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Plain Old Jane 10-18-2004 09:35 PM

Gnosis - The State of Terra Firma
Ladies and gentlemen and those inbetween, I have news to report on our progress as a race and civilization. The list will be in catertgorical format and I may miss something, but I will attempt to make it as brief and sensical as I can in your inferioir earth terminology.


- Social Progress -
Overall, Humans as a species have had relatively NO social progress within the last 3000 years. Your main problems: Organized Religion (and its relationship with nationalism and politics, we're talking churches here, not religion), Low Special (as in, concerning the species) Esteem (goes hand in hand with the previous item), Relative Morality, and Ignorance.

These social anchors can be grouped together under one singular catergorization, but I will explain each in detail first.

Religion in itself is a WONDERFUL idea, it brings people together and praises life and love and freedom, but when people begin adding structure to an otherwise idealic concept, then add their own ideals to further their own ends, thats when you have an organized religion. The problem with this is that often religion has roots in mythos and sometimes even nonsensical stories and traditions, people can be manipulated into doing the direct opposite of their beliefs this way, and to date there is no way to combat such an occurance. (such examples are: extreme muslims of the modern era, spanish catholics of the inquisition era, germans of the world war 2 era...) More on this in a bit.

Low Special (Spee-shal) Esteem, Humans are TOO often handing off the responsibility of leadership to the first ones that ask for it. It is chaos in this time of Democracy, when rather we should implementing more of a Meritocracy. The way to combat this system of degration, is to convince people that they hold power over themselves, thats what our forebearers attempted to do when they created the United States, it did work for a time, but in the long run, this is small chops.

Relative Morality and Ignorance, Humans often clash with other humans on the topic of morality, from Homosexualism to putting a Confederate Flag in your car window, Humans love to combat eachother on small social interlaces like these, thats the problem with relative morality, it drives people apart (morals often created by the churches that brought them together in the first place), the person and singular social group (interchangable at this point) wants everything perfect for themselves RIGHT NOW. But a persons life is not rigid, it flows and bends as we grow older, circumstances change, and so should peoples morals. People are losing sight of the forest for the tree, and thats the ignorance.

These concepts I will label: Social Vice

Social Advance - Inadequate

- Technological Progress -
Technological progress has remained relatively unhindered by any sort of tangible occlusion, but rather always remains proportionate to the beliefs of the people. The reason for this I can only speculate as Society becoming more nighlistic in regard to science and advanced thought (but oddly not morality). But all too quickly are we running out of thinking room, there WILL come a time when we will no longer advance because we cannot fathom anything more than what we can percieve. Existance in all its glory is infinite and so is the amount of it that can be explained. Newton's laws covered the inalienable aspects of our existance, the concepts of reactivity, space, and gravity are reality and can be explained with proven equations, this explained maybe half of existance as we know it. Then came Einstein with Atomics, the indivisible. Humans busted through the theory that atoms are the smallest particles known and postulated electrons, and then quarks. The smallest particle that I know of is the Photon, a particle, with wave like properties, of light, (with no mass to speak of). But these explainations are getting more and more complex while the amount of existance they explain is getting smaller and smaller. You see, discovery rates seem to be decreasing exponentially while complexity seems to be increasing the same way. This is not a problem at the moment because technological advancement has facilitated more discovery, but humans will soon run into the technological wall when the portion of existance they are a part of will hold them back from seeing more.

To remedy this, we need to evolve into something that CAN percieve of something more than what is. Enlightenment, if you will.

Technological Advance - Very Adequate

- Ecological Advance -
In situe with technological advance, ecological advance has given humans what they have long been working to avoid, a deadline.

Geologically speaking, Humans make WAY too much CO2 and CH4 (Carbon Dioxide and Methene) If one takes a chart of the CO2 content and a CH4 content of the world and overlay the, they will be virtually identical. The Problem: These two chemicals act as VERY effective insulators, this is NOT a problem at the moment as we are in the last stages of a Circular orbit around the sun so tempurtures are very temperate at the moment, CO2 and CH4 wont matter much now, they'll just keep things more temperate then they would be without us.

How much CO2 do we make? Imagine Humans as a second in geological time. We've made more CO2 in a second than anything has in the past five seconds, and that rate will increase with the population.

You may not have noticed, but humans are actually entering an Ice Age right now, and it stands to reason that the Insulators in our atmosphere have something to do with the temperate climate. But after the Ice Age ends, in a few thousand years, when the circular orbit turns eliptical, we will be closer to the sun than ever and have a big ole' butt load of insulators in the atmosphere, the surface of the earth will become the bottom of a frying pan and the entirety of civilization will be catastrophically decimated by the ensueing 'burnination.'

Ecological Advancement - Momentarily Adequate


raublekick 10-18-2004 09:41 PM

<homer>does anyone care what this man is saying?</homer>

sorry, jep, i just had to :roll:

Metallistar 10-18-2004 10:02 PM

ohhh! perty colors!

thecreeper 10-18-2004 11:14 PM

that was boring. needed more tits.

Jesse 10-19-2004 12:42 AM

Can a nigga get some cliffs notes?

Plain Old Jane 10-19-2004 09:46 AM

- Final Summation -
(aka. Nigga's Cliff's Notes)

Technological progress is impossible without increasing humans capacity to think, doing so will require dramatic and rapid social change, this will facilitate the survival of human-kind. Hugging trees wont help anything, it will just throw us back several epochs in advancement. Taking advantage of the masses for momentary wealth and power wont help, its just an excersise in making someone comfortable before the end comes.

In Conclusion,

Unless Humans get their act together within the next 10,000 years and leave this foo' ass planet behind to expand their knowledge and experience in the stars, everything humans have ever worked for will be for naught...

...That is... unless you want your children to live in a constant state of war until they're either cooked by nuclear weapons or cooked by the same phenomenon that decimated our great lizard forebearers...

I will now field questions from the mob with pitchforks...

Metallistar 10-19-2004 04:32 PM

sorry, its more than 1 paragraph... i refuse to read it

thecreeper 10-19-2004 07:42 PM

if you cant say what you need to say in one sentence, it isnt worth saying. it's thetesttube motto.

raublekick 10-19-2004 08:34 PM

very well said, zach. i for one.. oh fuck, this is sentance #2 isn't it?

raditz 10-19-2004 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
if you cant say what you need to say in one sentence, it isnt worth saying. it's thetesttube motto.


Plain Old Jane 10-19-2004 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Metallistar
sorry, its more than 1 paragraph... i refuse to read it


Plain Old Jane 11-04-2004 09:33 PM

Bush won, we're all gonna die...

Stormy 11-05-2004 11:55 AM

As per religion, this article is interesting.

I think the monkey and the cross pictures are clich

Plain Old Jane 11-05-2004 11:35 PM

I see now... I'm the parasite, and religion is the folic acid!

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