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Old 01-18-2010, 10:34 AM   #15
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squirrels2nuts is on a distinguished road
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I'd be able to shoot lightening bolts out from my fingertips - great big Knowledge Network Documentary bolts - and when a person was zapped by one of these bolts, they'd fall down on their knees, and once on their knees, they'd be underwater, in this place I saw once off the east coast of the Bahamas, a place where a billion electric blue fish swam up to me and made me a part of their school - and then they'd be up in the air, up in Manhattan, up above where the World Trade Center was, with a flock of pigeons, flying amongst the skyscrapers, and then - and then what? And then they'd go blind, and then they'd be taken away - they'd feel homesick - more homesick then they have felt in their entire life - so homesick they were throwing up - and they'd be abandoned, I don't the middle of a harvested corn feild in Missouri. And then they'd be able to see again, and from the edges of the field people would begin to appear - everybody they'd ever known - and they'd be carrying Black Forest cakes and burning tiki lamps and boom boxes playing the same wonderful song, and the sky would turn into a sunset, the way it does in Walt Disney World brochures, and that person that I zapped would never ever be isolated or alone again.
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