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Old 08-31-2005, 02:23 AM   #13

Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth
why must you persist!?
A really eager person to join a forum of people who have known each other for roughly five or six years (or so)... The person pretends as if "this is really weird, but I just want to check it out..." to give a veil of honesty and to answer the question of "why would anybody even care." We do not discuss anything of interest here, our opinions are mostly uniform with every other site on the intarweb... but just with a lack of volume, and there is nothing offered here that you cannot get anywhere else. Now, this is not a criticism of the TestTube, I love it this way, I am happy with how it is and I think that it has done a great job servicing the members of the community who have been here for so long. I think it's wonderful. But, for a new member, who was never a member of that community, it makes little sense to register and declare yourself new, with absolutely no connection. Furthermore, it's a girl ... every website is eager to have female additions because women aren't represented well on internet communities like this one.

The poster has suspisciously dropped off the face of the Earth. It would be very fitting for that poster to either reply to this topic telling me she is real or make a new topic about "where she was for so long!!!" I frankly think that it was Jep ... the posts read like contrived Jep posts, where Jep tries to be something that he/she isn't (see the drunk thread for one). They're not convincing. Jep was also mysteriously absent for the first couple of days of that post, appearing later on to congradulate the member, or whatever. I think that this was a cunning trick ... often times pseudonyms are given away because the person who is pulling the trick responds quickly ... So in this case, the person with the fake name did not post in that thread for a while and then came back randomly to reply. Though to Jep's credit, he hasn't been as active as usual... so yeah.

I have a useless knack at seeing such things for what they are... another that persisted for years and duped the extended community of TTT... I was so vigilante in that one but then gave up. I recently looked back into it and my original assumptions (which really were discoveries and evidence, at the time) were right. I am not going to reveal what I am talking about... people can guess if they'd like but its futile.

This, dear friend, is why I persist.

... that, and welcome back Jen.
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