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Jesse 06-13-2005 01:03 AM

AIM Names.
So I've had a "Deks" buddy group on my buddy list for about 6/7 years now. And over the years, less and less screen names in the group are showing up online. I won't delete the inactive ones, I refuse. And I'm too stuck in 1998/99 to add any of the newer members (and by newer, I mean anybody that's signed up since 1998/1999). I've removed some names over time, but I refuse to get rid of some.

So yea, I want to keep my 'Deks' group alive. As of now I've got (in alphabetical order)

My name = Fetus Cake Mix

Egg and You (I know he doesn't use it, but I refuse to remove it)
GT 2k4
Mr Bigles7
Napping Spooge
ThatCrazyJohnny (I think you're the only one I've added in years.)
Toxic Slurpie (Subsy doesn't even come around anymore)
Trip On My Synth
TXAggie113 (Who is always 'working while I sleep')

But yea, post your AIM name for my sake, or tell me if one of the names mentioned on my list is inactive or something.

After I just typed all this I realized that I could probably have just gone around to member profiles and gotten AIM names and what not, but, too late now. Onward with the post. Absolutely no turning back at this point.

raublekick 06-13-2005 01:09 AM

Guess you don't want my AIM name :rolleyes:

thecreeper 06-13-2005 01:21 AM

what the fuck dude. i've talked to you online before. i sent you BOOZE AND A NICKELBACK CD.


Jesse 06-13-2005 01:49 AM

Haha, that made me LOL for some reason.

Still got the empty bottle...

raditz 06-13-2005 01:54 AM

looks like i'm still on there

thecreeper 06-13-2005 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jesse
Haha, that made me LOL for some reason.

Still got the empty bottle...

haha, that makes me happy to see it put to good use.

Jesse 06-13-2005 01:59 AM

I just took that picture just now for you.


Mr Biglesworth 06-13-2005 02:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
man that's nothing...

Mr Biglesworth 06-13-2005 02:02 AM

and I'M naked! (well, as far as you know)

Jesse 06-13-2005 02:06 AM

Official drink of TTT?

Mr Biglesworth 06-13-2005 02:08 AM

I'd like to think we're tougher than that, but look at our muscles! WE'RE NOT!

thecreeper 06-13-2005 02:23 AM

god we're weak small whiteys.

Baboinga 06-13-2005 04:11 AM

am i doing this rite

heX 06-13-2005 05:04 AM


Baboinga 06-13-2005 05:32 AM

that stuff tasted vile anyway.

heX 06-13-2005 06:13 AM


johnny 06-13-2005 08:58 AM

get captain morgan's white rum and forget about that malibu stuff.

raditz 06-13-2005 09:28 AM

why is the cap still on neils bottle???

johnny 06-13-2005 09:54 AM

because he's a wuss

Mr Biglesworth 06-13-2005 09:55 AM

cuz jesse's was empty

johnny 06-13-2005 09:58 AM

jesse's a wuss too!

Baboinga 06-22-2005 05:32 AM

If we're talking about wuss', mine was just a bottle of pina colada mix. no alcohol.

Plain Old Jane 06-22-2005 03:25 PM

must... resist... photoshopping in... penises....

Bomer 06-22-2005 03:34 PM

Why resist? Give in to your urges.

Cid 06-23-2005 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Plain Old Jane
must... resist... photoshopping in... penises....

I'll photoshop a penis on you. Or do you still have that?


heX 06-23-2005 10:15 AM

he does. thats the whole reason i dont understand why its so vital we refer to him as a girl.

Cid 06-23-2005 10:30 AM

Yeah, most girls don't have wangs. Get your wang cut off, then I might call you a girl. Probably not though. Oh hell, we all know I wont. But I'd really be impressed if you got it cut off.

Stormy 06-23-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cid
Yeah, most girls don't have wangs. Get your wang cut off, then I might call you a girl. Probably not though. Oh hell, we all know I wont. But I'd really be impressed if you got it cut off.

I am a girl, not because of the absence of something, but because of the presence of something. That is applicable to all persons of defined gender.

heX 06-23-2005 12:32 PM

whoah whoah woah slow down stormy, let him cut his jimmy off then well instruct him from there.

Cid 06-23-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Stormy
I am a girl, not because of the absence of something, but because of the presence of something. That is applicable to all persons of defined gender.

Oh for the love of fuck, you KNOW what I meant. Ass.

Mike 06-25-2005 01:07 AM

The only reason that picture was taken was because I was drinking Messiah Bold: He'Brew. This disgusting, horrible Jewish brown ale. In the first picture ... I'm just trashed. I put on an old shirt because I spilled like ... everything on my current one. Hence why it is ... Assumption College basketball camp '1995.

