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raditz 10-07-2009 05:51 PM

Lately I've felt like I've wasted a bunch of time. My life needs to get started. I'm 26. I should have a real job by now, paying off a house instead of trying to keep up with a damn credit card. So I finally applied for student aid.

"Based on your EFC of 00155, you appear to be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant of up to $5200 for the 2009-2010 school year"



Mr Biglesworth 10-07-2009 06:16 PM

What are you studying?

I'm getting funding from my program which covers tuition and most living expenses, but I'm still starting to hit the plastic for the first time in my life. Oh well, jobs await, right??

GT2000 10-08-2009 04:09 PM

Nice, good luck with your studies.

My employer will cover up to $5000/yr in tuition expenses, one of my coworkers is doing online schooling using it. It's actually come to mind that I should try turning my AAS into a BAS, but I don't know in exactly what... food for thought I suppose.

thecreeper 10-08-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth (Post 18259)
What are you studying?

what he said

raditz 10-10-2009 01:51 PM

I'm going to Baker College, it's a career school. Not exactly sure what I'm going to pick yet, but probably something to do with visual media.

Stormy 10-11-2009 08:58 AM

Just started school again. The course doesn't allow me to work, and I've got very limited financial aid, so I'm eating through savings until I've got to eat through whatever money I can find.

Mr Biglesworth 10-12-2009 04:20 PM

I'm at a new school too. Masters, baby!

squirrels2nuts 10-12-2009 05:49 PM

oops didnt get good enough grades to get into grad school

squirrels2nuts 10-12-2009 09:30 PM

oh ya neil im livin on kipps lane now damn this neighborhood is sketchy

johnny 10-13-2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth (Post 18259)
What are you studying?

I'm getting funding from my program which covers tuition and most living expenses, but I'm still starting to hit the plastic for the first time in my life. Oh well, jobs await, right??

is it partially my fault that your hitting the plastic? :o or are you resorting to credit for other things?

Mr Biglesworth 10-13-2009 09:55 AM

Josh: haha, I lived on Kipps lane for 4 years. Make sure you get fish and chips at the little place by the Macs milk.

Johnny: well, it's my fault! but the plastic should be temporary. And shouldn't you tell the fine people at the 'tube what you're doing?

johnny 10-15-2009 09:43 AM

not a bad idea, neil.

hey, fine people! i'm getting married! if any of you fine people are going to be in southeast Asia at the end of November, drop me a line.

GT2000 10-15-2009 09:54 AM

Oh cool, she love you long time?

Seriously tho, congrats and welcome to the club, do tell more.

raditz 10-16-2009 05:01 PM

Grats Johnny!

I go in on Tuesday for testing, and I need to decide what I want to do by then. I'm leaning towards digital media design. Still not 100% though.

Mr Biglesworth 10-16-2009 07:36 PM

You should do something you're passionate about but won't leave you with any tangible skills, like me!

squirrels2nuts 10-18-2009 12:18 PM

fish n chips by macs eh... oh you mean youre telling me to go further eoa. wow. i know this girl (who is pregnant with her 2nd child at 22) who used to live on whatever street intersects at that plaza in some shitty little apartment/condo. some old lady stabbed/got stabbed (i forget which) for some smokes or something equally retarded on that street. she asked me to go get rolling papers and i had my hand on my swiss army knife the whole time while looking over my shoulder constantly. she also told me of the time when she heard something in her backyard and saw a couple of black guys. and if thats not enough my friend who lives 3 floors down has had his car broken into 3 times.
i miss living in komoka.

squirrels2nuts 10-18-2009 12:25 PM

johnny: post pics of your fiance :orcass::archer:

radish: whats the testing for? to see if you can walk and talk? i didnt think you really needed a certificate for digital media design but hey if its free then go for it

Stormy 10-18-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by squirrels2nuts (Post 18276)
fish n chips by macs eh... oh you mean youre telling me to go further eoa. wow. i know this girl (who is pregnant with her 2nd child at 22) who used to live on whatever street intersects at that plaza in some shitty little apartment/condo. some old lady stabbed/got stabbed (i forget which) for some smokes or something equally retarded on that street. she asked me to go get rolling papers and i had my hand on my swiss army knife the whole time while looking over my shoulder constantly. she also told me of the time when she heard something in her backyard and saw a couple of black guys. and if thats not enough my friend who lives 3 floors down has had his car broken into 3 times.
i miss living in komoka.



oops didnt get good enough grades to get into grad school
:( I still say you should try and get some lab/research experience.

