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thecreeper 08-17-2005 05:23 PM

what's bothering you today?

- my job calls me today after saying i'm off till sunday and expects me to work 35 hours over the next 3 days. i said "i'm not sure if i can" and they told me i HAVE to. i'm still not sure how i have to...

- i nearly wrecked my car the other day because someone in a turning lane in Lancaster decided to dart out of it in middle of turning the opposite way, without looking. being that he was turning right into me, i had to swerve as hard as i could to the right, skidding across a rocky part of the pavement and nearly slamming into a giant SUV (it had to be inches from multi-car collision). i've been in numerous wrecks and yet the stupidity of this guy led to the most frightening driving experience of my life.

- my good-evil design is not turning out at all the way i want it to. i hate CSS, and i hate tables. at this rate, it's never gonna get finished.

/end bitch

sharkz 08-17-2005 06:07 PM

well, you could always ditch the design shit altogether and just make good-evil a gopher hole :)

raublekick 08-17-2005 06:58 PM

millersville fucked my schedule up and i might have to choose ebtween being a full time student or my job.

and some dude broke into my car and tried to play it off all smooth when i saw him.

thecreeper 08-17-2005 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by sharkz
well, you could always ditch the design shit altogether and just make good-evil a gopher hole :)

i've read this like 4 times now and i still don't know what the hell you mean by that.

johnny 08-17-2005 08:46 PM

don't hate css, creeper. css is your friend.

sharkz 08-17-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
i've read this like 4 times now and i still don't know what the hell you mean by that.

thecreeper 08-17-2005 10:16 PM

i know johnny, usually i really like it, but it just can't do what i want it too, and there really is no way for it to do it unless i use an obscene amount of hacks which wont work on all platforms or javascript (neither of which i want to do).

and sharkz...fuck i wasn't even thinking that. i kept thinking the literal meaning. my mind has been distracted too much today.

Plain Old Jane 08-18-2005 01:54 PM

-I sent off my medical records for college and I thought everything was peachy, but they fucking lost it. I've been darting around to all my medical places assembling records in a jiff cuz moving day is just a week away.

-I caught and summarily killed Mono within a few weeks, but not before I suffered horribly by sleeping all but 10 minutes a day and wishing I was dead for all of that time. My neck swelled up and I was generally Icky. Mono is like your worst enemy shrinking himself down and injecting himself into, multiplying 30 times and beating the holy shit out of you from the inside. s'crap.

-My best friend has been a total cunt to me, so I dont know if I can continue our friendship as it has been if it continues...

-Along with mono came a depression and that sucked. Like total ass depression that debilitates you.

-I'm envious of those 30 year old people in their moms basement playing WoW all day cuz they dont have to worry about shit. But I just HAVE to be successful in my life. Damn aspirations...

johnny 08-18-2005 03:37 PM

ass depression? that does sound debilitating.

raublekick 08-18-2005 07:00 PM

no no, ass perspiration


heX 08-18-2005 10:00 PM

just read the subject line (and only that) and felt i should reply. dont worry everyone im still here!

johnny 08-19-2005 07:02 AM

hex lol

GT2000 08-20-2005 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by raublekick
no no, ass perspiration



Plain Old Jane 08-20-2005 11:55 AM

yea, you guys get the idea. ^_^

I wanna add one more tho.

-I was the focus of an attempt to convert me to amway. Of course, they're called quixstar now. My first clue, they replaced all the appliances and disposable items in their house with Quixstar products. They endorsed going to "business meetings" every thursday and buying motovational materials and purchasing a 'starter package' that would make a me an "Independant Business Owner." First of all, they never mentioned amway when I listened to the pitch, tho I can understand why. The business meetings are not business meetings, they're more like cult sermons where you go every week to hear how successful SOME people get, you buy motovational tapes and books made by the top sellers which make up 3/4 of their income. They were actually under investigation for cult-like activities because of the way people changed when they joined. They got rid of their other possesions and bought all amway, tried to convert all their friends, and distanced themselves (under direction from the people above you in the pyramid scheme.) from their friends and family who spoke evilly of amway. Secondly, they call you an independant business owner, but there is no business becuase you arent selling anything, you're just replacing your shit with it and trying to get your friends to as well, you're dependant on your upline (people above you) for products and motovation and training, so you're not independant, and you dont own anything because you arent a direct seller.

They're also investigated for antitrust laws, pyramid scheme-like behavior, and currently the owners cheated canada out of 28,000,000 dollars of which they've only paid back 25mil so they cannot be extridited. The groups openly endorse everything that is conservatively christian in america nowadays, including giving heavily to the republican party, praying at "business meetings," and openly hating homosexuals. I read about a marginally successful homosexual who had to leave amway due to the flack he was getting from his compatriots.

If any of you ever do any of this, I will stab you in the throat.

I'm sorry, that really chaps my persperated ass...

Stormy 08-21-2005 04:19 PM

Fucking decongestant medicine head!

malta 08-25-2005 11:48 PM

Obsessive compulsive disorder is real fucking annoying. I'm just gonna have to save my money and get the fuck out of Buffalo.

edit: don't hold me to that

thecreeper 08-25-2005 11:54 PM

i hear that tristan.

and getting hassled at work for taking a day off after i did THEM a favor and worked two 10 hour days in a row on no notice is real annoying.

"So Zach, your excuse was that you just werent going to be here because you were going on a trip? You said you would work, and you didnt even come in for the training..."

I also said that before you dicked me into two shitty days in a warehouse and didnt allow me to take the trip (or get the proper training) the week prior. goddammit my job pisses me off sometimes.

Plain Old Jane 08-26-2005 02:26 AM

All bosses are dicks creepa, this is immutable.

Thats like.. rule of aquisition #28

Add one more to my list:
-My damn mutha, who despite ALL my pestering and yelling, still will not grow up. She as of yet, has not taken responsibility for anything in her life ever. And I fear she may have rubbed off on me. Hopefully a few years of delicious college will take care of that. Followed by Lab Tech jobs, Masters in Teaching, and eventually a PhD so I can teach at the college level and just futz around all year discovering random stuff and going on elaborate wonderful trips in my vespa all over the US and Canada. But fuck Mexico, except Tijauana, that place is cool... I'm sorry, not the point. Mom sucks, college rules, so do vespas, going to bed.

(fun factoid: Vespa translated means Bee (as in the insect) Bzzz bzzz! Did you know that 30 Hornets can annhialate a next of 30,000 european honeybees in 3 hours.)

thecreeper 08-26-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Plain Old Jane
All bosses are dicks creepa, this is immutable.

Thats like.. rule of aquisition #28

Add one more to my list:
-My damn mutha, who despite ALL my pestering and yelling, still will not grow up. She as of yet, has not taken responsibility for anything in her life ever. And I fear she may have rubbed off on me. Hopefully a few years of delicious college will take care of that. Followed by Lab Tech jobs, Masters in Teaching, and eventually a PhD so I can teach at the college level and just futz around all year discovering random stuff and going on elaborate wonderful trips in my vespa all over the US and Canada. But fuck Mexico, except Tijauana, that place is cool... I'm sorry, not the point. Mom sucks, college rules, so do vespas, going to bed.

(fun factoid: Vespa translated means Bee (as in the insect) Bzzz bzzz! Did you know that 30 Hornets can annhialate a next of 30,000 european honeybees in 3 hours.)

i take it you saw that video of the hornets? crazy.

and princess vespa was awesome.

Mr Biglesworth 08-26-2005 07:46 PM

Spaceballs, the Toilet Paper!

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