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Old 11-23-2005, 03:53 PM   #5
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another semester of college and i'm done. i still need to find an internship, i have one place interested right now but what they want me to do sounds way over my head. i wish college was another year longer and i went to a better college.

the last 2 weeks I have been sicker than I ever have in my life. i'm just now getting better. talking still is a bitch though.

i'm looking forward to starting good-evil again, i dont feel near as productive without having to do it every week.

me and the gf are at 3.5 years. woo!

i don't want to actually work for a living. i want me life to be office space.

games i played recently and recommend: silent hill 2, silent hill 3, kirby canvas curse, castlevania: aria of sorrow.

books i read recently and recommend if you have interest in history (IE i was forced to read these but they were good books): Execution by Hunger (about the starvation of non-collective farmers and collective farmers in the Soviet Union under Stalin) and Defying Hitler (the advent of Nazism through the eyes of a young citizen and his fight to survive).

music i've been listening to that i would recommend: silent hill 2 soundtrack, hum - you'd prefer and astronaut, anthrax - the greater of two evils, nine inch nails - the fragile, and the last 3 queens of the stone age albums

movies: walk the line was a pretty great movie. creepshow 2 was a shitt-tay sequel (what's the trashbag doing in the water!? oh my god, it's alive and it eats people!!).
__________________ - ahh, wade boggs...goes down smooth.
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