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Old 04-26-2007, 10:40 AM   #43
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The other night I decided to go for a late night run. I got out of my advertising class, came back to my dorm room, put on a sweatshirt and some shorts and did some laps around our campus circle.

(man, that's an old picture. There have been lots of buildings added since this was taken. I reckon it's gotta be at least 3 years old.)

Anyway, I was surprised at how well I was able to run. I usually can't run too long, regardless of the shoes I'm wearing because I have really flat feet. And it's kinda nice, because one half of the circle is slightly downhill, and the other half is slightly uphill.

I ran one lap, then walked to a building with a water fountain, got a drink, and then sprinted for about 1/4 of the circle. Walked around to where I started, ran 2 laps, and then walked one more. That's quite an accomplishment for me. Back when I used to run a bit, I could only do one lap before I had to stop. This time I was able to run 1, walk a bit, and then run 2 in a row.

The weight is continuing to roll off. The lowest I've seen the scale is 183 or so, but I'm pretty sure that was mostly just lost water weight. Just weighed myself this morning and I'm at about 185. I'm going to see my girlfriend this weekend, and I'm pretty sure she'll notice the difference. Once we're living together for the summer we're gonna start going to the gym together and what not. So I think if I really stuck with the strict diet, and exercise, I could be in pretty good shape by the end of summer.
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