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Mike 03-02-2005 11:02 PM

For old times' sake...


thecreeper 03-02-2005 11:28 PM

i miss the rebel10 indicator...those were simpler times.

Mike 03-03-2005 02:06 AM

They were.

Now I ride in empty train cars ... wishing for my once happy youth.

::cue Simon & Garfunkel .. "in the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his tra..::

Marshall 03-03-2005 02:17 PM

sharkz 03-03-2005 09:21 PM

*insert giant biggles-made "SHARKZ99" banner that i neglected to save*

thecreeper 03-04-2005 12:17 PM

i have nearly all my old sigs...i still have a soft spot for most of them

Plain Old Jane 03-04-2005 10:57 PM

I do not need cool photoshop effects
I do not need random filler and clever
I do not rely on others opinion

or some such bullshit

Jesse 03-05-2005 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gaz
I do not need cool photoshop effects
I do not need random filler and clever
I do not rely on others opinion

or some such bullshit

Hah, I'd forgotten all about that one.

GT2000 03-05-2005 10:27 AM

Harharhar...I remember that too.

Did I say har? I meant yar! (now quick, someone post pirate Jesse for me cuz I don't have it.) Huzzuh!

Marshall 03-05-2005 11:39 AM

and someone post the pedo-file chatlogs.

sharkz 03-05-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Marshall
and someone post the pedo-file chatlogs.

yes, i demand these be put on our new site

Plain Old Jane 03-05-2005 01:28 PM

What started as an innocent romp through the canadian fountain of delights for our always-helpfull staff member, Zell, soon escelated into an S&M chamber of horrors for our beloved dictator, Mr Biglesworth.
What happened? Read on and see...
Torqo45: So what are you into?
ZellJRS: Canadians.
Torqo45: Oh, well, bye-bye then. I'm from houston
ZellJRS: No! You can pretend to be Canadian!
Torqo45: No, it just wouldn't be the same.
Torqo45: See ya
ZellJRS: Well, if you want, I can send you to a friend of mine.
ZellJRS: He's known for his homosexuality AND he's Canadian!
Torqo45: Sure!
ZellJRS: Mr Bigles 7
ZellJRS: Enjoy.


Torqo45: hi
Torqo45: 55 guy here
Mr Bigles7: hi
Torqo45: so do u like older men
Mr Bigles7: can't get enough of them
Torqo45: how old are u
Mr Bigles7: 15
Torqo45: i am 55
Mr Bigles7: and always available
Torqo45: are u in houston
Mr Bigles7: yes, just moved in last month
Torqo45: tell me about your body
Mr Bigles7: well, i'm about 5'10
Mr Bigles7: slender
Mr Bigles7: blond hair
Mr Bigles7: tight ass, of course
Torqo45: do u have much hair
Mr Bigles7: not long hair
Mr Bigles7: not short though
Torqo45: i meant on hyou cock
Mr Bigles7: oh
Mr Bigles7: normal amount
Mr Bigles7: i could shave it though, if you like it
Torqo45: how do u meet older men
Torqo45: do u drive
Mr Bigles7: i do, but i won't have my liscence for another month
Mr Bigles7: i usually just pick them off the street
Mr Bigles7: let them come to me
Torqo45: i like to be sucked
Torqo45: and feel young cocks
Mr Bigles7: oh man, that's my specialty
Torqo45: do u have a pic
Mr Bigles7: no, sorry. no scanner
Mr Bigles7: perhaps you could come and see me sometime, though
Torqo45: where do u live
Mr Bigles7: Valkeith Dr
Torqo45: where is that i am kinda new here
Torqo45: what main street
Mr Bigles7: hmm... i'm pretty new here too
Torqo45: what main street are u off of
Mr Bigles7: you can use this to get directions:
Mr Bigles7:
Mr Bigles7: off of chimny rock rd
Torqo45: i am rigth near there
Mr Bigles7: wow
Torqo45: are u living with parents
Mr Bigles7: my uncle
Mr Bigles7: but he out of town
Torqo45: do u want to suck me tonight
Mr Bigles7: more than i ever have before
Torqo45: how big is your cock
Mr Bigles7: 6 inches
Torqo45: just like mine
Mr Bigles7: perfect
Torqo45: what is your phone number
Mr Bigles7: our phone still hasnt been activated
Mr Bigles7: my uncle is a cheap asshole
Torqo45: how bout if i drive there now
Mr Bigles7: i'll be ready
Torqo45: will u be outside
Mr Bigles7: i'd rather not
Mr Bigles7: well, how long will it take for you to get there?
Torqo45: about 20 min
Mr Bigles7: ok, i'll wait outside. if i'm not there, just ring the doorbell and i'll hear you
Torqo45: what are u wearin
Mr Bigles7: not much, soon
Torqo45: u playing with yor cock
Mr Bigles7: oh yea
Mr Bigles7: you're making me hard
Mr Bigles7: please, just come over now before i cum
Torqo45: ok
Torqo45: wait
Mr Bigles7: yea?
Torqo45: i want u to play when i get ther
Mr Bigles7: anything you want
Torqo45: i dont like kissing
Torqo45: i want u to suck me and let me play with u
Mr Bigles7: not normal kissing, at least..
Torqo45: what do u mean
Mr Bigles7: not mouth-to-mouth
Torqo45: what do u like
Mr Bigles7: i want to suck you hard
Torqo45: i am 8 miles away
Torqo45: i have hairy balls
Torqo45: i like them lick too
Mr Bigles7: please, come now!
Torqo45: ok
Mr Bigles7: 5307 Valkeith Dr
Torqo45: give me 30 min
Mr Bigles7: ok


