh and sarcastic and cutting...but I'm also just about the nicest person I know. I love animals and I love being in love, I like flowers and nature and rainbows.

I'm very "want what I can't have" oriented and I hate it. As soon as it's clear that I don't have to try anymore, I'm done.

I have this nervous tick where I make a fist, hold it to my mouth, and inhale deeply through the fist. It's very idea why I do it.

If I see anything in meat that reminds me that i used to be alive, I can't eat it. I order expensive steak medium-well.

I don't like sending food back.

I'm much goofier and more silly than you would think by looking at me.

I want tattoos so badly, but I'm far too indecisive to pick one.

I just bought world of warcraft the other day, even though I know I'll probably stop playing in 2 weeks.

More to come. I'm fucked up.
I like the things I do, so hooray for me...and fuck you!
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Old 04-03-2007, 02:03 PM   #11
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i like my steak rare. i sometimes pretend im biting the side of a cows ass, as i chew my food. im borderline carnivorous, i enjoy eating foods i know used to be alive. i also love vegetables, but i hate fruit.

Last edited by heX : 04-03-2007 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 04-03-2007, 02:20 PM   #12

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I love fruits and vegetables. And I have a wicked sweet tooth.
I like the things I do, so hooray for me...and fuck you!
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:09 PM   #13
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I hate it when people scrape their teeth on their fork or makes my skin crawl.

I love the smells of exhaust and gasoline. I don't like the smell of vanilla candles.

I like bananas plain before the get ripe. After they're ripe, they're only good to go in cereals and smoothies.

I can't do any sort of math. I can't budget. I can't even keep my checkbook balanced; I have spent hundreds of dollars this year in overdraft fees.
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Old 04-03-2007, 07:48 PM   #14

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I hate, hate, hate, FUCKING HATE being poked. Don't EVER poke me. It used to be so bad that I would involuntarily punch people after they poked me. I've gained more control over it, so I don't do that anymore, but it still makes me mad with rage. Today at Hoss's the stupid bitch waitress poked me, TWICE, and it took ALL my willpower not to shove her across the restaurant with a tray of dirty dishes in her hands.

I love the smell of gasoline, not oil.

I am 100% drug free and have been my entire life. I have never tasted alcohol, never smoked, chewed, snorted, or injected anything.

I'm always exhausted at work because I don't get enough sleep. Every day I promise myself that I will go to bed way early that night, but when the time comes I just can't do it, even if I am still physically tired. If I'm not working or otherwise engaged with something, I want to be doing stuff instead of sleeping. So I stay up late and hate myself the next morning.

I am hopelessly addicted to coke slushies from Sheetz. I drink a 44 oz slushie on average of 3 times a week, and have done so for years.

I'm a spendthrift when it comes to entertainment media, including but not limited to games, DVDs, magazines, manga, comics, books, and electronic devices that I don't even need/use. I have a backlog of video games (many of which are still sealed) that would probably amount to $1000+ because if I see something I want, I buy it even if I know I won't have time to play or watch it anytime soon. I can't help myself, though I have gotten better with this as I grow older and understand the value of money more.

I sweat more than most people and therefore use a LOT of deodarant, going so far as to keep a stick at my job as well as my house. If I don't use deodarant at least twice a day, my armpits start to feel sticky and it annoys the ever-loving shit out of me.

I still love and cherish many of my childhood infatuations, including Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers (the original Rangers, not this Light Speed or Dino Thunder bullshit or whatever), and movies such as A Goofy Movie. I don't care if it makes me childish or immature.

In fact, I don't care at all what people think of me and the things I like. I like the things I do, so hooray for me and fuck you!

More to come when I think of them.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:47 PM   #15
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i devote way too much time trying to get to know people online that i realistically can never be close real-life friends with
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Old 04-03-2007, 09:48 PM   #16
F a C e

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Like Hex, I'm having trouble thinking of my own. I know I've got a lot, but they don't all come to me at once. Guess I'll start by posting the ones I have in common with others:

I sweat a lot. When I work out, I might not be very exhausted, but will be sweating profusely. I guess it's because I drink so much water, or genetics..

I love fruits and vegetables, and also have a sweet tooth.

I eat very symmetrically.

I do MANY things to a beat, but not everything. If I hear a rhythm somewhere, I "beat" to it, or take the beat and try to syncopate it somehow.

