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Old 12-08-2006, 03:42 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth
Hey y'know you can heal yourself at the healing center while in the middle of a battle? I'm locked in combat with Jesse right now and I can't even leave the battle until he moves, so i can't do anything! Plus if we keep healing ourselves it will go on forever.
actually i did notice this and kept it to myself. i had message the creator of the hack and informed him of it over a week ago here what he said:

That happens just because you are Administrator, Moderator or Super
Moderator (by default). It does not happen for regular members.
To shut that off, turn off the Is Game Master option in the Usergroup

clearly you dont have to be a admin or mod. i dont have access to the game master options so i cant do that but donnie should be able to. also donnie while your in there look over to see what element options there are because everything im reading says i should be able to align races/classes to an element, but i dont have that option in the cp.

the more i mess with this the more problems i see. its basically to the point where it doesnt seem worth the time to 'fix' it. even if i make every possible attempt at getting the hack to be balanced and have more options its still flawed in a bunch of ways that i cant fix. don't get me wrong im gonna still add more classes races spells and items. i jsut think every one is gonan get sick of it after they realize there is really only three features in battle - Heal - Attack - Heal slightly while Attacking. even when you set a spell up to heal and attack some one it uses the same 'buff' amount on both things. wich means if i have a sepll set to Heal and Deal damage (a drain life type spell), i can only set one number to contol the outcome not two. so, say i set it to 40 that means it will heal 40 HP BUT it doest deal 40 damage since this modifier is instead added to you attack much like a weapon would. so it ends up doing 400+ damage to some one (more than enoguh to kill any pc) and only heals 40. the other side of this would be to set it at a low number so it attack for around 35 then will only heal for 1hp, wich is basically useless.

ill keep making updates till everyone hates it and wants it to die. then ill stop.

Last edited by heX : 12-08-2006 at 04:39 AM.
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