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GT2000 12-07-2007 02:16 PM

Everyone doing 'ight?
Actually it happened almost 2 months ago, rotator cuff decided to freak out on me again, leaving for physical therapy now actually, one of many more visits through December.

I think johnny jinxed me a while back in a post, something about "do it all over again!".

Thanks, ass. :p

So what's new with everybody.. that still comes here, all 3 of you. How's life?

raublekick 12-07-2007 05:00 PM

Damn that sucks dude.

Life could be better I guess. It's cold and snowy and icy. And work is kinda boring a lot lately. And I'm feeling pretty jaded about members of the opposite sex for a few reasons.

And I really want to drink tonight but it seems nobody is really around, so I will probably end up just drinking by myself. FUN.

Oh well, shit happens and things aren't really all that bad, I guess.

thecreeper 12-07-2007 08:50 PM

donnie, you just cant seem to stay healthy...

im pretty good. finally moved out and enjoying life on my own.

a shame i have like no money as a result of this though.

oh well, i got no complaints.

GT2000 12-07-2007 11:04 PM

Yeah, shit happens. I'll be looking for other spots within' the company, doc says it would be a good idea, and I concur.

At least go to a bar to drink alone, maybe you'll find a nice girl who is also drinking alone..

And Zach, just start a savings, you'd be amazed at how much money can accumulate over time.. of course I've had a form of savings going for as long as I've worked my current job, but, I can tell you it adds up over time.

Jesse 12-09-2007 01:12 AM

I'm doing well. A few months ago I broke up with my girlfriend of about a year and a half. Very happy I did that.

Some friends and I have started a band that shows promise. A guy I go to school with has his own studio, and he said he'll record us later this month and make us a really good sounding EP. We've got some alright sounding basement recordings right now, but, we're keeping everything sort of low profile til we get the studio EP finished.

GT2000 12-09-2007 08:47 AM

Nice, any chance I could hear something, got an mp3 laying around you could send over aim or something?

Jesse 12-09-2007 09:26 AM

Well, there's this that we recorded last night in our drummer's basement. We just recorded it with a mic straight into a firewire preamp. The audio is kinda crackly at some parts. And there's a small screw up at around 1 minute, but other than it's pretty tight.

I'm amped for us to get our studio EP recorded, it's gonna sound great.

Anyway, here's the track, no vocals yet.

My vocal style is a lot like this band's:

My style is a lot like his, except for his high stuff.

GT2000 12-09-2007 03:09 PM

Yeah, the recording probably doesn't do it justice, sounds good though, and look forward to hearing a higher audio-qual track.

Jesse 12-10-2007 04:06 AM

Yea, that recording was awful. We have some better ones, but for that one I was trying a different setup. They got the song down real well, so we called it good for the day.

I met with the engineer that's gonna record us today. I went with my guitarist to see him, and he's real excited to come record us. He's coming down with his computer and all his recording gear the weekend after Christmas, and he's gonna record however many tracks we have written. And then he's gonna take it all back to his studio, mix it, master it, and then I'll have some really nice sounding tracks to show you guys.

Sucks you got hurt again though, Donnie. How did you do it anyway?

GT2000 12-10-2007 12:18 PM

Sounds great, is there a name for the band yet, or am I blind and didn't see it posted already?

Eh, it's yet another re-injury of the arm, lifting a seemingly light 30lb tool-bag when my shoulder just gave, was told that the original nerve injury (which "healed 100%"!) has left me prone to rotator-cuff issues, go figure.

Mike 12-10-2007 01:57 PM

Life has been good, really good, but it's been a lot different in the last... 3/4 months. As I told most folks here, about 3 months ago, my longtime girlfriend (ex) and I split up back in September after about 5 years, since then, though things have gone well. I've applied to Grad school (Boston College, Tufts, Suffolk University, and Umass -- BC being my top choice, then Suffolk), and life has gone well other than that. I've been in the newspaper and in some political journals lately as well. I'm not going to post them... can't do that anymore for associative problems.

I've been seeing a rotation of girls for about 2 months, and been seeing one for about 5 weeks or so. She's cool, we get along, I'm attracted to her, but I'm hung up on a relationship committment..... and I think there's one or two things about her personality that would really put me off if we were to be in a relationship. Nothing really bad, but traits that bug the hell out of me (indecisiveness and passive aggressiveness). Plus, I've kinda got prospects abound... girls who I went to school with who I wanted to bang back in the day, a couple new girls, and one girl in particular who I totally hit it off with 2 weeks ago and would love to get to know.

