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raditz 10-16-2008 07:24 PM

just post something
i know we're not 14 anymore and we don't think it's important to hang out at this board all of the time like we used to, but come on guys. if I'VE been making an effort to come back then it can't be all that hard for the rest of you. look at number of views compared to replies for each topic. i know you guys are all reading here, use that left mouse button, all it takes is one click and a couple of taps on the keyboard to interact.

you don't have to be social in real life if you don't want to, but you have to here... it's a law i think.

raublekick 10-16-2008 07:32 PM

GT2000 10-16-2008 08:33 PM

I just got done installing a new thermostat... I don't think anything blew up.

raditz 10-16-2008 08:46 PM

is that a black sara palin?

GT2000 10-16-2008 08:54 PM

The northern sun is mighty strong, dontchano.

Mr Biglesworth 10-18-2008 09:51 PM

I once stupidly blew up a thermometer by pouring boiling hot water over it. It was bad news.

GT2000 10-18-2008 10:24 PM

Yeah, mercury bad.

squirrels2nuts 10-20-2008 08:07 PM

here's a gif i made today enjoy :)

Mr Biglesworth 10-20-2008 10:47 PM

The Sacred Rac

An Indian anthropologist, Chandra Thapar, made a study of foreign cultures that had customs similar to those of his native land. One culture in particular fascinated him because it reveres one animal as sacred, much as the people in India revere the cow.

The tribe Dr. Thapar studied is called the Nacirema and is found on the American continent north of the Tarahumara of Mexico. Though it seems to be a highly developed society of its type, it has an overwhelming preoccupation with the care and feeding of the rac -- an animal much like a bull in size, strength and temperament. In the Nacirema tribe, it is almost a social obligation to own at least one if not more racs. The community holds anyone not possessing at least one in low esteem because he is too poor to maintain one of these beasts properly. Some members of the tribe, to display their wealth and social prestige, even own herds of racs.

Unfortunately the rac breed is not very healthy and usually does not live more than five to seven years. Each family invests large sums of money each year to keep its rac healthy and shod, for it has a tendency to throw its shoes often. There are rac specialists in each community, perhaps more than one if the community is particularly wealthy. These specialists, however, due to the long period of ritual training they must undergo and to the difficulty of obtaining the right selection of charms to treat the rac, demand costly offerings whenever a tribesman must treat his ailing rac.

At the age of sixteen in many Nacirema communities, many youth undergo a puberty rite in which the rac figures prominently. The youth must petition a high priest in a grand temple. He is then initiated into the ceremonies that surround the care of the rac and is permitted to keep a rac.

Although the rac may be used as a beast of burden, it has many habits that would be considered by other cultures as detrimental to the life of the society. In the first place the rac breed is increasing at a very rapid rate and the Nacirema tribesmen have given no thought to curbing the rac population. As a consequence the Nacirema must build more and more paths for the rac to travel on since its delicate health and its love of racing other racs at high speeds necessitates that special areas be set aside for its use. The cost of smoothing the earth is too costly for any one individual to undertake; so it has become a community project and each tribesman must pay an annual tax to build new paths and maintain the old. There are so many paths needed that some people move their homes because the rac paths must be as straight as possible to keep the animal from injuring itself. Dr. Thapar also noted that unlike the cow, which many people in his country hold sacred, the excrement of the rac cannot be used either as fuel or fertilizer. On the contrary, its excrement is exceptionally foul and totally useless. Worst of all, the rac is prone to rampages in which it runs down anything in its path, much like stampeding cattle. Estimates are that the rac kills thousands of the Nacirema in a year.

Despite the high cost of its upkeep, the damage it does to the land and its habit of destructive rampages, the Nacirema still regard it as being essential to the survival of their culture.

raditz 10-21-2008 04:32 PM

i didn't see anything when i searched for rac, where'd you get all this?

heX 10-24-2008 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by raditz (Post 17728)
i didn't see anything when i searched for rac, where'd you get all this?

oh nodnarb, you'll never get it.

its a bunch of hippie shit, even i got it.

thecreeper 10-24-2008 05:39 PM

NEWSFLASH: Fart stink controls blood pressure

Jesse 11-03-2008 12:07 PM

I really need a goddamn job.

raditz 11-03-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse (Post 17778)
I really need a goddamn job.

you're not the only one :(

Liss 11-07-2008 08:56 AM

52% of California's voter population passed a ban on gay marriage, which, this year, was declared unconstitutional by the state supreme court. So we just change the constitution and destroy the progress we've made as humans.

Mr Biglesworth 11-07-2008 08:15 PM

We welcome all your lesbian wedding needs in Canada!

Well, not all of us. The last government brought OK'd it after a number of court cases ruled in support of it, then a conservative government came in and held a free vote on re-opening the issue, which failed by a significant margin. Since then we've married thousands of gay gay couples! There's still debate within the churches on whether or not their denomination will conduct gay weddings, but there are enough now that will.

raublekick 11-07-2008 10:15 PM

the thing i don't understand about gay marriage opposition is that... really i don't think churches should have to perform them. i don't think most people for gay marriage are really trying to get it approved by the church, and if a religion doesn't approve of gay marriage then it shouldn't have to perform them.

Mr Biglesworth 11-08-2008 12:12 AM

Yeah, my girlfriend's church held a vote earlier this year about whether or not that congregation would perform gay marriages. The church hierarchy had decided that it would, in principle, support it but allow the individual congregations to decide. While I do see gay marriage as a rights issue, I think it's reasonable to follow this approach, as church's are fundamentally a set of their own beliefs.

raditz 11-08-2008 06:22 AM

gay marriage is for fags

Demi 11-10-2008 04:56 PM

Here's something,

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