Thread: With Teeth
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Old 05-29-2005, 07:20 PM   #6
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well, a good-evil review is coming, but here is my brief conclusion after listening to it countless times.

the one thing that sticks out with this album is that it is isnt trying to be anything. it isn't a 'concept album' in the vague sense of the word like the fragile (which in my opinion was a great album but not really a good concept album) and it isn't full of blinding hate and self loathing like the downward spiral, its just a mature album that has many good songs together and is fairly straight forward. it has a good hook song (The Hand That Feeds) and a great out of character song (Only) and a terrific ender(Right Where It Belongs). grohl's aggressive live drums add a lot to the music (in songs such as Getting Smaller and You Know What You Are) and gives it a bit more aggression. overall it is a really great album in my opinion, just don't try to hold it up to their past too much. NIN is almost completely different than 10-15 years ago.
__________________ - ahh, wade boggs...goes down smooth.
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