Thread: Pride NYC
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Old 06-28-2005, 08:07 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Baboinga
fyi gay marriage isn't legal in all of canada, it's only legal in one or two provinces. And not my redneck province, our premier states SPECIFICALLY that he would fight the law heatedly to make sure that Alberta doesn't get gay marriage.
i think the bill on same-sex marriage (bill c-38 i think it's called...?) will be passed without much trouble, because the liberals are working with the ndp and the bloc quebecois, so things will be different soon. ralph klein and stephen harper will probably keep on bitching and moaning about it, but they're a pair idiots. (in fact, yesterday stephen harper was saying that if the bill passed it would lack legitimacy because the liberals are working with the bloc, who really have no interest in canada--just quebec. which is somewhat true, but right now they're still all canadians, and harper and the conservatives worked with the bloc to try to topple the government in april and may. i guess it's only lacks legitimacy if somebody other than stephen harper votes with the bloc!)
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