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Old 04-22-2005, 02:02 PM   #16

Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 489
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Let us make children and repopulate the Earth, neil.

-- edit --
And to further your analysis:
I'm a non-Denominational Christian/Theist -- So While I'm Christian, I'm just not Catholic/Protestant/or a member of the "non-denominational Church" which I think is ... bs. I love Theology and Philosophy... and I like, but don't always agree, with Aristotle's model of the Metaphysics. It seems to make prudent sense, except when it comes God and Men and their relation (Sort of with the idea that God can't think of anything lesser than himself, because then he becomes lesser then, and men, when thinking of God, become closer to God ... Seems sort of strange, like I could think of a Bicycle and then somehow have my species-form mold around a bicycle. I dunno, it makes relative sense, especially in regard to the Wise Man analysis and Metaphysics/Philosophy having the most noble ends and thus the most noble study... but I get hung up on some stuff). I also defend Catholicism a lot, even though I'm not Catholic, I dislike Secular fundamentalism (secularism as a religion) and ignorant atheism (not to say that all atheism, obviously, is ignorant... just the ignorant kind) ... and being that I live in Massachusetts, which is predominantly Catholic and almost paradoxical Liberal, most take aim at Catholicism... it's also been an easy target for the last four years.

Anyway ... we'll continue this over a steaming cup of human blood.

Last edited by Mike : 04-22-2005 at 02:23 PM.
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