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johnny 03-26-2020 07:35 AM

I tried to make a new account because I thought I would never remember my password. Thanks for not activating my new account, GT... :| Fortunately I had a brainwave this morning I my password came to me.

How's everybody doing these days? Keeping safe and virus-free I hope? If we are all self-isolating / social distancing / sheltering in place / etc., then why not post a bit!?

Jesse 04-16-2020 05:47 PM

I have about six different old online accounts I am waiting to miraculously remember the password once again.

Hope all TTT'ers and their families are safe during these unprecedented times.

GT2000 04-25-2020 09:34 AM

Sorry johnny, I don't get notifications of new users, and with the number of spam accounts registered, I don't even look at them to be honest, but I'm glad you were able to log in!

I've wondered myself how everyone is doing through all of this. How many are sheltered in place, who's working the front lines, etc.

Stay safe everybody.

johnny 05-07-2020 07:29 PM

Yay, replies!

I'm working from home. Some days it's nice, other days my kids drive me so crazy I'd rather be at the office. Company had to find a way to cut costs by 20% across the board so we're only working a four-day week now. That made the budget tighter, but at least I'm still making money. We can get by.

How are you doing these days GT?

GT2000 05-15-2020 08:33 PM

Things are going, I'm "working from home" as well. It just means I get to dispatch myself from my home office rather than the normal office. I install commercial service for the cable company... hospitals/military facilities/local government.. so as long as they still function, I have work.

The grandparents are watching/homeschooling the kids while my wife and I work, no idea what we'd do without them.

How many kids and how old johnny? My 2 boys are 8 and 2, fun ages.:orcpoursu

johnny 05-19-2020 10:04 AM

Two girls, 9 years old and 1 year old, turning 10 and 2 in December. (Two Dec. birthdays just a couple weeks before Christmas is hard on the bank account!)

The little one has been more challenging than her older sister was as a baby, she still doesn't sleep through the night and we are always rather tired... but slowly she is starting to get a bit better. 1-2 is a fun age anyways, she's a real chatterbox and running around causing trouble pretty much constantly... I just wish she'd let us sleep through the night!

GT2000 05-20-2020 10:17 PM

Damn, that mirrors our experience with our boys. My youngest turned 2 on the 3rd, my oldest turned 8 on New Years Eve. The 2 year old wakes up every 1-2 hours most nights, unfortunately for my wife, she'd never be able to wake me up in the middle of the night, I'm a heavy sleeper. The youngest is full tilt all the time, talking, screaming, running favorite is when he says dump truck..."dumb fuck!".

What are you doing for a living johnny?

Jesse, what about you, how's life?

Jesse 05-21-2020 04:28 PM

No wife or children for me at the moment. Probably could have been a possibility with my ex of about 6.5 years if circumstances were a bit different back then. Currently living in southern Maine with a few of my good buddies, and working as a webmaster/digital media lead at an insurance company. As of next month, I'll have been there for about 18 months. We've been working remote for two months now, which has been nice due to extra sleep, extra time at home, and saving money on fuel and lunch.

Just kinda riding this whole thing out until things start to go back to normal.

GT2000 05-24-2020 12:18 PM

Sorry to hear about the ex Jesse. Unless you immediately felt better off, then good for you. Whichever would've been the right thing to say years ago ;). Glad work is stable, that's a tough thing for many right now, but the work from home for those with jobs is helping line the pockets I'm sure.

We've been getting things done around the house (exterior mainly), roof, deck re-stained, etc. Keeps the economy going.

What I haven't done yet is clean up the garage, or my office...

Jesse 05-29-2020 08:02 PM

Nothing to be sorry about. It was a long time ago now. I've lived a few more lives since then.

Cid 06-05-2020 11:33 AM

Hi! I'm here too!

I've been working the whole time. I'm an IT swiss army knife going on 17 years now for county government. They won't let me work from home for some reason.

I have 3 kids, 13/8/6. My wife is a teacher so she's been home with them doing online schooling and everything. It hasn't been bad. Now that summer is here they're just itching to get back to sports and whatnot. Life's pretty decent.

We were supposed to breaking ground on a new house this month but shit got all fucked up and now we have to sell our current house first. So that sucks. Just cleaning out the house and trying to get it ready to sell so we can get the new place built before winter.

I miss you fuckers!

johnny 01-25-2022 08:45 AM

Time flies!
Hello again everybody -- it's been a couple years. Hard to believe I made this thread nearly two years ago. I could have sworn it was only last year... but we're coming up on two years of living with COVID-19 now and I guess I made this thread right around the time of the first lockdown in Ontario. What a blur.

How are we all doing this days? Families are happy and healthy, I hope?

Not much has changed about my situation, except for the kids getting older. Same job. Living in the same place. Still saving up for a down payment on a house, but the housing market is absolutely stupid right now so that seems like an impossible dream at the moment. Oh well, I'm quite happy to continue renting a while longer if it means we don't have to overpay a crazy amount on a house that isn't worth it. Probably have to wait for the next recession to be in a better position :|

GT2000 12-31-2023 11:47 PM

Sorry I/everybody missed this post johnny. Hopefully all is still well for you and yours, get into the joys of home ownership yet?

The last few years have been a rollercoaster for sure. We welcomed #3, our first girl back in summer '21, my father passed in May '22 @ 63, and I had a heart attack at the end of August. It's a new year though, so I'll take my pills and see what happens, having a 2 year old at 40 definitely changes ones perspective.

jeezus84 01-10-2024 05:28 PM

I'm still here too. Haven't talked to you since high school Johnny. Sucks that you can't afford a decent house in Sudbury. I was in the same boat so we moved to Fredericton instead. Wife is from here and real estate is not cheap, but cheaper. It's kind of like back home except there are less bears and more deer.

I feel for you bud with the young kids. I'll be 40 this year and the boys are 4 and 6. My life is absolutely chaos most of the time. I ended up as a programmer for the government and it's ok. I definitely want my kids to spend less time behind a desk than I did. This job will be completely automated by the time they're adults anyway.

Kind of wish Bigglesworth would pop his head in here and say hi. I facebooked him and he's in Kenya with a nice looking family.

Hope you all have a decent 2024.

PS: If whomever hosts this site thesedays is interested, I'd love to help add an SSL cert to the web server so we can all stop sending our passwords in plaintext over the internet in 2024. Sure hope you're all using a super unique password for this site.

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