Thread: Xmas Lists
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Old 12-07-2004, 08:47 PM   #3
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johnny is on a distinguished road
so far, i've asked for some clothes (hooded sweaters for wintertime ), and a douglas coupland book, or two, that i don't already have.

earlier today, since he's in town, my dad was asking me what i wanted, and i couldn't really think of much.. i told him i could use a new pedal or two for my guitar, but i'd have to pick them out and get them while he's here tomorrow, and that kind of sucks the fun out of christmas and christmas morning. but i do need at least a decent overdrive pedal..

also, i think i've been hinting at a couple beatles albums. i had a bunch of them many years ago, and i don't really know what happened to them, so i'm finally getting around to buying them back. i've really been wanting to listen to "help" and "revolver" lately.

but, really, i just want to have some holidays, look in my stocking and open a present or two on christmas morning, and just enjoy the free time with the family and friends.
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