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Jesse 03-08-2007 12:09 AM

Johnny, you lanky fuck. Happy birthday buddy.

Enjoy your 23rd year on this planet. May it be better than first 22.

thecreeper 03-08-2007 12:23 AM

happy birthday dude. you're a pretty great individual.

GT2000 03-08-2007 08:56 AM

Happy birfday Johnny!
Closest thing to a cake I could find.

Oh, and can't forget the:



Optimus Funk 03-08-2007 09:53 AM

Yeah, I wish you the bestest of birthdays! Just not better than mine, I hope you understand.

raublekick 03-08-2007 03:21 PM

happy birthday dude!


johnny 03-08-2007 05:41 PM

thanks folks! i think i'll postpone partying until tomorrow, 'cause that's when i get paid and right now my bank account has run dry.. :o

heX 03-08-2007 08:53 PM

im not even reading this post or its replies. fuck you jesse and fuck you johnny and fuck everyone else for just passing over my birthday last week. im 24 now wich makes me smarter and stronger than most of you. so everyone can go fuck themselves.

johnny 03-08-2007 10:44 PM

woops, sorry hex.. shoul d have checked the calendar... :(

anywas i went out anyways and i found money for booze and then for some reason o i got high (it always seems okay whtne i am drunk) but tomorrow night will still be the serious party..

Stormy 03-08-2007 10:48 PM

Johnny and I are friends. He deserves an extra happy birthday.

johnny 03-09-2007 04:47 PM

amelia, you're the nicest lady on the internet.

so i guess i already posted that i went out last night.. drunk post :o
but that was just a warm-up; tonight we're playing a gig, and it's going to be an awesome party.

GT2000 03-09-2007 05:31 PM

Whoops, sorry hex, it wasn't on the calendar, so happy belated bday, you ass-spelunker you! :D

Mr Biglesworth 03-11-2007 10:54 AM

Happy Late Birthday Johnny! Sorry I was busy throwing a party for grannies on the 8th. Me and Courtney will visit and buy you beer in May ok?

johnny 03-11-2007 03:14 PM

if you and courtney wanna visit before you fly away, that would be really cool!

Liss 03-11-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by heX
im not even reading this post or its replies. fuck you jesse and fuck you johnny and fuck everyone else for just passing over my birthday last week. im 24 now wich makes me smarter and stronger than most of you. so everyone can go fuck themselves.

I never know when anyone's birthday is...I happened to post about Jesse's just because HE posted a bulletin on myspace about it. I figured I'd be nice.

Happy Birthday, Hex, and Happy Birthday, Johnny. Hope you both got fucking drunk.

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