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Old 01-20-2006, 11:01 PM   #2
Plain Old Jane
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good god, i thought neil was declaring jihad for a minute.

while I do applaud him for an offer of truce, given his past, he would always be kept at arms length. Although, it does make me wonder if there are any peacefeelers hired by the administration in middle eastern countries.

On the his sept. 11th issue, I say this, "Fuck Off and Die." Bin laden has been constantly saying the Bush administration is evil, but his attacks arent against the administration, they're against the generally [now] unsatisfied populace. That is the one reason, if this is is read seriously, that his offer and entire arguement will be debunked. Also, the soviet union fell because their idealogy was suseptable to capitalistic strategy, also, they were fighting a cold war with the US at the same time, and did he simply forget the training and aid that the anti USSR groups got from the CIA?

The fundemental flaw here in the Rogue State analogy is that the US is turning into a Globalist Nation, along with several other nations some of whom fight the war in iraq. Immidiatly enacting an isolationist campaign would choke this nation and the communications industry of the world, to death.

If anyone besides Bush deserved blame for this multi trillion dollar fiasco, its bin laden, for being a hypocritical asshole:

you see this? thats osama at 15, wearing bellbottoms with several western looking family members, who dont seem to have a problem with going to amsterdam or whatever fucking country they were in at the time.
Osama, you stupid fscking hypocrite, what the hell is wrong with you?

And this guy:

Complete fucking joke. He wasnt even elected into office the first time, how the hell did he get elected again. And then he has the audacity to suggest repealing the 2 term limit as well as plunge the US into a ill concieved and iller planned war of basically attrition for what, so your investors can make more cash? just how much do you need? many of us lower class people live pretty well toeing the poverty line that you've thrown us to, you ignorant twat.

But if we're tossing blame around, I'll toss some to another two places.

1. The Gap
thats right, the gap. its just an instance of it, but it has a lot more press than the companys occupying the middle east right now. The problem is, just look at africa... its a pit.. Zambiya used to have a thriving copper business before the bottom fell out on it. Its current citizens have resorted to selling second hand clothes from America to make ends meet. Thats right, thats where the salvation army sends (statistically, like... from a book and stuff.) 95% of the clothes people here donate. You could go to Zambiya and find kids wearing new kids on the block t-shirts, but barely have anything to eat. ::wipes some blame on the Salvation Army::

The Gap runs sweatshops in third world nations for two very good SOUNDING reasons:
1. to allieviate massive debt to western based World Bank Organizations
2. to get around wage and pollution laws

so basically they squeeze the life and vitality out of nations, legally. Some nations even "race to the bottom" to have the lowwest standards so these companies will come in.

While not notably happening in Middle Eastern nations at this moment, I'm going to wager that this was an agitator in the not so fundamental fringe of muslim society.

2. American Media. Yes, gasp, american media. they've pretty much been bought out by bushes cronies. the senior manager who was on duty the night fox announced Bush the president in the first election, early and unconfirmed, was King Georgie's first cousin. As well as the downplay of war happenings and the ignorance of stories pretaining to the rape of other nations like the Gap did, and the WBO is doing.

Hey, I know what you're thinking...

But I tell you this, everyone I've named is WITHOUT A DOUBT taking advantage of the stupidity and gullibility of their nations, from bush's hold on media and stranglehold on our rights to protest and fight back. Bin Laden, with his manipulation of the muslim people's long and proud traditions. World Conglomerates (most of whom are no longer based in america but in tax havens off the coast, giving no more money back to america's people) whose raping of other countries is agitating and endangering the lives of every american. To me, who really cant do anything except bitch on a messege board. But I have just one last thing to show you.

Google Says "Fuck You" to US Gov't demand for search data

It is sad when the US people can stand idley by while the govt kills their children and quells their rights, but an internet search company has to be the beacon of light in all this poopey? Theres plenty more things we could be doing to secure our rights and the lives of our fellow humans than just sitting here.
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