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Old 07-22-2005, 08:13 PM   #2

Join Date: Oct 2004
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Now, I agree with you about the dangers of the Patriot act, but there's a few points I have to make.

Republican's used to get their panties in a wad over states rights
Don't use Republicans and Conservatives interchangably.
Republicans themselves have never been entirely consistant with states rights... dating back to the definition of the parties themselves. Lincoln was a Republican and committed the biggest atrocity to states' rights, since the Federalist papers were written. It still stands as the greatest negligence to states' rights in American history. Today's DC-Republicans (neoconservatives) are not all that interested in states' rights. They are just as much federalists as any Democrat or Liberal.

The Patriot act still stands as something that Anti-Republicans and Classical Conservatives challenge as something that gives Government too much control... However, something that I think the Anti-Republicans miss is that it has yet to even be applied, and most of them are just updates to prior laws that give government essentially the same power. I've yet to meet somebody credible who's life was even changed by it. By credible, I mean, somebody who is not some random bloke posting on a Anti-Bush message board. And it's really not that scary ... the biggest violation of our basic civil rights was with Kelo... I think that it's much more dangerous that the government can seize your house and property at will, without just compensation, and without offering any legitimate public service...

I was worried about the Patriot Act at first, as a Libertarian and Classical Conservative ... but I have yet to see it applied, and this is while working at the Worcester County Court House and the lower courts of Massachusetts for the last three years.
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