GT2000 07-04-2005 01:54 AM

I know I've got a picture of me drinkin' somewhere around here, but damn, I need more drunken photos..

thecreeper 07-04-2005 01:27 PM

i'll post one of raub here...

power-chugging a SPARKS

Plain Old Jane 07-04-2005 10:54 PM

note to all TTTers who apparently have downs syndrome:

which you all seem to dislike, especially on this topic.

btw, saw Troy today while drinking a Mikes Lime, I didnt get a pic tho, maybe I'll crack one open just for you guys tomorrow. I want a hawt trojan slave in MY war tent... ::sulks::

[edit]ps, you dont get it cut off, you have the outer skin removed , the glans and all its connected nerves are set aside. the scrotum is split and the testicles clamped and removed via small furry animal teeth (you get to keep them ^_^ jk sicko) then your shaft is inverted and shoved into the natural cavity you already have (and theres also two more cavities where your testicles once fit where they dropped from your abdomen when you were young, but you dont have those any more silly, so dont worry) then the excess tissue from your scrotum and penis is used to make a facsimile of the skin of the vagina, but you're nowhere near done yet, then your sewn back up with your new cavity in place with skin grafts on the inside (canadian doctors use a plastic type insert for their operations, but all natural is the way to go in case you're allergic or have a proclivity towards cancers.) your glans was also used to create a neoclitoris, but you get no hood yet. You're then sewn back up again all over and are left to recover with a catheter in your repositioned urethra and surgical stuffing is left in your new almost-vagina. then you recover and the stuffing comes out, now heres the fun part, you have to restretch the opening about 4 times a day for the first few months and your sore and sensitive as hell. then you can ease up after 3 and dialate yourself only twice a day for a few hours (its like a hollow surgical dildo you use ^_^ hex loves these) but heres the fun part, now that you have recovered and your skin is no longer completely traumatized and new blood vessels have formed assuming you havent died of toxic shock or necrotizing fasciatis or got a yeast infection or lost the collogen in your skin enough that your vagina looks melted, then you go under the knife again and are fashioned lips, a clitoral hood and a make shift g spot with your, by now, small prostate which is now in front of your vagina next to your urethra near your bladder. and to be honest it all looks and functions like the real thing except for the babies part, which is, to be honest, not that different as there are women born without cervix's and uterus's or who are barren. Anyway, then you recover again and keep that dialating up cuz in 4 - 5 months, you can have sex, but you have to douche nearly every month, bummer, eh? Unless your a lesbian, then the dialatings not as important, but on the bright side, you keep 90+ percent of your sexual function with your new clit. now hearing all that, tell me its just a sick perversion or mental instability, because theres plenty worse to go through on that journey, like the facial surgeries should you need them... but I'll save that for if you assholes (note: this is for the assholes, not the normal fun "getting kind of annoyed by hex always bringing it up" forumers) choose to continue bringing this up and annoying me and other people.

now shut up, lets get fucking drunk.

Cid 07-06-2005 01:15 PM

Jep, for the sake of never seeing another 12 paragraph post... I'm sorry.

whoo...that was rough.

Mr Biglesworth 07-06-2005 03:33 PM

y'know jep, ,i read a description of that once in Irvine Welsh's Acid House, and it gave me terrible sympathy pains then, and it gives me terrible sympathy pains now.

Stormy 07-06-2005 04:26 PM

What was that all about, Jep?

thecreeper 07-06-2005 07:35 PM

i believe it was the hex/cid combo above. i really dont have any good pics of me drinking. drunk? yes. near passing out? yes. eating ramen while drunk? yes. but no drinking.

heX 07-06-2005 08:08 PM

im gonna have to take an opposite approach than cid...

for the sake of seeing you waste your time on a 12 paragraph post that ill never read.... you are a boy you'll always be a boy and i feel sorry for your parents to have pissed their lives away on taking care of you. for they are the true victims in all of your bullshit.

Plain Old Jane 07-06-2005 11:42 PM

I cant wait til they invent something I can plug into my computer that will allow me to stab people in the face over the internet...

instead of wasting YOUR time by telling you the obvious, that your a rat bastard who has opinions on things he knows SHIT about, and thats not limited to this topic in addition to the fact that you know fuck all about me and my family. I'll ask you a question and you can even think about it if you want.

Why is is so important that you tell me your bullshit on how I'm just a confused faggot, a crossdresser, or a retard who wants to be a girl but will always be a boy?

cmon, I mean, in ALL likelyhood, especially now, we'll never meet, you (nor anyone here for that matter) will ever fuck me. And you can certainly feel satisfied in a religious sense that jesus will judge me and send me to hell, cuz its a well known fact that jesus loves everyone except fags; and shouldnt judge either, cuz the good book sez thats a sin too. (hate the sin, love the sinner.)

So the only justifiable reason you could bring it up is that you personally have a problem with queer people, or your too dumb to either read the good book thoroughly enough or realize that this is the internet and sex and gender really doesnt matter here.

And if you cant see that, then you truly are the fucktard I think you are.

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