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Ice Maiden 08-06-2005 04:23 PM

..Am I allowed to post on here?
I'm new on here. I was browsing and found this little piece of internet so I thought I'd post on here annd register. Just thought I'd also say hello and sorry if this forum wasn't welcoming any members you didn't know.

- Sarah

GT2000 08-06-2005 04:29 PM

Hello Sarah, you are more than welcome to post here, we're always hoping new members will trip/stumble/stagger over this place and actually take a look before moving on.

Just a little warning, we're mainly a group of friends who've "grown up" online together posting on this (and it's variants) boards, for the past 5 years, if the weird/retarded shit doesn't scare you off, you'll probably feel at home.

Ice Maiden 08-06-2005 04:43 PM

Yes, you seemed to be a bunch of friends. Thats why I was so scared of posting because I seem like a reject. But glad I'm welcomed :)

GT2000 08-06-2005 04:47 PM

Yup, back in the day some actually discouraged new people from staying, now I'm just not going to let that happen, it's too stupid.

You're no reject here (or any other time I'm sure).

Ice Maiden 08-06-2005 05:02 PM

Eeek :-/. Well I guess sometimes It's good to be the black sheep. Well hello GT2000 thanks for the welcome (I don't know you're name yet, obvious telltale sign I'm no member of your group). Haw haw.

- Sarah

thecreeper 08-06-2005 05:08 PM

hey, make yourself at home. hope you stay for awhile.

we're good, if a bit strange, people.

malta 08-06-2005 05:55 PM

Welcome and enjoy. :ninja:

Mr Biglesworth 08-06-2005 07:28 PM

Sarah! Hello!
My lord! See, you are one of a fabled bunch we call 'new members'... a bunch we have spoken much about, but never truly knew to exist. Some of us were getting doubts they even existed... something our grandparents made up to give us hope that there were more people alive than those who live on this island. You are most welcome in our abode! We're terribly ill-defined, so feel free to do or say anything, and the rest of us will just stand by with our jaws dropped in awe, having forgotten what fresh blood looks like.
Oh yes, and I'm Neil. Cheers!

GT2000 08-06-2005 07:52 PM

Heh, nice one.

I've been seeing random names pop up the last couple of days, it's because I have it set to where only members can download attachments, so people are registering to download the GTA Sex Mod and then bounce.

Hail the false number of members!

testtubebaby 08-06-2005 10:13 PM

holy crap... a new member who's also female? this has to be some kind elaborate hoax.

i'm banking it on being jep's new alias.

that said, what up home slice?

sharkz 08-06-2005 11:39 PM


And I knew I recognized the signature... Red Rain by The White Stripes.
How'd you find us, by the way?

raublekick 08-07-2005 12:05 AM

We better go see the Oracle... this might be the chosen one who liberates TTT with the rest of the world.

Welcome, by the way. I'm the newest regular member here, and I've been on here for 2-3 years now.

Plz bring fresh conversation and a covered dish kthxbye

Jesse 08-07-2005 03:28 AM


Stick around for 5 or 6 years. We could all use a fresh face..err, username?

Ice Maiden 08-07-2005 09:38 AM

Sharkz - I was browsing on Google.

raublekick - Two or three years is called new? Damn. I must be ultra squeaky clean type new then.

And thankyou for the welcome everyone. I will try and be a regular on here and bring you new topics, um I can try anyway. Just don't blame me if they are boring. I blame my Thai keyboard! Um...yeah.

- Sarah

johnny 08-07-2005 02:07 PM


Mike 08-07-2005 04:26 PM

Welcome. I am the forum conservative. I am probably also one of the many forum dickheads. Because I am one of the stauncher dickheads, I am calling shens off the bat.

Other than that, enjoy your stay. You'll see a lot of me in discussions about politics, morality, religion, and other such hotly debated topics on teh intarweb.

thecreeper 08-07-2005 04:39 PM

oh, dont let him fool you, mike's a big softie.

and by softie i mean he's gay. flaming.

teensupernothing 08-07-2005 08:01 PM

hey raub.. okay... maybe i don't visit every day but i'd say i visit enough to be a regular.. and i'm way newer than you at what.. maybe two years? year and a half.

but yeah, sarah.. don't let their idiocy scare you off. there are a few girls here. (me being one of them) some of them can be kinda harsh.. but they're (mostly) good people.

i'm christine, and i'm glad to not be the newest "regular" here anymore.

raublekick 08-07-2005 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by teensupernothing
hey raub.. okay... maybe i don't visit every day but i'd say i visit enough to be a regular.. and i'm way newer than you at what.. maybe two years? year and a half.

you sure? i thought you were around when i arrived here... weird, i dunno.

Mike 08-07-2005 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
oh, dont let him fool you, mike's a big softie.
and by softie i mean he's gay. flaming.

What can I say, I love the cock.

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