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Old 04-14-2007, 01:10 PM   #20
Lurker II
Junior Member

Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 29
Lurker II is on a distinguished road
I like coming here once every blue fucking moon. Because even though I am not missed or am very probably even entirely disregarded, it's a change of pace from the places I go often on the interweb.

I carry my toothbrush and a thing of toothpaste most anywhere I go. I love brushing my teeth.

I drink...a lot. I can be the most pleasant drunk guy ever or the worst drunk to deal with. I don't puke, I black out.

If I'm going somewhere, I make the decision based on what kind of place it is and how many people I know well enough and are comfortable with will be there. I want to meet new people but I hate straying away from my inner circle of friends. I make plans with people outside that and sometimes find myself breaking the plans without thinking about it.

I am not stupid but I'm not motivated to do many things that would be good for me. Such as getting schoolwork done on time and with my best effort. I hate it but old habits are hard to kill. I smoked way too much weed in high school and it killed a lot of what I was. I used to play sports and all that. I wish I still did that as well but it gets harder n harder as you get older. I wish I got more exercise of some sort, cause I don't wanna be fat...EVER.

When I drive and I'm listening to something, NOBODY touches it.

I still chew my nails and cuticles...been trying to stop for years. I think the longest I've gone without at least picking at something on my nails has been a week in my whole life.

I wear the same thing everyday which I'm getting bored with but I don't know what else I'd wear. It'd be awkward not only for me, but for other people. I have one pair of shorts, a few pairs of jeans, a billion white shirts, and a Jawbreaker hoodie I wear everyday. I think the thing that changes most is my socks. I got all these argyle dress socks from a dollar store I love. They're so comfy.

I'm bad with money. I have gotten better over the years but I have a hard time saving or spending it on things that I SHOULD be spending it on.

I hate how much I use the internet to kill boredom because there's a whole world out there. I like the people I talk to online a lot but I wish I could cut it all off and not have any connection to it. At this point that's not possible though. It's weird.

I wish I'd read books. I used to a lot, but I kinda stopped. Every month or two I get the motivation to go to the truckstop and sit there getting coffee refills for like 3 hours reading a book. I'm a slow reader though. Currently I'm reading Cash (Johnny Cash Autobiography) and have been for over half a year and I'm like half through. I don't lose place though. I remember what's happened.

I get randomly anxious about certain things. Recently I got way anxious when I realized I'd been spending 20 bucks a month on netflix and had Waking Life, Commando, and Blade Runner from it since October. I have since watched like 4 more movies from it but I dont' know how I justify it.

I love to drive so much that gas prices almost don't matter to just kills to have to spend 40 bucks to fill my tank. I sing in the car too, and I have a pretty good singing voice and I definitely know my range.

I would kill to be able to play guitar but I don't have the motivation to teach myself cause I don't know where to start or anything and I have a pretty full schedule so fitting lessons in wouldn't work so well right now.

I used to psychotically wash my hands but I've gotten more reasonable about it. They don't dry and crack unless it's winter anymore.

I snore very loudly and grind my teeth very loudly. Everyone I have slept in the same room as at one time or another has told me it has kept them awake. One or the other.

I also don't get enough sleep even when I know I need it. I know if I go to lay down I probably will lie away anxious as fuck anyway.

And I love my cats. They're so awesome. My mom tells me one of them wanders around the house meowing while I'm gone. The other is more of her buddy but he's warmed up to me lots lately. I can whistle and they'll come. The cat that's more my buddy (Sabretooth) is a big baby. He meows back when I meow at him. I feel HORRIBLE when I leave the house cause he ALWAYS makes a break for the door and I throw him back and as I close the door and look back to say goodbye to him he looks so sad as he meows. He like meows with a vibratto. They both love to play lots too, but I think the other one doesn't trust me as much because I once very stupidly tossed him backward onto a big pile of cushions when he was a wee lad.

I keep thinking of more as I read through your lists...and I'm not through page 1 yet. I should stop.
And holy shit. Bomer lives less than an hour away from here.

Last edited by Lurker II : 04-14-2007 at 01:42 PM.
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