I check my bank account several times a day online, when I know there have been absolutely no changes since the last time I checked.

If I'm expecting a package, I check the mailbox neurotically, sometimes I have to fight myself to not check it twice in the same day, despite the fact that I know there is no chance of it arriving. It's odd, even after years of ordering things online, I'm still overly skeptical and paranoid.

I need dead silence almost in order to fall asleep. I can and do sleep with a fan on sometimes. I can't fall asleep when I am hot, but if I'm cold I can because I can get warm. I absolutely HATE losing sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I just feel like shit the next day.

I hate mayonnaise and anything mayonnaise-related. The one exception would be my mom's ranch dressing (she makes it with mayonnaise, dunno if all recipes call for it).

I actually do brush my teeth after every meal/snack.

I'm neat, organized, cleanly, but not compulsively so.

I prefer to plan ahead, but accept that there is always a degree of uncertainty. I prepare my clothes for the next day the night before, just because I know I won't feel like choosing what to wear in the morning. I'm not obsessive about what I wear at all, though. Usually takes about 1 minute to find what I'll wear.

I'm a damn good shower-singer.

I chew both finger and toenails (just kidding, but I did sometimes as a kid...ya, I was a gross-but-flexible little bastard). I used to eat my boogers, too!!

I always tap my hands and feet to music that I'm listening to.

People who are loudly overly opinionated annoy the shit out of me.

I dislike those that are loud and belligerent, those that don't have any respect or regard for others in their immediate surroundings.

I dislike people that don't pull their own at work.

I dislike accents (especially Boston and southern accents) but know that I have a slight one, myself.

I keep my watch face oriented at the BOTTOM of my wrist, and also don't like when it tilts in either direction.

I meow at my cats too. They're both really vocal and meow back. My cats > your cats.

I try my best to not be judgmental. If I dislike you, I'll still be respectful to you, and will still consider what you have to say without judging first or jumping to conclusions. If you disrespect me, then you'll be treated the same.

I never eat fast food, ever. This wasn't always the case. I've really cleaned up my diet in the past 2 years. I exercise daily and take good care of my body, but am not a calorie freak or obsessive health nut, by any means.

I drink water and milk only. I probably drink a gallon of water a day or more.

I don't like laziness but am sometimes guilty of it.

I don't want to get old and don't like being reminded of my mortality. I don't like seeing my blood for this reason.

My two greatest fears in life are spiders and surgery. The thought of my body being cut open and my insides being manipulated just strikes some nerve. I think if I was faced with major surgery or dying, I would rather die.

That's all I got for now. I know I'll think of more.. good topic.
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:37 PM   #17

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By the way Subsy, I sure as hell hope your Hoss' is better than the branch where I am. Refuse to eat there ever again.

Maybe I'll post again and actually stay on topic.
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:03 AM   #18
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I have a freckle on my right palm:

I also sleep with my cat.
And have ugly sheets on the bed at my parents' house. The 400-tc I got for my apartment this summer match that bed much better.
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:04 AM   #19
i'm horny for hex

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I'm a bitch.
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Old 04-04-2007, 02:32 AM   #20
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That freckle is so fucking cute.
And so is the fact that you sleep with your cat.

I love the bond I have with my cat. It's like he likes to spend time with me whenever I'm home from school. While I was living at home, I'd be sitting in my computer chair, and my cat would come up and put his paws up on my leg. I'd pat my thigh and he'd jump up in my lap and lay there for hours, purring. Now, whenever I'm home from school, if I'm sitting in my computer chair using my laptop or something, he'll jump up in my lap and make himself comfy. He loves being around people so much. Sometimes he sleeps in the bathroom, curled up on the throw rug in front of the bathtub, and if somebody comes in and turns on the light to use the bathroom, he'll start purring. I love it.

Back on topic:
When I go to the gym, I can't stop running on the treadmill until I've reached a complete minute, or mile. I could be at 1.75 miles and have the worst cramps in the world, and I'd force myself to go to 2 miles.

I hate explaining to people how to do things on a computer, because I lose my patience so fast. Like if they try to double click something, and they didn't click fast enough, I HAVE to tell them "You didn't click it fast enough." Or when people double click a link on a web page. There's a lot of other things, but, I can't think of them right now.

And now, a picture of my cat standing on my (glass) mouse pad. And a picture of him looking out my window.
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