Thread: Annoyances
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Old 08-17-2005, 05:23 PM   #1
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what's bothering you today?

- my job calls me today after saying i'm off till sunday and expects me to work 35 hours over the next 3 days. i said "i'm not sure if i can" and they told me i HAVE to. i'm still not sure how i have to...

- i nearly wrecked my car the other day because someone in a turning lane in Lancaster decided to dart out of it in middle of turning the opposite way, without looking. being that he was turning right into me, i had to swerve as hard as i could to the right, skidding across a rocky part of the pavement and nearly slamming into a giant SUV (it had to be inches from multi-car collision). i've been in numerous wrecks and yet the stupidity of this guy led to the most frightening driving experience of my life.

- my good-evil design is not turning out at all the way i want it to. i hate CSS, and i hate tables. at this rate, it's never gonna get finished.

/end bitch
__________________ - ahh, wade boggs...goes down smooth.
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