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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
;) Wink Wink
:) Smile Smile
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:( Frown Frown
:mad: Mad Mad
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: EEK! EEK!
More Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:anikiss: Anikiss Anikiss
:sniffles: Sniffles Sniffles
:what: What What
:archer: Archer Archer
:soldiercr Soldiercrazyeyes Soldiercrazyeyes
:wipeeyes: Wipeeyes Wipeeyes
:bouncy: Bouncy Bouncy
:soldierlo Soldierlol Soldierlol
:candleblo Candleblow Candleblow
:soldiersm Soldiersmoke Soldiersmoke
:cryriver: Cryriver Cryriver
:star: Star Star
:086: 086 086
:rofl2: Rofl2 Rofl2
:drunksong Drunksong Drunksong
:trippy: Trippy Trippy
:ginger: Ginger Ginger
:mexismoke Mexismoke Mexismoke
:guns3: Guns3 Guns3
:nono: Nono Nono
:hang: Hang Hang
:peace: Peace Peace
:hello: Hello Hello
:fart: Fart Fart
:inlove3: Inlove3 Inlove3
:flopsy: Flopsy Flopsy
:kitty: Kitty Kitty
:eyerollin Eyerollin Eyerollin
:vomit: Vomit Vomit
:aniwink2: Aniwink2 Aniwink2
:soldierbl Soldierblush Soldierblush
:winkin: Winkin Winkin
:bonk: Bonk Bonk
:soldiergu Soldierguns Soldierguns
:bustout2: Bustout2 Bustout2
:soldiersa Soldiersad Soldiersad
:cow: Cow Cow
:soldierto Soldiertongue Soldiertongue
:ranting: Ranting Ranting
:devilcath Devilcathing Devilcathing
:tearylaug Tearylaugh Tearylaugh
:anal: Anal Anal
:smiliebot Smiliebot Smiliebot
:fU: FU FU
:loved: Loved Loved
:guitar: Guitar Guitar
:ninjab: Ninjab Ninjab
:ham: Ham Ham
:pai: Pai Pai
:heart: Heart Heart
:pray: Pray Pray
:huh2: Huh2 Huh2
:fightinwo Fightinwords Fightinwords
:jump: Jump Jump
:ninja: Ninja Ninja
:anirazz: Anirazz Anirazz
:soccerbal Soccerball Soccerball
:whoa: Whoa Whoa
:bear: Bear Bear
:soldieree Soldiereek Soldiereek
:worried: Worried Worried
:bun: Bun Bun
:soldierpi Soldierpissed Soldierpissed
:chickenca Chickencatcher Chickencatcher
:soldiersu Soldiersurprised Soldiersurprised
:deaddrunk Deaddrunk Deaddrunk
:sweatdrop Sweatdrop Sweatdrop
:091: 091 091
:shrug: Shrug Shrug
:evilking: Evilking Evilking
:typing: Typing Typing
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:grinhappy Grinhappy Grinhappy
:mope: Mope Mope
:guns5: Guns5 Guns5
:nosey: Nosey Nosey
:hare: Hare Hare
:petrified Petrified Petrified
:hi: Hi Hi
:fellover: Fellover Fellover
:irked: Irked Irked
:flyinange Flyinangel Flyinangel
:aniblush: Aniblush Aniblush
:snide: Snide Snide
:weed: Weed Weed
:applause: Applause Applause
:soldierco Soldiercool Soldiercool
:winktongu Winktongue Winktongue
:bouncebal Bounceball Bounceball
:soldierla Soldierlaugh Soldierlaugh
:calm: Calm Calm
:soldiersm Soldiersmile1 Soldiersmile1
:crier: Crier Crier
:sorry: Sorry Sorry
:rofl: Rofl Rofl
:drool: Drool Drool
:toilet: Toilet Toilet
:geek: Geek Geek
:massacre: Massacre Massacre
:guns2: Guns2 Guns2
:nod: Nod Nod
:hammy: Hammy Hammy
:paranoid: Paranoid Paranoid
:hearts: Hearts Hearts
:puppy: Puppy Puppy
:eyespin: Eyespin Eyespin
:inlove2: Inlove2 Inlove2
:fish: Fish Fish
:kissin: Kissin Kissin
:???: Confused (light bg) Confused (light bg)
:eyepopper Eyepopper Eyepopper
:urgh: Urgh Urgh
:aniwink: Aniwink Aniwink
:soldierbi Soldierbiggrin Soldierbiggrin
:whyme: Whyme Whyme
:boggle: Boggle Boggle
:soldierfr Soldierfrown Soldierfrown