Johnny: Congrats! Is she tall?
Rad: I hope the testing/choosing go well.

Mr Biglesworth 10-18-2009 09:03 PM

Josh: hahahaha. pussy. Kipps lane is fine.

johnny 10-19-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Stormy (Post 18278)
Johnny: Congrats! Is she tall?

heh, not particularly. we're kind of an odd couple, in that respect :) but height isn't important, anyhow!

raditz 10-19-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by squirrels2nuts (Post 18277)
radish: whats the testing for? to see if you can walk and talk? i didnt think you really needed a certificate for digital media design but hey if its free then go for it

sorry, placement testing

Liss 10-26-2009 03:41 PM

Wow, Johnny, congrats!

I just broke up with my boyfriend of nearly 3 years. All you guys can have marriage, I'm just gonna hold on to a destructive lifestyle for a little longer. So who wants to party?

Rad: Awesome. Good luck dude.

I want to get back to school really bad, but I can't get my portfolio together and find the time to do all the apps. I did lose my momentum after I went through the whole process in 2007 and then freaked out and fled the country, but I'm thinking Fall of 2011 would be a great time to start back. So I'll hopefully be applying this time next year. I need to do more research, I want options outside my state and my country with this go - round.

By the way I'm back in the states. I'm in ragin cajun swampassland louisiana.

Mr Biglesworth 10-26-2009 05:27 PM

So does that mean I 'popped into your brain' because you asked yourself 'geez, now that i'm single, what sexy young bachelor foreigners do I know?' I'm thinking that's what happened.

johnny 10-26-2009 11:56 PM

where are you living in Louisiana, liss? a friend of mine has been living down there since he moved away from Canada ~10 years ago. i think he's in Shreveport now (or maybe.. Bossier City, more specifically..? i think it was Bossier).

Liss 10-27-2009 06:58 AM

Does Canadian count as foreign, Neil? Well, NOW you're in my brain. Let's go to Cuba, you can actually get a flight for us.

Man, I should have told you earlier, Johnny...I was just in Bossier City/Shreveport for 6 weeks. It. Was. So. Freaking. Boring. Now I've been relocated to Baton Rouge for filming. It's much better, and closer to home (a good thing because my new nephew was due 5 days ago and we are waiting on the phone call).

raditz 10-27-2009 01:02 PM

what filming? you talking about your dad?

raublekick 10-27-2009 05:35 PM

some good news and some bad news in here i guess. glad to see everyone is alive and well. congrats a ton johnny!

as for me i'd just like to pay off my student loans asap. working sucks.

oh and just now i made a beer do a flip and it spilled on my carpet.

Liss 10-29-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by raditz (Post 18290)
what filming? you talking about your dad?

I'm working in his department, yes. I am working as a special effects production assistant, which basically means I'm doing purchasing. It's pretty interesting...I mean, obviously I never knew completely what went into my dad's job, and now I know every element of various stunts, what product and proportion is necessary to, say, blow up a gas station. I doubt this would ever become a lifetime career, but it's been nice to be paid for a few months, and I'll be here in Baton Rouge until Christmas.

Louisiana offers huge tax incentives to production companies, so the movie industry is booming here (and in New Mexico, too, and a very few others) since California really offers no motivation to stay in Hollywood. This story is actually set in Los Angeles, but nearly 100% of the filming has been done in Shreveport and Baton Rouge.

raditz 10-30-2009 02:27 AM

Michigan has been working on getting the movie industry to come out here, but this state is such a shithole, who knows. Anyway, that's awesome, maybe we'll work together one day ;p

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