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Old 01-08-2007, 10:58 PM   #98
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fuck dude... i have the same problem, and i have not reached a suitable conclusion... basically firefox is a bit to sluggish for me sometimes and i want something lighter.

swiftfox really isn't all that much faster, and any firefox based browser is gonna be just as bad as firefox. epiphany is ok, but it's not nearly as packed with features. opera isn't free software and the suites are just too much.

konquerer is pretty good, but it renders some pages strangely, mostly with fonts being too small. there really isn't much plug-in support that i know of, and nothing like down-them-all. being able to use it for pretty much everything KDE related is nice, but like you said, it is a QT app and sticks out.

the reasoning behind iceweasel is a little tricky to understand. according to the FSF, firefox isn't free software, because not only does the windows and official linux version contain non-free elements, but they also host and give access to non-free plugins. add on top of that the whole artwork fiasco that happened. the FSF is a little zany sometimes, and so are those debian dudes, so i guess they figured they would stick it to the firefox dudes, because really they are doing some anti-free software practices. firefox has become the standard for the most part, so i think it is a fairly big deal that something that has become the champion of open-source is really not so free.

so i just stick with firefox and hope that something else comes along eventually...
slap that bitch, sell her coke
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