(1 1/2 hours later)
Torqo45: u there
Mr Bigles7: you didnt come!
Torqo45: yes i did
Torqo45: there were 2 old people there
Mr Bigles7: what address did you go to?
Torqo45: 5307
Torqo45: valkeith
Mr Bigles7: i said 5407
Torqo45: oh shit
Mr Bigles7: damnit..
Torqo45: i u look back youll see you said 5307
Mr Bigles7: shit
Mr Bigles7: i'm sorry, i'm not even used to my own house number yet
Torqo45: is your uncle home yet
Mr Bigles7: not until friday
Torqo45: my cock is so hard
Mr Bigles7: oh god, mine too
Torqo45: i had just had loose shorts on and that was it
Torqo45: not underware
Mr Bigles7: and i have to get off, i've already gone over our monthly limit
Mr Bigles7: i'm so horny for you
Mr Bigles7: if you come over now, i'll still be up
Torqo45: how will i know
Torqo45: how bout tomorrow
Mr Bigles7: ok, i hate to wait, but if i have to..
Torqo45: whats your name
Mr Bigles7: elijah
Torqo45: are u white
Mr Bigles7: yes
Torqo45: and 15?
Mr Bigles7: yes
Mr Bigles7: i really have to go now
Torqo45: ok
Mr Bigles7: goodnight


(3 pm the next day)

Torqo45: hey
Mr Bigles7: hi
Torqo45: how do u to that chat where we were lastnight
Mr Bigles7: what?
Torqo45: there was a chat window that i was in how do u get into it
Mr Bigles7: it's over now, no ones in there
Torqo45: ok but how do i get into it
Mr Bigles7: you can't now.. it's empty and doesnt exist
Torqo45: o ic
Torqo45: when there are people there how do i
Mr Bigles7: they have to invite you
Torqo45: ok
Torqo45: are u really 15
Mr Bigles7: almost 16
Mr Bigles7: why?
Torqo45: i could get in serious trbl by being with u
Mr Bigles7: i wouldnt tell
Mr Bigles7: i do this all the time
Mr Bigles7: i like it
Torqo45: if someone saw me come to your hous they could report me
Mr Bigles7: so, just becuase you're coming to a house doesnt mean anything
Torqo45: how old a man have u been with
Mr Bigles7: 70 once
Torqo45: what did u do with him
Mr Bigles7: why don't you come over and find out
Torqo45: mabye i will
Mr Bigles7: 5407, remember
Torqo45: so what are u doin now
Mr Bigles7: playing with myself, actually
Torqo45: how many times a day do u cum
Mr Bigles7: i like to save it for my men
Torqo45: so how are playing now
Mr Bigles7: just talking to you makes me like it
Torqo45: do u like me to fuck u too
Mr Bigles7: oh i'd love it
Torqo45: do u ever have girls over
Mr Bigles7: sometimes
Torqo45: so are you bi
Mr Bigles7: yea
Torqo45: cool
Mr Bigles7: i'm willing to try anything
Torqo45: where are you parnts
Mr Bigles7: devorced or dead or something, i don't give a fuck
Mr Bigles7: that's why i live with my uncle
Torqo45: maby u should get some help
Mr Bigles7: why?
Torqo45: how many men have u been with in the last month
Mr Bigles7: hell, none since we moved
Mr Bigles7: i'm so horny
Torqo45: what u wearin now
Mr Bigles7: just jeans
Torqo45: are u hard
Mr Bigles7: oh yea
Torqo45: is your cock out
Mr Bigles7: yea
Torqo45: tell me what it looks like
Mr Bigles7: why don't you cum over and see for youself
Torqo45: will u be home tonite
Mr Bigles7: yes, i have no where else to go
Torqo45: do u go to school
Mr Bigles7: yea, but i hate it
Torqo45: why are u home so early
Mr Bigles7: i didnt go today
Torqo45: why
Mr Bigles7: i told you, i hate it
Torqo45: you are really heading for trouble
Mr Bigles7: who cares, in a month i can drop out
Torqo45: u really are heading for a lousy life
Mr Bigles7: whatever, i'll be fine on my own
Torqo45: i hope so
Mr Bigles7: yea, me too, i guess
Torqo45: u like girls sucking u
Mr Bigles7: oh yea
Torqo45: how man older men have u been with
Mr Bigles7: o dpm
Mr Bigles7: err..
Mr Bigles7: i don't know
Mr Bigles7: maybe 10-15
Torqo45: are u affraid of hiv
Mr Bigles7: i probably should be
Mr Bigles7: my life is fucked up enough as it is
Mr Bigles7: i don't really care
Torqo45: u just lost me my friend u are a bomb waiting to go off
Mr Bigles7: fuck, you can't transfer std's by sucking off
Torqo45: e
Torqo45: are u sure
Mr Bigles7: yea, they teach all about it at school
Torqo45: i still worry about your age
Torqo45: i go to jail for rape
Mr Bigles7: it's only rape if i'm under 14
Torqo45: u are a minor
Mr Bigles7: if i'm over 14 and consenting then it's not rape
Torqo45: well i will think about it
Mr Bigles7: please come
Torqo45: would u just jack me off if thats all i want
Mr Bigles7: if it's what you want, i'll do anything
Torqo45: i have to go, i will be on tonite
Mr Bigles7: ok
Mr Bigles7: see you soon, hopefully
Torqo45: bye

