Thread: Pride NYC
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Old 06-29-2005, 12:34 AM   #45
Plain Old Jane
i hate vagina
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-continued from last post-

Also on the anthropology of marriage and definition thereof:

"Precise definitions vary historically and between and within cultures, but it has been an important concept as a socially sanctioned bond in a sexual relationship. Globally, societies that sanction polygamy as a form of marriage are far less common than those that do not and monogamy is overwhelmingly most widely practiced, followed distantly by polygyny, which is found primarily in tribal cultures; other marriage arrangements are extremely rare. Since the latter decades of the 20th century many of society's assumptions about the nature and purpose of marriage and family have been challenged"

"Other unusual variations include marriage between a living human and a ghost (Taiwan), two or more dead people (Mormonism), a living human and a recently-deceased human with whom they were emotionally involved (France), and between a human being and God (Catholic and Orthodox monasticism)."

The whole religious reasons just ring a tad BS to me. They say between a man and a woman for reproductive reasonings, but by that reasoning, sterile people, post op transsexuals, and full and partial AIS (XY chromosomal, context is visibly female marrying male, most full AIS dont know they are XY.) sufferers shouldnt be able to marry, but they are.
By the same token. AIS suffers who wish to marry females are not allower even though by court law they're considered male in some states. Or Post Ops who want to marry another female even though by some state laws they're considered male. (though thankfully, one can have a new birth cert issued and have your records sealed so that sort of thing wont be a problem.)

anyway, back to the definition of marriage:
"Couples usually seek social sanction for their marriages, and many societies require official approval of a religious or civil body. Sociologists thus distinguish between a marriage ceremony conducted under the auspices of a religion and a state-sanctioned civil marriage."

"Under the principle of church-state separation, libertarians criticize the government regulation of and the state's involvement in marriage, because many now consider marriage a religious institution. The libertarian view is that if government must recognize marriage at all, it should be treated as a contract like any other between two freely consenting parties, which would essentially reduce family law to a subset of contract law. The religious aspects should remain the province of one's church and that church's ecclesiastical courts (if it has them). Relatively new legal developments like palimony have already tilted certain governments slightly in this direction."

stfu, hex

In conclusion, xenosaga in my opinion is... too pretty... too many animations, too many characters, too much unexplained minutia, too much minutia in general. I like minutia, but dayum...

Times are changing, and we arent THAT far from segregation, slavery, and the absence of womens rights, why should we stop when we're so close to utopia and true equality that the USA was founded to enact, true equality, true freedom, true class mobility.

::resists saying anything about how the bushies' are taking that all away through legislative consolidation and striking up the bickering between the religious right and liberal left::
(hes not even republican anymore, he's trancended politics into pure evil...)

dont ever tell me i dunno what I'm talking about...
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.
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