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GT2000 06-09-2006 01:16 PM

So much to do so little time.
Working on straightening up my room..we've got a 5x15 storage lot rented, so I'm working on getting things moved around, some things packed to go to storage, yet I'm sick as hell (had this awful cough for 2 weeks now), and it's hard to get motivated to get the shit done.

My shoulder is still fucked up, I went through 2 weeks of physical therapy only to be told the same thing I was last year, "we can't really do much for you, you need to see a specialist (ortho).", so they approved it for me to go back to my doctor from last year at least, on their dime this time. So I'm sure I'll be getting another MRI, and then another EMG (that fucking fun test..where they stick 25 different needles into places like the webbing of your hand, your wrist, your arm, ribs, back of your neck, your spine..I'm really looking forward to that if it happens).

I got my visa, and I have my flights reserved, however they had to give me business class on the way back to the States at the end of July, everything was booked..then I got someone in the fares dept that wants to help, she's already gotten me a class lower to save money, and she's trying to find me a flight back to Norfolk from Chicago (currently booked up), otherwise I'll be renting a car in Chi-town and driving back to VA.

Lots of stuff to do..Anna right now is dealing with her state exams back home, so far so good, I know she's got tons on her mind right now so I'm just trying to keep rolling here, so once she's here things will be smooth and not much left to do. My family is out of town atm so at least I have some quiet time to get shit done.

raublekick 06-09-2006 01:48 PM

Yipes! You've got your hands full man.

I've got so much stuff I want to do this summer, but no initiative to do it, as usual.

GT2000 06-09-2006 02:01 PM

Well, it's very doable, and will be done..and, the end result will be great indeed.

And, what exactly do you want to do this summer?

Liss 06-09-2006 03:02 PM

It's so sweet! All this bustling around to get ready. But feel better Donnie. Rest. And eat vitamin C. And drink lots of water. And don't haul heavy stuff.

I'm almost done with my business, then I get to head HOME. I have a hard weekend of final papers ahead of me, although I know tomorrow I will be not working on them, and I finally finished moving out of my apartment today and now have to sort through all the SHIT I accumulated. Sigh, almost done almost done.

johnny 06-09-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by raublekick
but no initiative to do it, as usual.

i'm in the same boat. gettin' stuff done is lame, i says.

GT2000 06-09-2006 10:17 PM

Yup yup...CAN'T WAIT!! :) Was thinking about getting a camcorder before the trip but decided against it...will most definitely have pictures though.

raublekick 06-10-2006 12:53 PM

I wanna work on good-evil. I wanna work on this game I'm working on. I wanna read a ton of books. I wanna play Oblivion 26-8.

GT2000 06-10-2006 02:37 PM

This game you are working tell do tell. GL on the site..and oblivion..I did like it, although it ended up on shelved status like every other game I play. :(

So instead of being lazy, do that stuff..make a fucking list, and force yourself to put time towards the stuff (as long as it isn't keeping you from doing things you NEED to be doing, like..working or something, heh).

I'm on a roll today, moving the warehouse out of my room (tossing, smashing, compacting, burning, a ton of boxes collected over the past few years)..I can see my closet again!! :eek:

raublekick 06-10-2006 09:50 PM

yeah i did make a bunch of lists, like things i need to do each day, or things specific to projects. i had so much free time last month, but now i work a lot. this week i worked 45 hours, which is pretty much a culture shock from working 2 days a week.

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