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Mr Biglesworth 12-14-2004 02:59 PM

This Week in the News... [14/12]
French police planted plastic explosives in a random
dark-blue suitcase at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris as
a security exercise, then failed to monitor the bag as a
conveyor belt rolled it to one of 90 planes with an
international destination. A police spokesman expressed the
hope that whoever finds the explosives will return them to

Bernard Kerik withdrew from consideration to
replace Tom Ridge as head of homeland security after
discovering that a nanny he had employed may have been an
illegal immigrant for whom he may not have paid taxes;
questions also arose about his failure to report financial
gifts, including a $1,900 jeweled Tiffany badge he received
while New York City's police commissioner.

Scientists were warning men not to place laptop computers on their laps since overheating the scrotum can reduce fertility.

England's Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents urged people attending office Christmas parties to resist photocopying body parts
and dancing on desks, and to avoid flaming Christmas puddings at all costs.

The Vatican disapproved of a nativity
scene in Madame Tussaud's wax museum in London that depicted
David and Victoria Beckham, aka Posh Spice, as Joseph and
Mary, with George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and the Duke of
Edinburgh standing in for the three wise men. "There is a
tradition in which each generation tries to reenact the
nativity," explained a spokesman for the Archbishop of
Canterbury, "but oh deary me."

President Bush appointed attorney Gerald Reynolds to the
chairmanship of the Commission of Civil Rights. "I just
assume somewhere in my life some knucklehead has looked at
me and my brown self and said that they have given me less
or denied me an opportunity," he said, "but the bottom line
is . . . I am so insensitive that I probably didn't notice."

The FCC estimated that
99.8 percent of complaints about broadcast indecency were
filed by one conservative group, the Parents Television
Council, accounting for the exorbitant rise in the number of
complaints that chairman Michael Powell described to
Congress earlier this year, from 350 in 2001 to 240,000 in

A report
found that a federally funded program to promote abstinence
in schools has been teaching students that a 43-day-old
fetus is a "thinking person," abortion can lead to sterility
and suicide, touching a person's genitals can result in
pregnancy, and HIV can be spread by sweat and tears. One
book preaches the story of a knight who rejects a princess
when she becomes too opinionated about how best to slay a
dragon. The parable concludes: "Occasional suggestions and
assistance may be alright, but too much of it may lessen a
man's confidence or even turn him away from his princess."
Scientists confirmed that men prefer subordinate women to
dominant ones.

Kenneth Starr was having second thoughts about delving into Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

thecreeper 12-16-2004 12:35 AM

Re: This Week in the News... [14/12]

Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth
French police planted plastic explosives in a random
dark-blue suitcase at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris as
a security exercise, then failed to monitor the bag as a
conveyor belt rolled it to one of 90 planes with an
international destination. A police spokesman expressed the
hope that whoever finds the explosives will return them to

that's gotta be the boner of the week. whoever approved that idea should be fired.


The FCC estimated that
99.8 percent of complaints about broadcast indecency were
filed by one conservative group, the Parents Television
Council, accounting for the exorbitant rise in the number of
complaints that chairman Michael Powell described to
Congress earlier this year, from 350 in 2001 to 240,000 in
i can't believe shit like this is even dignified. the censorship and prudeness of American television is bad enough as it is. (my roommate commented on this last night while watching Liar Liar on USA last night "Why is it that they will air Jim Carrey pretending to suck on a woman's breasts and making shlllurp sounds but they can't say 'hell'?)

Mr Biglesworth 12-16-2004 12:55 AM


that's gotta be the boner of the week.
Haha, speaking of boners, did you guys hear that Dick Cheney apparently has an ENORMOUS penis? No shittin'!

thecreeper 12-16-2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth

that's gotta be the boner of the week.
Haha, speaking of boners, did you guys hear that Dick Cheney apparently has an ENORMOUS penis? No shittin'!

nah, that's just his big bald head. i can see how people would say he resembles a dick though, i mean, cmon, his name is Dick.

Mr Biglesworth 12-16-2004 01:33 AM


Dick Cheney has a giant penis

Sorry to be so crass about it, but this is a rumor that has been floating around the blogosphere for the past week, with no photographic proof. It all began when the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a story which contained a picture of the Vice President. Upon publication of the picture, people began to realize that you could discern a certain bulge that looked inhuman in its stature. A blog post appeared at the Free Republic website (which has now been pulled... heh heh... pulled) that expounded upon its enormity, but with no photographic proof. Apparently, the MJS took the picture off the online site. Attempts to buy the picture from the paper were denied. Many believed that this was just a growing urban legend (heh heh... growing)... The call went out, spreading like wildfire across the internets, for someone to come up with the photograph.

Finally, we have been relieved of the anticipation. Left at the bottom of this post (in link format, so as to increase the suspense) here, is Dick Cheney's amazing package.

thecreeper 12-16-2004 11:03 AM

i dunno, just because you can see he has a raging hard-on doesn't necessarily mean he's huge. i mean, i'm think 6-7 inches here, tops.

Mr Biglesworth 12-16-2004 12:40 PM

Creeper, c'mon man... I don't like the guy either, the facts are facts... the guy's huge.

thecreeper 12-17-2004 12:54 PM

i just love having a big shady dick behind our government helping to keep us safe. give em all a cockslap for justice!

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