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raublekick 04-12-2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by johnny
i wasn't aware of that. i've had hoegaarden (umm hoegaarden would be considered a belgian white beer right?? i'm just kinda guessing here) once before and i thought it was perfectly good on its own. but maybe if i ever drink it again i'll try it with an orange slice.

yeah, they are fine on their own. the orange slice is like a fancy little umbrella or something like that.

sneakdiss 04-12-2006 01:41 AM

Beer sucks ass! If I'm in the mood, give a me a few shots of henn or remy and I'm good to go..

Mike 04-14-2006 05:06 PM

Go to Google Video, type "Black and Tan" and watch my video.

That's my favorite tasty brew. Smithwicks - Guinness.

Mike 04-14-2006 05:07 PM

There's not a better drink than beer. I had to make a decision a few months ago ... I'd either give up soda or give up beer. Gave up soda, they're roughly the same health wise.

Torre82 04-14-2006 06:57 PM

Beer is an acquired taste when you're young. Because you cant get anything on tap from a real bar, OR you dont have enough money to get anything better than a 40. (liquor stores are pretty pathetic unless you live on the nice side of town or you go downtown/near an airport)

So that leaves supermarkets and older brothers with ID's.

So lil D.. why o why dont you like booze? Man cannot live on hard liquor alone.

johnny 04-14-2006 07:35 PM

i think most beers taste fine bottled. there are a few (like you mentioned guinness) that are much better on tap, but otherwise i think bottles are good. i don't really like drinking beer out of cans, though.. too.. canny. but sapporo is still good from a can. a, like, 650 ml can, or whatever the size is that they come in.

raublekick 04-14-2006 08:08 PM

if you can survive a week of bud light and miller light cans, i think you're pretty muc prepared for anything in life.

teensupernothing 04-14-2006 09:44 PM

i dunno, maybe its that i've at least tasted beer since i was little, but it's by far my favorite alcoholic beverage, but i can't stand really any light beer.

GT2000 04-15-2006 12:39 PM

Canned beer (ugh) is for the poor! Seriously...back in the day, nothing beat a $5 12-pack of natty light (cans).

...well, except for the $1.30 40oz of Old E, or whatever it cost, it was under a buck fifty though.

thecreeper 04-15-2006 01:35 PM

cans make me hate my life when i'm forced to drink them. blech.

squirrels2nuts 04-15-2006 10:16 PM

i have to punch a hole in a can with my swiss army knife... no fuckin flow without it.

Optimus Funk 04-16-2006 01:51 AM

I want to comment only becuase I think I have tasted a large amount of booze, and yes I have!, tonight in factiod. So here is my list. I personaly ythink therre is not best brew it all depends on situation and fuuck me in the ass if I say that but there is only a best brew per occation. I.E.(in example, for you yups, or yupies) Like if your having a BBQ you should have shitty ass redneck beer 16 oz. milwalke(?) pounders, or budwieser, they have class but they suck. College frat party Natty Ice or some local cheap ass beer would be perfect. A sparks party only sparks would be acceptable. I think you get my point all beer tastes like shit but there is a best beer per the situation. I know that is kind of anti climaxtic so I leave you witrh my favorite beers that seem to fit the mold of best malted liqour at the time....1. Pilzner Urquell the first pilzner( the most advanced form of brewing) made in the czech republic 6.75 a bottle average very good. 2. Guiness Stoudt just fucking amazing what else is there. 3. Yuengling judt cause I can drain this bitch anytime of the week. 4. Corona amazing beach beer any fruit mixed with it just makes it taste like heaven in a handbasket. 5. Sammy Adams cause america rules even if our government sucks. 6. BEER in general it is so amazing it is fattening, poisonous, adictive, colorful, effervesant, and aromatic there is no god but if there was he wouldnt even be able to make this shit! God blees us everyone! Oh quick side not I wanted to add hoegaarden only because I spent some crazy ass amount of money on it before 11.75 a pitcher I think?, and I got a few of them but it is amazing, see this just goes to show if your in the mood that specific beer will be the best beer in the world for those few seconds/minutes it takes you to finish. I feel I should give a shout out to Red Stripe I love you even if I spill you and you smell like pure man ass, spill it I dare you!

thecreeper 04-16-2006 02:34 PM

dear lord, that was a lot of words.

sneakdiss 04-16-2006 02:57 PM

I dont drink beer because it tastes shitty (even when the taste is "aquired") and I dont care what the drink is, water, kool-aid, ice tea...I would never be able to drink THAT much. Six 12. oz cans to get a buzz/drunk? Fuck that give me a couple shots...

After abusing damn near every substance I'm proud to say I'm not a big fan of that shit anymore.

Liss 04-17-2006 02:27 PM

You shouldn't drink soley to get drunk, you should enjoy your beverage, D.


raublekick 04-17-2006 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Liss
You shouldn't drink soley to get drunk, you should enjoy your beverage, D.


Ding! Ding! Ding! I get drunk like once every two months, but I drink at least once a week.

squirrels2nuts 04-17-2006 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Thorogood
Every mornin' just before breakfast,
I don't want no coffee or tea, just me and my good buddyweisers, thats all I ever need,
'cause I drink alone, yeahhh with nobody else
Ya know when I drink alone, I prefer to be myself

i had a bud this morning at around 9:30am.
breakfast of champions.

raublekick 04-17-2006 08:20 PM

great song!

how about one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer?

thecreeper 04-17-2006 11:36 PM

not a tasty brew: pabst blue ribbon in large amounts.

ugh, but at least it was cheap.

sneakdiss 04-19-2006 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Liss
You shouldn't drink soley to get drunk, you should enjoy your beverage, D.


Oh ok I see. Well in that case I'll take some kool-aid!

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