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Optimus Funk 09-01-2006 12:01 AM

New Job for your buddy Optimus!
I still have to do a drug test, and then pass a background check but I am a fucking shoe it, my interview was so amazing, I really cant wait till I start sometime within the next two week. I am gonna solve all your alergen problems and then some without fucking pills god damn pharmaceutical companies! EAT SHIT! I am Outie Mousie!

GT2000 09-01-2006 01:27 PM


I am gonna solve all your alergen problems and then some without fucking pills god damn pharmaceutical companies!
So..uh, what's this job exactly, a, umm..medicine man or some shit?

johnny 09-01-2006 05:47 PM

maybe he'll practice tcm and be an acupuncturist/herbalist

Optimus Funk 09-02-2006 06:22 PM

Wow, I totally didn't think I was that tipsy, that is barely legible, and no I am not going to be an herbalist, or acupuncturist. I would love to be a witchdoctor/medicine man! But unfortunately the job is at my local hospital's(which is a huge hospital) Alergy Lab.

GT2000 09-02-2006 07:40 PM

Wow, exactly the place that you shouldn't of been hired to work at!

Optimus Funk 09-03-2006 02:24 AM

and that is why I didnt put you on my background checklist!, Beacuse you dont believe in me!

johnny 09-03-2006 07:40 AM

how about you get a job at a beeferoni canning factory?

Optimus Funk 09-03-2006 08:57 AM

All I gotta say Johnny....Internal Theft

thecreeper 09-05-2006 05:50 PM

more like Eternal Heft!

you'd weigh like 300 pounds by the end of the year.

but yeah.

how you got a real job at this point is beyond me. and i swear to god, if i see you working at kmart again...

johnny 09-05-2006 06:34 PM

i'm sure optimus has it all figured out.

raublekick 09-05-2006 06:43 PM

please, don't give him that much credit.

Optimus Funk 09-06-2006 12:02 AM

I totally put my two weeks in, creeper, and please give me lots of credit, I want to buy a house..Haha get it? get it!

GT2000 09-06-2006 10:16 AM


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