Originally Posted by Cid
I could GET the exoskeleton, it's not a power
It was a medical procedure making him nearly indestructible. It may not have been a
mutant power but indestructible bones still falls under a power for the sake of this discussion. If we didn't count medical procedures that granted extraordinary abilities we would cut off a whole avenue of possibilities.
Although wolverine's healing was considered by all of us at one point we starting considering the fact that we would have to watch everyone we know die of old age including our own children. After that we all agreed we'd rather have a better quality of life power rather than quantity of life.
Originally Posted by Cid
Hiro (it's one power. Do I get a brain tumor?)
We discussed this as well and, yeah I'm pretty sure you do get a brain tumor. I would argue your healing factor cancels this out though. Time travel can be granted in other ways as well. I think all of us took time travel in one shape or another at first until we tried to get practical uses out of it. I think everyone who took time travel ended up taking something else after discussing what you could do with that ability in real world application in comparison to more specific solutions to achieve the same goals.