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Plain Old Jane 06-19-2005 08:56 PM

Jersey Radio Personalities Bash Chinese People
Another big win for New Jersey, two on air personalities "The Jersey Guys" have stated on the air that their country is being invaded by hoards of chinese people. They've also said biggotist remarks towards homosexuals, latinos, women, and black people, and have also said flat out lies on the air about politics, inter-office goings on, and about women's issues. So why are these escaped monkeys still on the air?

Because they are uneducated pricks, and there are plenty of other uneducated pricks in the world to listen to them. Not that I hate them for their biggotist and hypocritical statements, I'm ALL for free speech.

They're just retarded, and if these two assholes can't work up enough cajones to actually research the topics they're talking about, then they shouldnt have jobs that put them in a responsible position. Otherwise it's just like saying "Its okay to be retarded assclowns, you'll still get high paying jobs." and that just isnt true, nor do we need more mindless uneducated dickheads in this country who are being encouraged to continue to be uneducated and ride the little yellow bus.

[b][i]Craig Carton: I'm using Jun Choi [said in fast-paced, high-pitched, squeaky voice] as an example of a larger problem.

Ray Rossi: and you know

teensupernothing 06-20-2005 12:18 PM

jep, the jersey guys have ALWAYS been morons. if you listen to them... it's kinda expected that they'll offend at least one group of people in every topic they hit, it's also kinda what they depend on, because that way they can get people defending the topic to call, and then shoot them down and laugh about it. they're dumb, and probably should not be on the air, BUT, it's still people's choice to listen to their idiocy, and as long as the listener ratings are up, 101.5 is going to keep them on the air.

thecreeper 06-20-2005 04:40 PM

and jep, you can still defend the "jersey does not suck" comment?

Mike 06-20-2005 05:12 PM

I'll have to chalk them up at #2 for people to be fired for saying something stupid.

1. Ward Churchill



Originally Posted by Jep
Because they are uneducated pricks, and there are plenty of other uneducated pricks in the world to listen to them. Not that I hate them for their biggotist and hypocritical statements, I'm ALL for free speech.

Let's not fool ourselves. The website that you visit to "get involved," is to fire these people ... nothing more, nothing less. Not to educate them, not to educate those who listen to their program, but just to fire them. They're not in a position of education--no normal person turns to them for their education. You don't have to pretend that you are for free speech ... If you're looking to destroy the lives of people just to prevent their slanderous speech from getting out, you are not 'all for free speech.'


I read the transcript and ... if that's the worst of what they've said ... I don't know what the big deal is. Saying "Ching Chong Ching Chong" is not dangerous hate-speech ... it's things that seven-year-olds say in the school yard and it doesn't go any further than that. Their comments about Minority Groups effecting an election is justified, because we have majoritive and plurative elections ... yet those who lobby the loudest represent minorities. I don't understand why they're taking point against the Chinese, considering that most Asians in the United States make an honest living and do not drain the economy like some other minority groups and illegal ethnic groups do. Most Asian groups are not considered minorities, even though they are ethnic minorities in the US, because their median incomes are above a certain level.

thecreeper 06-20-2005 08:56 PM

i don't think they should be on the air, though. while they are in no position of education, they do speak to a reasonably large amount of listeners which has an effect on general populace. and like you said, they're acting stupid and talking like little children in terms of race. It is possible to have a serious conversation about the effects of minorities in an area without being a racist. this seems more like "hey we're getting ratings for being douches" publicity stunt to me. i hear enough idiots on a daily basis at school and home that i don't need more on the radio.

Plain Old Jane 06-20-2005 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
and jep, you can still defend the "jersey does not suck" comment?

oh yea, I remember that... wait no, I dont, cuz I never said it, cuz you white people suck. Go back to europe you pasty fuckers.

::should not be on the radio::

sharkz 06-21-2005 01:24 PM

"poor thread"

Mike 06-21-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by sharkz
"poor thread"

There are no poor threads in America!

thecreeper 06-21-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mike
There are no poor threads in America!

i dunno, i've gotten some garments from the United States that just fell to shreds after a wash.

Plain Old Jane 06-21-2005 11:55 PM

let us outsource our topics from now on.

Next News Topic: My goat ran into a landmine.

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