:zzz: Zzz Zzz
:bustout: Bustout Bustout
:soldiers: Soldiers Soldiers
:chompers: Chompers Chompers
:soldierth Soldierthumbup Soldierthumbup
:rain: Rain Rain
:devil2: Devil2 Devil2
:tastey: Tastey Tastey
:alien: Alien Alien
:smilebomb Smilebomb Smilebomb
:frustrate Frustrated Frustrated
:lenochin: Lenochin Lenochin
:grump: Grump Grump
:newbie: Newbie Newbie
:halo: Halo Halo
:ooh: Ooh Ooh
:headscrat Headscratch Headscratch
:poke: Poke Poke
:huh: Huh Huh
:fencin: Fencin Fencin
:jawdrop: Jawdrop Jawdrop
:anirazz2: Anirazz2 Anirazz2
:sob: Sob Sob
:whip: Whip Whip
:axe: Axe Axe
:soldiercr Soldiercry Soldiercry
:worm: Worm Worm
:boxin: Boxin Boxin
:soldierma Soldiermad Soldiermad
:chicken: Chicken Chicken
:soldiersp Soldierspooked Soldierspooked
:dead: Dead Dead
:stupified Stupified Stupified
:087: 087 087
:sheep: Sheep Sheep
:eureka: Eureka Eureka
:twitch: Twitch Twitch
:lafhard: Lafhard Lafhard
:goodevil: Goodevil Goodevil
:monkey: Monkey Monkey
:guns4: Guns4 Guns4
:nosepicke Nosepicker Nosepicker
:happy: Happy Happy
:penguin: Penguin Penguin
:helpme: Helpme Helpme
:fattie: Fattie Fattie
:innocent: Innocent Innocent
:flower: Flower Flower
:smokin: Smokin Smokin
:wavin: Wavin Wavin
:apc: Apc Apc
:soldierch Soldiercheers Soldiercheers
:winkthumb Winkthumb Winkthumb
:bottomsup Bottomsup Bottomsup
:soldiergu Soldierguns1 Soldierguns1
:butt: Butt Butt
:soldiersh Soldiershocked Soldiershocked
:crazyeyes Crazyeyes Crazyeyes
:soldierwi Soldierwink Soldierwink
:rassberry Rassberry Rassberry
:devilspin Devilspin Devilspin
:thinkinha Thinkinhard Thinkinhard
:angel: Angel Angel
:fyou: Fyou Fyou
:loveeyes: Loveeyes Loveeyes
:guns: Guns Guns
:no: No No
:hammer: Hammer Hammer
:panda: Panda Panda
:heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat
:pukegreen Pukegreen Pukegreen
:inlove: Inlove Inlove
:fightinwo Fightinwords2 Fightinwords2
:kiss: Kiss Kiss
:anitongue Anitongue Anitongue
:soldieran Soldierangry Soldierangry
:whoohoo: Whoohoo Whoohoo
:bigeyes: Bigeyes Bigeyes
:soldiereh Soldiereh Soldiereh
:worry: Worry Worry
:bunny: Bunny Bunny
:soldierpu Soldierpuke Soldierpuke
:chimp: Chimp Chimp
:soldierth Soldierthumbdown Soldierthumbdown
:purplex: Purplex Purplex
:devil1: Devil1 Devil1
:tank: Tank Tank
:2smile: 2smile 2smile
:sing: Sing Sing
:excited: Excited Excited
:upsidown: Upsidown Upsidown
:laughter: Laughter Laughter
:gritteeth Gritteeth Gritteeth
:mouse: Mouse Mouse
:gurn: Gurn Gurn
:notsure: Notsure Notsure
:headphone Headphones Headphones
:pisssed: Pisssed Pisssed
:hothead: Hothead Hothead
:femsmile: Femsmile Femsmile
:jackinbox Jackinbox Jackinbox
:frogg: Frogg Frogg
:?: Confused (dark bg) Confused (dark bg)
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:babymario Baby Mario Baby Mario
:gb: Game Boy Game Boy
:wario: Wario Wario
:sniper: Sniper Sniper
:s-redeeme S Redeemer S Redeemer
:goomba: Goomba Goomba
:waluigi: Waluigi Waluigi
:plasma: Plasma Plasma
:s-ctf: S Ctf S Ctf
:boo: Boo Boo
:pmush: Poison Mushroom Poison Mushroom
:flak: Flak Flak
:xloc: Xloc Xloc
:s-telefra S Telefrag S Telefrag
:dk: Donkey Kong Donkey Kong
:toad: Toad Toad
:rocket: Rocket Rocket
:s-minigun S Minigun S Minigun
:drmario: Dr Mario Dr Mario
:mush: Mushroom Mushroom
:impact: Impact Impact
:s-chainsa S Chainsaw S Chainsaw
