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GT2000 08-28-2005 11:47 AM

Hurricane Katrina
Not much to say on this storm...except...fucking huge...

Hey Liss, looks like your area might take a hit from it as well...hope you're already out of there.

raublekick 08-28-2005 12:15 PM

it's looking pretty fucking crazy. i hope it dies a little by the time it reaches PA

testtubebaby 08-29-2005 12:15 AM

got hit in miami... trees down fucking everywhere... louisianna/mississippi are going to get obliterated

GT2000 08-29-2005 01:00 AM

160mph winds, going to make landfall this monday am.

johnny 08-29-2005 08:04 AM

a friend of mine lives in louisiana. i'll have to write him and see what's up.

Marshall 08-29-2005 07:17 PM

fuuuuuuuuck that thing

Tornado's today in west Georgia, I cant reach my friend in Mobile and my family in Baton Rouge are OK but trees are everywhere and the road is flooded. They live right across the street from a huge lake. Good think they are up on a hill so their house isnt flooded.

Mike 08-29-2005 09:48 PM

Shit's pretty fucked up. One of the most powerful storms to hit US Land in recorded history.

thecreeper 08-30-2005 07:12 PM

i was watching the damage on CNN looks so awful. i really hope this ends up ok for everyone, but i get the feeling this storm is gonna take a toll on everyone in the US.

they were talking about the amount of money insurers are gonna have to shell out (9-16 billion) and how gas may have to start being rationed, as it may jump 20 cents in price as a result.

i feel really bad for all those people. the ones just sitting around the stadium looked like refugees.


GT2000 08-30-2005 08:23 PM

Yeah, this one will definitely impact everyone, they were losing approx. 1 million barrels of oil for everyday those rigs are OOS. Just gotta wait and see what happens. Heard mention that early estimates of damage total is like, ~40 billion, that's fucking nuts.

Jeno 08-30-2005 09:00 PM

ho hum.

I was trying to think earlier today if I new anybody in the area where Katrina hit, then Lissa popped into my head so I thought I'd find my way here. Cripes, place looks much different.

Anyway, quite a bad looking storm. I just hope they don't have another Hurricane hit that area anytime soon, there is still a long time to go in Hurricane Season.

Some of the images they've shown really look bad. :( And the scene where the reporter was interviewing the guy who lost his wife, and he was crying and she (the reporter) was practically crying. :( Very sad.

(Oh, and really do hope Liss is okie.)

testtubebaby 08-30-2005 09:36 PM

wow, that's a sig and a half!

Marshall 08-30-2005 11:38 PM

I got in touch with my friend bob. He lives in the garden district of Mobile which is less than 7 miles inland from the coast. He said everything is really flooded and he cant drive his car to the store and the power is off for an indefinite amount of time. He had a grand cookout monday night because if he didnt, all the meat in his freezer would have gone bad. Now hes left with ramen and canned goods for a while and hes pretty sad. He lives with his dad and they are used to grilling meat every night for dinner. Im glad hes OK though.

testtubebaby 08-31-2005 09:54 AM

just what they get for living in a goddamned coastal city that's under sealevel... ugh.

johnny 08-31-2005 04:40 PM

heh, i suppose so.

i'm watching some news reports right now about the whole thing, and one little sidenote that the newscaster mentioned: apparently on some websites (islamic websites i guess??) "islamic extremists" have claimed that hurricane katrina has joined the jihad against america.

you guys should all download and listen to "new orleans is sinking" by the tragically hip 8)

johnny 09-08-2005 11:32 AM

fyi: the onion's coverage of hurricane katrina is looking pretty good. (who needs real news?)

GT2000 09-08-2005 12:51 PM

Yeah, there was a little blurb on the news from an islamic vBulletin post, that stated the hurricane was their god's wrath on us.

Ahem, how about you, SUCK, my balls, Mr. Jihadist.

In other news, I might be able to return to work in the next 2-4 weeks, and the company I work for (Cox Comm) has a system in New Orleans, probably be a couple months before they start sending techs down (like they did for Florida last year, and like they did for us in 2003 when we got hit), I'm hoping to not only be back to work, but, to be able to go down there for the recovery work, I need the damn money that could bring in with all the overtime.

Mr Biglesworth 09-08-2005 01:07 PM

Ohmygod that's fantastic...
White Foragers Report Threat Of Black Looters


GT2000 09-08-2005 03:38 PM

Lmao..that's so damn wrong...but true as hell. White people are always blamed for stereo-typing..when it's black people who stereo-type themselves..

Liss 09-24-2005 11:29 AM

I stayed home, on the island during katrina. Just sick of evacuating, couldn't make myself do it again. 5 of us stayed in my house with the windows boarded up and the power out for days. But there was no damage on our road. My mom's house on the beach got kinda fucked and there was about 15 feet of sand over the road, which has been shoved over into giant dunes on either side of the road. One of my roommates dads lives in mobile and he got 10 feet of water and a giant oak tree in his house (in fact, marshall, I'm glad Bob is ok, the garden district got hit bad).

With Rita today most of Gulf Shores is flooded out. A lot of people, including my family on the beach, got flooded in, unable to leave their homes because of the floods in the roads. She had a fucking huge storm surge...floods were caused by rising water - the gulf, canals, lagoons, lakes, and rivers, which are abundant here - rather than heavy rain.

We have a lot of refugees in from New Orleans, Biloxi, and Gulfport in town due to our abundance of hotels and rental properties and its sad, though interesting, to hear everyones testimonies. Our schools are taking in hundreds of refugee students and Im getting to do some volunteer work in Biloxi. I can't explain the depression I've gone through over this...I just experienced Ivan last year, and lost my own home and suffered. I feel guilty because what I went through wasn't nearly as bad as this- I still have my life and my family- and I can't do enough to help these poor people. I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is something we all have to deal with...this is my home and we have dead bodies from New Orleans washing up on Alabama shores just miles from where I live and it just kills me.

johnny 09-24-2005 11:45 AM

sgood to see you're still alive, liss. unless you're posting from beyond the grave..?? that's not possible, right!? :/

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