(a few days later)

Mr Jingle Jangle: if i were a 13 yr old boy alone in my house, would you play the role as the naughty grampa?
Torqo45: u there
Mr Jingle Jangle: yep.
Mr Jingle Jangle: im here.
Torqo45: how did u decide to callme
Mr Jingle Jangle: eh, some friend gave me your name.
Mr Jingle Jangle: i was going to make fun of you for being a pedophile but im not in the mood right now. sorry.
Torqo45: thats a problem for me cause i am no pedo
Torqo45: i never touched a boy underage
Mr Jingle Jangle: define underage for me....
Torqo45: 18
Mr Jingle Jangle: but youve thought about it.. right?
Mr Jingle Jangle: and even tried to once...
Mr Jingle Jangle: havent you?
Torqo45: yes but i am glad it did not work out
Mr Jingle Jangle: you big, strong, texan pedophile, you. (im in the mood now, so bear with me)
Torqo45: the word is getting around and i dont like it
Mr Jingle Jangle: so your upset that you tried to touch some little kid and dont like people knowing about it?
Torqo45: i dont want to talk abouit it anymore
Mr Jingle Jangle: you just wanna touch.. huh?
Torqo45: it was just a fantasy thing and i dont want to really do it
Mr Jingle Jangle: oh, ok.. thats why you went to that kids house?
Torqo45: never got there
Mr Jingle Jangle: oh really.
Mr Jingle Jangle: would you like to get there? HMM!?
Torqo45: for sure!!!!
Mr Jingle Jangle: oh really.. wanna get there with me?
Torqo45: waht are u talking about
Mr Jingle Jangle: lol, dont you worry about it. my big strong pedophile man :-)
Torqo45: look i am done this is illegal and i am not interested in going to jail
Mr Jingle Jangle: jail isnt that bad, im sure elijah is really horny right now!
Torqo45: dont call me any more[img][/img]

Marshall 03-05-2005 05:51 PM


thecreeper 03-06-2005 05:43 PM

that still may be the best feature to ever come out of TTT, nay, the entire internet.

Plain Old Jane 03-08-2005 03:15 PM

so you're saying that 55 year old pedophiles and high school humor are the greatest things on the internet?

thecreeper 03-08-2005 05:35 PM

i thought that was understood.

johnny 03-08-2005 07:14 PM

i understand that you, creeper, are actually Torqo45!


sharkz 03-08-2005 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by johnny
i understand that you, creeper, are actually Torqo45!

[dramatic music]

thecreeper 03-09-2005 11:14 PM

oh like it was a secret.

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