:grinmario Grinnin' Mario Grinnin' Mario
:n64: N64 Logo N64 Logo
:luigi: Luigi Luigi
:enforcer: Enforcer Enforcer
:s-shock: S Shock S Shock
:1up: 1up Mushroom 1up Mushroom
:yoshi: Yoshi Yoshi
:ripper: Ripper Ripper
:s-instagi S Instagib S Instagib
:diddy: Diddy Diddy
:snescont: SNES Controller SNES Controller
:glob: Glob Glob
:s-bluecap S Bluecap S Bluecap
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:yodamad: Yodamad Yodamad
:yodawink: Yodawink Yodawink
:yodacool: Yodacool Yodacool
:yodaexcla Yodaexclaim Yodaexclaim
:yodasmile Yodasmile Yodasmile
:yodaarrow Yodaarrow Yodaarrow
:yodaquest Yodaquestion Yodaquestion
:yodacry: Yodacry Yodacry
:yodaidea: Yodaidea Yodaidea
:yodatongu Yodatongue Yodatongue
:yodaconfu Yodaconfused Yodaconfused
:yodasad: Yodasad Yodasad
:yodabiggr Yodabiggrin Yodabiggrin
:yodaevil: Yodaevil Yodaevil
:yodaneutr Yodaneutral Yodaneutral
:yodacrazy Yodacrazy Yodacrazy
:yodagrin: Yodagrin Yodagrin
:yodasurpr Yodasurprised Yodasurprised
:yodablush Yodablush Yodablush
:yodarolle Yodarolleyes Yodarolleyes
:yodaeek: Yodaeek Yodaeek
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:orcblacke Orcblackeye Orcblackeye
:orcdeb: Orcdeb Orcdeb
:orcgne: Orcgne Orcgne
:orclaught Orclaught2 Orclaught2
:orc10: Orc10 Orc10
:orc5: Orc5 Orc5
:orcass: Orcass Orcass
:orccrazy: Orccrazy Orccrazy
:orcfuck: Orcfuck Orcfuck
:orcinterr Orcinterro Orcinterro
:orcsanta: Orcsanta Orcsanta
:orcyay: Orcyay Orcyay
:orc2: Orc2 Orc2
:orccensur Orccensured Orccensured
:orcevil: Orcevil Orcevil
:orchmmm: Orchmmm Orchmmm
:orcpaf: Orcpaf Orcpaf
:orcstupid Orcstupid Orcstupid
:orc12: Orc12 Orc12
:orc7: Orc7 Orc7
:orcbisoux Orcbisoux Orcbisoux
:orccry: Orccry Orccry
:orcgift: Orcgift Orcgift
:orclaught Orclaught1 Orclaught1
:orcsort: Orcsort Orcsort
:orc1: Orc1 Orc1
:orc4: Orc4 Orc4
:orccool: Orccool Orccool
:orcfouet: Orcfouet Orcfouet
:orcidiot2 Orcidiot2 Orcidiot2
:orcpoursu Orcpoursuite Orcpoursuite
:orctrinqu Orctrinque Orctrinque
:orc14: Orc14 Orc14
:orc9: Orc9 Orc9
:orcboulet Orcboulet Orcboulet
:orcdodo: Orcdodo Orcdodo
:orchmm: Orchmm Orchmm
:orcnon: Orcnon Orcnon
:orcspash: Orcspash Orcspash
:orc11: Orc11 Orc11
:orc6: Orc6 Orc6
:orcawww: Orcawww Orcawww
:orccrazy2 Orccrazy2 Orccrazy2
:orcgene: Orcgene Orcgene
:orckoa: Orckoa Orckoa
:orcshhh: Orcshhh Orcshhh
:orc^^: Orc^^ Orc^^
:orc3: Orc3 Orc3
:orcchoked Orcchoked Orcchoked
:orcevil2: Orcevil2 Orcevil2
:orchug: Orchug Orchug
:orcpascom Orcpascompris Orcpascompris
:orctong: Orctong Orctong
:orc13: Orc13 Orc13
:orc8: Orc8 Orc8
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:xmasbiggr Xmasbiggrin Xmasbiggrin
:xmasmad: Xmasmad Xmasmad
:xmastongu Xmastongue Xmastongue
:candycane Candycane Candycane
:xmasevil: Xmasevil Xmasevil
:xmassad: Xmassad Xmassad
:xmascool: Xmascool Xmascool
:xmasneutr Xmasneutral Xmasneutral
:xmaswink: Xmaswink Xmaswink
:xmas3: Xmas3 Xmas3
:xmaslol: Xmaslol Xmaslol
:xmassurpr Xmassurprised Xmassurprised
:xmaseek: Xmaseek Xmaseek
:xmasrolle Xmasrolleyes Xmasrolleyes
:xmasconfu Xmasconfused Xmasconfused
:xmasmrgre Xmasmrgreen Xmasmrgreen
:xmastwist Xmastwisted Xmastwisted
:xmas2: Xmas2 Xmas2
:xmasfrown Xmasfrown Xmasfrown
:xmassmile Xmassmile Xmassmile
:xmascry: Xmascry Xmascry
:xmasredfa Xmasredface Xmasredface

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