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Jesse 07-20-2007 12:38 AM

Harry Potter readers? (DO NOT FUCKING POST SPOILERS!)
So as some may know, the 7th and final Harry Potter book will be on the streets in less than 24 hours. I dunno who else preordered it, but I'll be picking up my copy tomorrow night at midnight (while listening to my iPod at full volume, in case some jerk off wants to buy the book, skim the last few pages, and then start shouting shit out) to get my copy.

Anybody care to share predictions of what might happen?

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before there are spoilers all over the internet, so, PLEASE, do not post ANY 7th book spoilers in this thread. I'm gonna be checking this thread, because I want to have some HP discussion, but, and I don't want to have the 7th book ruined for me. Thanks.


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-It's hard to really rule ANYTHING out. It is a world of wizards, and JK Rowling does fancy a good ol plot twist, or putting in something completely unexpected. So although it's not likely, I wouldn't be surprised if Harry (with the help of Hermione, and others) figured out a way to bring people back from the dead. After all, Harry is the only person to have survived the killing curse, so maybe he's got special powers 'a plenty.

-If you've read the 6th book, you know what a Horcrux is. I don't think it's possible, but I've also thought about what would happen if V-mort turned Harry into a Horcrux, SOMEHOW. Which means that as long as Harry was alive, V-mort could never be completely killed off, as part of V-Mort's soul was in Harry. I don't think this is possible, or very likely, but, you can never be too sure.

-I also think Draco Malfoy MIGHT switch sides and join forces with Harry. I think after Dumbledore pretty much talked him out of his dark ways, Draco might realize that the dark arts are not for him, as he's already been forced to try to kill Dumbledore by Voldemort, something Draco obviously could not bring himself to do. As a result, I think Draco might aid Harry and the rest of the Order in fighting the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. It'd also be totally awesome if Draco ended up killing his father (who will obviously never renounce his Death Eater ways) or Snape.

-If there's an Epilogue, greatly detailing the lives of all the major characters, I think it'd be nice to see Harry eventually (a long way into the future) become headmaster of Hogwarts, and hire some of his friends as teachers (Ron, Hermione, Fred and George).

There's probably more theories I've cooked up, but they aren't coming to me right now. And I'm cold, and must get into bed.

Jesse 07-20-2007 12:40 AM

Oh, and a full on werewolf fight between Lupin and Fenrir (and possibly Bill, depending on his condition) would be the tits.

Stormy 07-20-2007 03:11 PM

There already are spoilers all over the fucking Internet, and I can't read the book until next weekend.


squirrels2nuts 07-20-2007 04:57 PM

I'm a fucking idiot. It's a wonder I'm able to breath and walk at the same time.

Jesse 07-22-2007 04:10 PM

Just finished it. What an awesome fucking book. I encourage HP fans to read it before it becomes talked about way too much.

squirrels2nuts 07-22-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse
I'm a fucking idiot. It's a wonder I'm able to breath and walk at the same time.


Jesse 07-23-2007 12:41 AM

JK Rowling dies.

squirrels2nuts 07-23-2007 04:43 PM

but seriously when i said that other thing i didnt know that even happened until i read some spoilers

Jeno 07-23-2007 04:58 PM

ho hum. I highly enjoyed the book...still thought that, like Half-Blood Prince before it, that the writing wasn't quite as good as it should have been...but highly enjoyable nonetheless...not good enough to depose Order of the Phoenix as my favourite though.

I love favourite character...even if he's a bit evil...I still love him. :) Such a fascinating character. *nods* And Alan Rickman does such a fantastic job as him in the movies (despite the rest of the movies lacking)

Jesse 07-23-2007 11:39 PM

I think the 7th one has got to be my favorite, simply because it's got the answers to everything. The Order is probably my least favorite. Just something about it, it seemed rather boring (except of course for the ending).

And yea, Snape is a one of my favorite characters too. The night of the midnight sale, I bought a Snape action figure. He's sitting atop my TV, wand at the ready. And I agree about Alan Rickman playing the roll very well.

Jen, did you cry at all? I think I cried about..3 times. And everybody I know that's read it has cried at the very same spot. I won't say which parts I cried at. I don't want to give anything away.

Marshall 07-24-2007 12:30 AM

I liked order a lot. Then again, I LOVE Bellatrix.

The 7th book was fucking creepy. A lot happened that I didnt expect, even though I had pretty much the entire book spoiled for me. It was still amazing and some parts still shocked me even though I knew they were going to happen.

Jeno 07-24-2007 12:07 PM

I didn't cry cry...there was one part where a few tears escaped though, I don't want to give anything away to those who may not have read but...

(DD) "After all this time?"
(SS) "Always."


And my eyes might have got a bit watery during certain other for instance...erm...after they got to Bill & was more what Harry did after than the thing its self...:( Loved that character. :(

There were some other bits here and there.

I'm currently doing a second read through...see what I missed the first time and such, ya know. I probably will cry during the Shrieking Shack scene this time though. :(

Stormy 07-24-2007 05:40 PM

There were a lot of really touching parts of the novel. I think I found those more gripping than the deaths, though I have to admit I was really moved by the event Jen was talking about at Bill & Fleur's.

I finished the novel today 2.5 hours before an interview. Rowling has the most inconvenient publication dates.

raublekick 07-24-2007 05:45 PM

I just started reading the first one last night...

Stormy 07-24-2007 06:58 PM

Heh. My ex/would-be-but-is-in-NYC boyfriend visited this weekend along with another close friend of mine. She and I were both reading the 7th book, and he bought books 1 and 2.

Jesse 07-24-2007 11:12 PM


I thought it was really sad when Fred died, but I didn't start to really tear up until Harry saw Lupin's body lying next to Fred and Tonks. Then, after that, the water works really got started when Harry used the Resurrection Stone and Sirius, Lupin, Lily, and James appeared before Harry, told him how proud they all were, and then walked with him thru the woods to meet Voldemort. Tears were ROLLING down my face, bottom lip was quivering. Man, it was intense.

Dobby and Hedwig were also really sad. When I thought about how Dobby would have felt if he knew Harry actually dug his grave by hand, without magic, and gave him a proper burial. That kinda tugged on the heartstrings as well.

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