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GT2000 06-04-2009 06:42 PM

What's up?
What's everyone up to?

Funny how a couple months back a bit of a thought had come to mind, that I'd like to do something with this place still, eventually. I still feel like I could turn this place around, and give myself something to do in my down-time besides playing WoW. However my utter lack of creativity is a huge downer, lol.. but that was quickly put on the mental back-burner..

My best friend of 13 years, literally knew him half my life, took his on Apr. 26th, not purposefully, but, none-the-less was a huge "surprise".. I can't think of another way to describe it, even though surprise makes it sound positive or something..

I've been keeping busy, either with the house, work, or being lazy which I still enjoy so much, especially after work..

So anything else new? I know Jesse is graduated, Josh had something possibly lined up for a pharmaceutical gig.. anyone else? Neil plan on taking a trip to Timbuktu or something?

raublekick 06-04-2009 10:12 PM

Man so sorry to hear about your friend. Hope you are holding up ok.

I've been kinda lazy lately but I'm working on 2 more guitar pedals this week. Band stuff has been keeping me busy, gotta record stuff soon. Got some shows lined up this summer, 2 of which I'm really excited about.

Other than that...
I'm just a man getting through life the best he can
I'm not a scientist, I program a computer

Stormy 06-09-2009 01:25 AM

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, Donnie. How are you doing? :(

I've been busy applying to grad. school, planning a visit home, and ultimately packing up everything my boyfriend and I own and moving it elsewhere.

squirrels2nuts 06-09-2009 03:08 PM

sorry about your friend. i lost a really good friend from a hospital error about 6 years ago..

but yeah i didnt get the job they wanted someone good or something:\

back to shovelin rocks.

also congrats on post 666 stormylia

Mr Biglesworth 06-09-2009 11:04 PM

Ya I'm really sorry to hear that man. Loss hurts, especially fucked up and potentially meaningless loss.
A professor of mine died 2 weeks ago of cancer. She was really fucking cool. I drank with her, smoke pot with her, went to the beach with her, did an organic farm share with her... she knew how to live life. The memorial service was sad but made me think about what I wanted in life.

Broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years on saturday. Love her lots but it feels good, we were holding eachother back.

Going to Mexico on the 20th. Timbuktu would be cool, I kind of have standing plans to go there with a friend, since my french isn't bad and I've got experience in Africa.

Stormy 06-11-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by squirrels2nuts (Post 18204)
sorry about your friend. i lost a really good friend from a hospital error about 6 years ago..

but yeah i didnt get the job they wanted someone good or something:\

back to shovelin rocks.

also congrats on post 666 stormylia

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the job. :-/ Can you volunteer in a lab/university setting to fluff up your C.V. with experience?

And thanks on the 666. Didn't realize I had it. Must be why all those cats are dying in Miami...


A professor of mine died 2 weeks ago of cancer. She was really fucking cool. I drank with her, smoke pot with her, went to the beach with her, did an organic farm share with her... she knew how to live life. The memorial service was sad but made me think about what I wanted in life.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well, Neil. A few weeks ago I found out my favorite professor had died in February and no one from the uni had notified me. I hadn't done much with her as per social life, but I took a lot of her classes, visited her house with other students, and had some very personal discussions with her about my life. She was another one of those people who really enjoyed life, really enjoyed what she did, and was extremely pleasant to be around. Was the first female tenured professor at UVA, and was such a success. She provided a lot of direction in my interests, even in unrelated fields (neuroscience/psychology), and for the last two years I've been meaning to email her to thank her but got too busy with menial life stuff. I went to find her physical mailing address to ask about a reference when I found out; I googled her name and found her obituary instead. :/

GT2000 06-13-2009 09:45 AM

Sorry about ya'lls loses too..

I'm doing ok, been a month and a half and it's weird not getting a random call from him. He was like my brother, when his gf called me the morning after it happened to tell me, she asked if I was driving, which I was, from one call to another, and she said that I needed to pull over which immediately told me it was bad, she had left a msg earlier in the morning and I had just listened so I knew it was about him.. he was basically trying to get attention, had been drinking, I've always known him to do not the brightest of things while drinking.. he put his gun to his head looking to scare her with the hammer clicking, but there was one in the chamber..

So it's been rough for many, we're going to do some kind of a memorial/get-together next month, there was no service.. was a fucked up situation, his mom was in new york.. she has custody of his daughter, he hasn't seen either of them in 5 years. His dad lives down here but they haven't talked in a couple years before this happened, and the parents kinda clashed, cremated him even though he would've been against that completely and split the ashes or something, so we're looking to do something for his daughter eventually, later down the road, as I know that would be the best thing to do for my friend's memory..

Father in law and niece are flying in from Russia on the 4th of July for 2 weeks, getting close and we're looking forward to it.. I still need to learn Russian :(

squirrels2nuts 06-18-2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stormy (Post 18206)
I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the job. :-/ Can you volunteer in a lab/university setting to fluff up your C.V. with experience?

And thanks on the 666. Didn't realize I had it. Must be why all those cats are dying in Miami...

Funny you should mention this, i just found a lab taking on volunteers at the university i graduated from. Apparently theyre kind if full for the summer, but i can start in september. Here's a snippet of what i applied to:

Use aseptic technique to remove lenses from bovine, pig or rat eyeballs. Remove adhering vitreous humour from lenses, and incubate lenses in tissue culture 199 in an incubator in an atmosphere of 95% and 5% CO2. Irradiate lens using gamma irradiation apparatus available at London Health Sciences Westminster campus to simulte radiation encountered by asstronauts on Mars mission.
Heh. Asstronauts.

thecreeper 06-23-2009 10:28 PM

im really sorry to hear that donnie. :(

raditz 07-03-2009 01:05 PM

sorry to hear the bad news donnie, don't really know what to say.

just gotta hang in there for hard times.

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