Sucks about the injury.

So anyway, that's my life for now. Hopefully I'll be taking finals at this time next year in in grad school.

raublekick 12-10-2007 05:03 PM

God damn you, Mike. God damn you.

GT2000 12-10-2007 06:11 PM

Mike turned pimp, anyone see that coming 8 years ago?

Can you at least share which papers have run your articles Mike?

thecreeper 12-16-2007 10:54 PM


yeah i started a thinking i need to get one with a higher yield on it though. the current one i have is decent but i think i qualify for a nicer savings account.

on the shitty side of news, i just found out last week i gotta have a couple grand worth of oral surgery and root canals. motherfucker.

Plain Old Jane 12-18-2007 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mike
Life has been good, really good, but it's been a lot different in the last... 3/4 months. As I told most folks here, about 3 months ago, my longtime girlfriend (ex) and I split up back in September after about 5 years, since then, though things have gone well. I've applied to Grad school (Boston College, Tufts, Suffolk University, and Umass -- BC being my top choice, then Suffolk), and life has gone well other than that. I've been in the newspaper and in some political journals lately as well. I'm not going to post them... can't do that anymore for associative problems.

I've been seeing a rotation of girls for about 2 months, and been seeing one for about 5 weeks or so. She's cool, we get along, I'm attracted to her, but I'm hung up on a relationship committment..... and I think there's one or two things about her personality that would really put me off if we were to be in a relationship. Nothing really bad, but traits that bug the hell out of me (indecisiveness and passive aggressiveness). Plus, I've kinda got prospects abound... girls who I went to school with who I wanted to bang back in the day, a couple new girls, and one girl in particular who I totally hit it off with 2 weeks ago and would love to get to know.

Sucks about the injury.

So anyway, that's my life for now. Hopefully I'll be taking finals at this time next year in in grad school.

takes a good bit of time to begin liking yourself again enough to take that plunge into relationshiphood. I wish you luck and hope you dont get the syph

Mike 01-02-2008 08:32 PM

haha, I'm definitely not a pimp. I think I've become a date-slut though. It ends up costing me too much money, but it's fun. The girl I was seeing for... I dunno... 2 months off and on, yeah that's over, but that's good. Those things I feared about her... mostly came true, and at this party the other day she was all over this dude which was totally sketch. I didn't care, I had no allegiance to her and it helped clear up any confusion, but other people -- friends of hers and mine -- got pissed off at her.

As for not liking myself... I dunno, maybe I'm not privy to the latest dating psychoanalysis, but I like myself about as much as anybody can like themselves... if not a too much.

Liss 01-12-2008 12:11 PM

I have a permanent headache and in order to graduate in March I have to write a novel in 9 weeks.

Donnie, feeling much pain? Is this going to be a lifetime issue? I've been in an out of doctor's offices for my feet, but every time one guy recommends surgery, the next gives a separate second opinion, so nothing ever gets resolved except for the sure fact that Its Going To Hurt Forever.

Creep, my boyfriend is in the same position with his teeth. Yikes. Sucks.

johnny 01-19-2008 10:46 AM

hey donnie, it's not my fault! blame your shoulder :D

life's still going alright for me; i'm as broke as ever, but oh well. i can, at the very least, keep the rent and bills paid. and buy groceries. and beer! but if i had a higher paying job i could also pay off my credit card debt (which isn't a really large sum of money.. i just can't make it go away on what i'm earning currently). money is a bit tighter than usual right now, as i spent more than i should have during christmastime.

as much as i love winter, i wish it would just hurry up and end. when i still lived up north, at least i could go out and do things (skiing, ice fishing, etc.).. but i'm in the city, and don't own a car :/ i just want to get my bicycle back on the road!!

i also play music, as some of you might have known.. a few months ago we decided to re-tool and stopped playing with our drummer (who had been in the band for ~3 years), changed our name, got an organ/keyboard player, and scrapped all the old songs. it looks like we might be releasing a 45rpm single in the near future, with a local vinyl-only label called magnificent sevens (but i'm not going to hold my breath; the guy who runs the label can be pretty random. but he does seem really keen to press the single. whether or not he can finance it right now is the question, i guess).

Mr Biglesworth 01-26-2008 09:07 AM

Bird Week eh?

johnny 01-27-2008 06:12 PM

bird week, indeed!

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