Thread: Pride NYC
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Old 06-29-2005, 10:59 AM   #52
Plain Old Jane
i hate vagina
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dost thou mock me?

Please, you just made a comparison between being Gay and having Cancer. Maybe you didn't notice this but Cancer is a DISEASE. Now, would you like to make the argument that being a homosexual is a disease? You were so blatantly off balance with that argument that I let it die because it was so weak. You're comparing being a homosexual to having a life threatening illness.
This being the first in your infractions, you're taking her words out of context, assuming we're talking about the same gay people in two social situations, one with exposure and one without, the supposed feelings of the straight people around the water cooler was the crux, not the presupposition that all gays have aids which is false.

Its akin to people saying "Niggers" are lying cheating motherfuckers, will rape all your daughters, and can put their boners on the ground and spin around on them.
Also akin to Polish people, who stereotypes say are dumb as fucking bricks, make long posts about the wrong points of contention, misconstrue most things and manipulate the meaning to fit their own ends, and they're dumb and are dirty dendriphiliacs.

But all of that stuff isnt true, its (regarding dem black peopas) just a presupposition that some severly biggoted people have that is unfortunate and should be discouraged, and look what happened with black folks, they had parades and widespread attention in the media for a few years, reduced rights and whatnot, but now, due in part to activism and visibility they used, they're accepted as full citizens, can vote, hold property, and can have as much fried chicken and orange soda as they want, without anyone telling them different.

the point of that section wasnt the stereotype, but what they're doing to get over it.

As far as poles go, they are a proud and noble people, deeply intelligent with a deep running history, whose only problems lately were the navy tests in the 90s involving the submarines that kept sinking due do a engineering problem. (SCREEN DOORS, YOU MANGY POLLOCK!) I love you mike!

See, poles were looked on as a minority and were looked on as dumb and stuff when they were new around the turn of the century. Made fun of because, the formal bilingual education wasnt invented, and due to restrictions in the language, poles were made fun of for not being used to the TH sound. Also, I recall seeing in a movie, a new immigrant eating a banana with the skin on and all the people laughing at him. But they're accepted and treated like any other white person now. In fact, due to breeding, I havent really seen any trueblood polish people lately.

Sexuality is not the clothes you wear, the way you talk, or the way you present yourself. It is your sexual attraction. Very few people care about anybody else's sexual attraction enough to actively seek to discriminate against them.
-ANY jack chick book (if anyone actually converts because of these, I'll start eating meat again.)
-that fucker during the parade on his bike.
-Mayor of jerusalem who actually made a gay pride ban (recently lifted and fucker made to pay 6500 our of his own pocket.),00.html
-Ohio protest against pride -
-Lead the fight against GSA's in your school now!
-anything on this page -
-the protest on the harvey milk school
-matthew shepards (and MANY others) murder

"Gay people have sex with the same gender." That's a stupid sentence. It is impossible to have sex with a gender because, as anybody who has ever taken any course on sociology knows, gender is not in the essence of an individual, where as sexuality is.
ah ah ah, MY specialty! hehe, actually, you do a very good job of describing the social base of gender and sex.

if I, as a male, had sex with a female who had assumed the gender roles of a man, I would not be committing an act of homosexuality.
except this part, its a matter of perspective. my friend amanda's gender is VERY MUCH male, her sex, converse to that, is female, but I'll be damned if she was ever to date any straight guys.
or at least, if she did, she'd make them informed that she considers it homosexual in nature, sort of akin to my own struggles with sexuality, but thats neither here nor there and I dont wanna hear creeper and hex bitch about it for the next twenty posts.

I do not see my sexual preference as something to be necessarily proud of because in and of itself, it doesn't exist.
in reference to earlier post, you aluded to race in the same way, that it doesnt matter, but we still have black history month, million man marches, black people have their own culture, language, and vernacular. Very much the same way homosexuals have been remanded to such. But the true question is, would they still be the same way if there wasnt the discrimination?

stuff on adoption and how mike knows someone
Florida has a gay adoption ban -
texas and missouri has a ban on gay and bisexual foster parents
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.

Last edited by Plain Old Jane : 06-29-2005 at 11:04 AM.
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