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Old 09-20-2005, 09:51 AM   #8
Optimus Funk
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Originally Posted by thecreeper
i'm all for space exploration, but really, what is the point to going back to the moon? what's there that we haven't already researched to death decades ago?
George W. Bush just saw 2001: A Space Odyssey before making his decision to go back to the moon. He wants to find the large black monolith in the movie that was on the moon. You know so, he can better wage war on terror. The planned 104 billion dollar budget does have some weird ass expenditures in it though, including 15 billion dollars to re-start the now defunked Pan-Am flight lines and give them a solid lead in the commercial space race. 3 billion to search and find the apes from the movie that learned to use tools, for they probably have some knowledge as to where the monolith of earth is hidden and the moon monolithis located...then exterminate with extreme prejudice. 35 billion to develop A.I. more advanced then the now outdated H.A.L. 9000, and name it H.A.L. 10k. We must be very hush, hush about this we dont want the terrorists, or communists to find out and foil our plans of interstellar domination.

Seriously though, unless he has some great ideas as to why we should go to the moon, not just again but for the um-teenth time, then I think we should better accolate our tax money. There is plenty to research I agree, but not enough to make us go back there while we have so much crap that needs much more attention atleast right now. Overcrowding is a problem, but not for the United States, look at India, China, and Japan those are the peeps that need to be flying people to moon, and not killing baby girls because they are only allowed to have 2 children at most(exclude japan for that last part). I do believe japan is looking to land on the moon in 2008 anyway we just just wait to see what they find out, before committing 104 billion US tax payers dollars or send a fucking little rover shit(yes that is what they are called) that NASA adores so much, I mean it would get there in like two days and scuttle around for much longer and safer no doubt then those damnable mars rovers. As of right now living on the moon would be horrible it would be like living on a submarine that you couldnt get off, and your body would physically deteriorate we aren't made to live in low-g eviroments. So I think, we should wait till our technology gets a bit better and we as a nation are in a safe position, and are fully fitted with a completely competent president, and government capable of pulling off such a task as going back to the moon, and then perhaps living on the moon.

::End Rant::
"You ain't lived till you got head from a vampire!" Darius McCrary(better know as Eddie Winslow from family matters)to Jon Bon Jovi in Vampires: Los Muertos

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