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Old 04-03-2007, 09:48 PM   #15
F a C e

Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 60
F a C e is on a distinguished road
Like Hex, I'm having trouble thinking of my own. I know I've got a lot, but they don't all come to me at once. Guess I'll start by posting the ones I have in common with others:

I sweat a lot. When I work out, I might not be very exhausted, but will be sweating profusely. I guess it's because I drink so much water, or genetics..

I love fruits and vegetables, and also have a sweet tooth.

I eat very symmetrically.

I do MANY things to a beat, but not everything. If I hear a rhythm somewhere, I "beat" to it, or take the beat and try to syncopate it somehow.

I check my bank account several times a day online, when I know there have been absolutely no changes since the last time I checked.

If I'm expecting a package, I check the mailbox neurotically, sometimes I have to fight myself to not check it twice in the same day, despite the fact that I know there is no chance of it arriving. It's odd, even after years of ordering things online, I'm still overly skeptical and paranoid.

I need dead silence almost in order to fall asleep. I can and do sleep with a fan on sometimes. I can't fall asleep when I am hot, but if I'm cold I can because I can get warm. I absolutely HATE losing sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I just feel like shit the next day.

I hate mayonnaise and anything mayonnaise-related. The one exception would be my mom's ranch dressing (she makes it with mayonnaise, dunno if all recipes call for it).

I actually do brush my teeth after every meal/snack.

I'm neat, organized, cleanly, but not compulsively so.

I prefer to plan ahead, but accept that there is always a degree of uncertainty. I prepare my clothes for the next day the night before, just because I know I won't feel like choosing what to wear in the morning. I'm not obsessive about what I wear at all, though. Usually takes about 1 minute to find what I'll wear.

I'm a damn good shower-singer.

I chew both finger and toenails (just kidding, but I did sometimes as a kid...ya, I was a gross-but-flexible little bastard). I used to eat my boogers, too!!

I always tap my hands and feet to music that I'm listening to.

People who are loudly overly opinionated annoy the shit out of me.

I dislike those that are loud and belligerent, those that don't have any respect or regard for others in their immediate surroundings.

I dislike people that don't pull their own at work.

I dislike accents (especially Boston and southern accents) but know that I have a slight one, myself.

I keep my watch face oriented at the BOTTOM of my wrist, and also don't like when it tilts in either direction.

I meow at my cats too. They're both really vocal and meow back. My cats > your cats.

I try my best to not be judgmental. If I dislike you, I'll still be respectful to you, and will still consider what you have to say without judging first or jumping to conclusions. If you disrespect me, then you'll be treated the same.

I never eat fast food, ever. This wasn't always the case. I've really cleaned up my diet in the past 2 years. I exercise daily and take good care of my body, but am not a calorie freak or obsessive health nut, by any means.

I drink water and milk only. I probably drink a gallon of water a day or more.

I don't like laziness but am sometimes guilty of it.

I don't want to get old and don't like being reminded of my mortality. I don't like seeing my blood for this reason.

My two greatest fears in life are spiders and surgery. The thought of my body being cut open and my insides being manipulated just strikes some nerve. I think if I was faced with major surgery or dying, I would rather die.

That's all I got for now. I know I'll think of more.. good topic.
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