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GT2000 09-06-2005 01:29 AM

403 Forbidden Errors
Are you getting them? I noticed them a few days ago, mainly when viewing a member profile (that was the only time I've noticed the problem actually). Raub sent me an IM earlier saying he was getting them (but the twat never specified on what pages), so who else has gotten any of these?

I've sent a ticket to the host as I haven't changed anything in the past month that would've brought this on (in the past few days), want them to take a look at what might be causing this.

So if you've had this problem, was it just on member profiles, or?

raublekick 09-06-2005 05:50 AM

hehe sorry, it was giving me errors when i tried to access the root (

GT2000 09-06-2005 06:40 AM

Oh damn, well, I went back and forth with support, and, it's a certain apache module which is causing the problem, not much can be done about it on their end. Apparently the site is trying to make too many connections at once and it's being knocked out, but it makes no sense as the script hasn't changed in the past month (since I upgrade to 3.0.8) and to boot, traffic to the site has dropped pretty bad too, so, that means the script is performing fewer connections, and this problem just started.

If it continues (I'm gonna make this thread a sticky for now), then I'm gonna research it further and see if any other sites that run vB are having the same problem.

GT2000 09-08-2005 03:39 AM

Well, I haven't seen any of the errors pop up in the last 36 hours or so, anyone else?

raublekick 09-08-2005 06:16 AM


thecreeper 09-08-2005 12:07 PM

i never did see them...

GT2000 09-08-2005 12:47 PM

They were quite random, I doubt it was anything the site was doing, probably something wrong on their end that either cleared itself up, or, they didn't want to admit to anything being wrong as they fixed it, or, the person i corresponded with might not of known anything was up.

*knocks on wood

raublekick 09-11-2005 07:47 PM

just got one, lasted for about 2 minutes around 8:45PM

GT2000 09-12-2005 10:26 AM

Yeah, I've seen one since they "went away", and all I did was refresh the page, just gonna have to deal with it.

johnny 09-12-2005 11:42 AM

if i ever get a 403 error there will be hell to pay, gt! :P

GT2000 09-12-2005 05:58 PM

Pay to you? Hell, you never paid me shit, why would I pay hell for anything to do with you? :P

GT2000 09-17-2005 05:47 PM

Opened the ticket back up with the host, now getting the Forbidden message on a page that contains no code, and just a single line of text, hopefully they'll find something this time instead of feeding me more shit.

GT2000 09-17-2005 06:11 PM

Ok, I got a quick response and this time got a welcomed response, the sr. system admin responded saying he disabled the apache module which was causing the issue, just waiting to hear back on which module it was and what functions it performs.

Previously I had been told they were unable to disable the module due to the shared hosting environment, my guess would be they may not have known how to disable it for a particular site, or that they needed permission that they didn't feel like getting, who knows.

So post here if you continue to experience the problem.

thecreeper 09-22-2005 01:29 PM

i was getting some database errors a few minutes ago trying to post, i was only able to do so by using the quick reply

edit: seems to be letting me now though.

GT2000 09-22-2005 01:35 PM

Yeah, rauble rauble pointed this out to me, my guess is the sql server is gettin' it's ass kicked and queries are getting dropped, hence the errors. Probably due to that hurricane info site hosted on the same server as TTT, bet they're seeing some traffic just like when Katrina was nearing the coast, TTT had bad ass slowdowns during that time.

raublekick 10-30-2005 09:06 AM

i've been getting weird errors this morning when i try to go to ttt.

it goes to and loads the home page, but then it redirects to and says that it's not found. weird!

johnny 10-30-2005 10:10 AM

a little glitch: i just got a high score in space invaders and just after the screen loaded where i could put in a comment, i got redirected to an error screen saying that my high score would not be saved (for some undetermined reason). but it saved my score anyways, thankfully! i just couldn't change the comment on it..

GT2000 10-30-2005 08:47 PM

Um, not sure what to tell you on that profile.php not found error...haven't gotten that one, and I know I've edited the templates to make sure all the login boxes are pointed to the proper directories.

And as for the arcade error, I've seen that, it was because I had logged in but didn't tell it to remember me, by the time I was done with the game I was playing and it submitted my score, I had already been logged out automatically, so it submitted a score with a blank in the name field, deleted that one. It's a beta really, so bugs don't surprise pretty damn good imo.

raublekick 10-30-2005 09:06 PM

Well, the profile.php thing hasn't happened in a few hours so I guess it's all kosher now.

GT2000 10-30-2005 09:19 PM

Guess I'll keep an eye out for it..that's an error I wouldn't be able to do anything about unless I had it happen to me.

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