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-   -   hey, I like you guys and I would like your help. (

thecreeper 01-30-2009 12:18 AM

hey, I like you guys and I would like your help.

so we're all pretty clear that thetesttube unfortunately has kinda sputtered out here for the last year or so. and to be honest, that makes me sad. i've known a lot of you guys for 10 years now, and I'd hate to see all that time just kind of end.

what i've been thinking for the past few days is that the site lacks a "center", or a central talking point, and we're all independent people living our own lives, so a bunch of people who came together over a dexdrive a long time ago are probably going to drift apart eventually.

well, if you any of you are interested, i would like to put out the idea of helping me and raub with our site, i'm sure most of you have at least heard of it or gone there, but long story short, it's been a project of ours for nearly 6 years now, and;

1. still struggling to find regular writers/contributors
2. commenting is still sparse.
3. i think it might be a nice outlet for some of the lovely people we have here.

the site is mainly focused around opinion articles and reviews of pretty much anything under the sun, from video games to movies to alcohol to places. in general, i just like entertaining articles that others might be interested in too.

if you have anything you've written in the past you'd like to contribute, or if you just would like to write something for us once in awhile, i'm totally open. and while this may not "save" TTT or anything, it will at least give us something to do and a decent way to know what the rest of us are interested in.

let me know! rad used to write for us back in the early days, and he and any of you are welcome to come onboard.

heX 01-30-2009 11:32 AM

stop trying to steal all of donnie's traffic.

....fucking leach

GT2000 01-30-2009 01:15 PM

Traffic, where?

Cid 01-30-2009 02:18 PM

I ramble too much.

thecreeper 01-30-2009 07:41 PM

im ok with rambling.

any takers? it doesnt need to be a big commitment or anything...

thecreeper 02-02-2009 05:21 PM

alright, well i just thought i would ask.

zpatterson at gmail dot com if you wanna send me anything.

Jesse 02-03-2009 03:46 PM

Seems like an interesting prospect. What kind of material are you looking for? Reviews of anything under the sun? Rants?

thecreeper 02-11-2009 07:04 PM

basically, anything that you are interested in that may interest that a movie, game, music, food, book, rant...whatever. it doesn't need to be new stuff either. old or new things, as long as you arent just reviewing or talking about something that would not be of interest to others.

GT2000 02-12-2009 03:29 PM

I'd like to get more involved with this site again, hate seeing it the way it's been for the past while. I've just had it on the furthest back burner for the longest time. :/

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