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-   -   Night of the.. Dawn of the.. whatever TF it was. (

Torre82 03-08-2007 03:48 PM

Night of the.. Dawn of the.. whatever TF it was.
Sooo.. back in 2K5 I took part in a small B-movie and I forgot the name of the damn thing.

Nevertheless, I thought I'd share a semi-recent pic of myself covered in rather decent fake blood and describe my scene in all it's 1 minute of splendor.

I walk down the hallway, I'm accosted.. in a good way.. by the store slut.
+5 cool points.

She pulls me into.. ::thinks:: one of the bathrooms. I dont recall any urinals so it musta been the chick's B-room. We're making out.. I get her down to her bra when all of a sudden big tall hungry dude John.. (his real name, naturally. I dont know of too many zombies that retain their earthly names.) rips into my neck and she goes running. -5 cool points.

Meanwhile I'm left dead on a bathroom floor. An interesting end.
-10 CP's

Hey, at least it's chick pubes I'm laying in.
+1 CP's

Metallistar 03-08-2007 04:39 PM

so you were only -4 cool points on the day, not too bad.

Torre82 03-08-2007 05:14 PM

Yeah. I've had worse.

It was just one of those days. Of the dead.

thecreeper 03-08-2007 10:48 PM

i'd watch it.

Stormy 03-08-2007 10:53 PM

Is your name on

Torre82 03-09-2007 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Stormy
Is your name on

Not that I know of. Every so often I'll wonder if it's still in post production or what.. because I have no way of watching this B-movie! Blockbuster doesnt exactly rent a wide selection.. and I moved maybe 4 months after I *shot* my scene. Soo... :shrug: I believe I missed out on my complimentary copy of the flick.

I do know the director's name. Terence Muncy. Who is deep into his own crazy horror B movie dream. And he has ADHD.


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