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Old 06-17-2005, 12:04 AM   #27

Join Date: Oct 2004
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Well, obvioulsy the court system isn't as black and white as it can be. How many people really think that MJ is innocent? Not many. But how many people think the people who are testifying are really truthful? Not many. So in this case there was no truth, no justice, only right and wrong. But the court had its hands tied just like in many other cases. Based on the evidence the courts made the right decision, but it certainly wasn't right or wrong.
The courts don't decide guilt and innocence, they decide guilt only... either guilty or not guilty. "Not Guilty" is a verdict that can come from many things ... weak testimony, lying "victims", and a motive-laden prosecution. There is still truth, and there is still right and wrong. The jury decided that it is wrong to convict Jackson on such evidence... Evidence that, no matter how weak, is still evidence; it just doesn't act against Jackson, but for him.

My gripe is that the major public opinion is "Michael Jackson is a weirdo, so he just has to be guilty." This is what I dislike about much of this countries systems. A public opinion != the right opinion.
I think that a lot of people are positive that he had done something before; something illegal. However, there was no evidence that showed that Jackson did those illegal things in this case. And ... I'm wondering, if public opinion does not make the right opinion, what does? (And I'm not trying to say "public opinion is the right opinion" in any way, I'm wondering what your answer is).
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