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Old 08-15-2005, 04:20 PM   #2
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was the sword stolen through illicit means? or was the guy just a thief in the game? because if he took it according to game rules, hell no, shit happens. but if he used outside means to take the item, then...shit, i don't know.

it's so hard to take things like this seriously. i mean, anyone who kills a guy because of a game has got some real issues. in a country liked Korea, which is very wired and very active in MMORPGs, i could see this beinga benefit, because as most of you know, people like that fellow last month will sit there and play a game till they drop dead. so it's serious business, but you almost need to wonder if the problem isn't more deeply rooted in how people are spending their time, and how much weight and importance they are placing on a video game. no matter what, it's just a game, for christ's sakes.
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