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Jesse 12-24-2008 04:07 PM

Facebook? / Twitter?
As we've all noticed, seems like these boards aren't quite as thriving as they used to be, so perhaps in an effort to stay somewhat in touch, we should post our Facebook profiles (again, possibly).

raditz 12-25-2008 03:09 PM

i know it's not facebook but meh

thecreeper 12-30-2008 06:10 PM

Cid 01-09-2009 01:12 PM

Here you go kids. All my fucking glory.

thecreeper 01-10-2009 02:37 PM

i'm now friends with cid.

Liss 01-11-2009 05:15 AM

Cid has a facebook?

Cid 01-11-2009 10:29 AM

Shocking...I know.

Liss, when the fuck did you get so hot??

Cid 01-11-2009 08:13 PM

I mean...seriously!

Plain Old Jane 01-14-2009 06:58 AM

Mr Biglesworth 01-14-2009 01:25 PM

Ya ok, I could always use some more weirdos on my list...

Cid 01-14-2009 05:43 PM

But...I mean...SERIOUSLY!!

Mr Biglesworth 01-15-2009 03:15 AM

I know, I can't believe I annulled our internet marriage.

Cid 01-15-2009 04:03 PM

You're as stupid as you are sexy.

Plain Old Jane 01-17-2009 03:35 PM

you wasnt kiddin neil.

speaking of which, talked to wonko the other day, that cat has a kid.
anyone heard from Justin or Jerm?

Stormy 01-20-2009 06:38 AM

Liss, your travelblog is so much better than mine... which went absolutely no where. What's your secret?

Cid 01-23-2009 03:00 PM

I'm super glad we all have eachother's facebooks so we can uncomfortably lurk and never ever interact with each other because...for lack of a more delicate way of putting it...we don't fucking KNOW each other. Don't deny it.

I love you guys. I love what I know about your online personas. I love Hex's "realism". I love Neil's social awareness. I love Liss' boobs (seriously though). I love what I've come to know about all of you. But come on...we don't know each other. You don't know the first thing about me except that I'm a grumpy old guy who likes punk. Honestly, I'm not all that grumpy...and I'm not at all old. I'm a pretty positive, upbeat person and I'm in love with most parts of my life. I'm crazy in love with a girl, she has a 2-year-old daughter who I love. I'm going to marry her as soon as I can.

I'm not crazy about my job, but it's money...and I don't hate it. I'm not getting laid off, so that's cool.

I joke a lot. I laugh a lot. I play with my little ponies every other weekend. I still love music. I don't care for mayo or mustard.

I'm a pretty happy guy. But I'm sure no one would use that or any of the other words up there to describe me based on "Cid".

I'm going to get drunk and play video games with my buddy from out of town this weekend. What are you up to?

heX 01-24-2009 12:33 AM

I don't have a facebook but I'll post my myspace for anyone that doesn't have it.

to get all serious like cid did.

I am still dating the same girl. (4 1/2 years)
I plan on proposing after this semester of school.
My girlfriend's family adopted 4 kids 2 years ago. The kids think Im awesome (rightfully so). Their not half bad either.
Thats covers the more important parts of my life.

As Cid said, you may be surprised to find out... actually no I'm a jerk pretty much all the time.

Liss 01-25-2009 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Stormy (Post 17903)
Liss, your travelblog is so much better than mine... which went absolutely no where. What's your secret?

Probably that I'm egocentric. :)

Cid, I lurked your pics. Your girlfriend is totally cute. 10 points.

I don't care if I KNOW you guys well or not. I have hundreds of friends on facebook...many of which I'm less close to than I am to Cid or Hex. There are very few people in my life who know me truly well, there are a lot of people in my life who know a surface me, and there are people I'm friends with on facebook because of a shared high school education or a fun party one night in college. I think facebook is great...particularly because no one claims its for BFFs. It serves its purpose of keeping people in touch and letting us stalk the photos of people we hate from high school. And anyway, I'm coming up quick on my 24th birthday, which means I've "known" some of you for 10 years.

And whatever, I'm pretty much the same 14 year old still wrapped in my natural hair color. I'm deathly afraid of lifetime commitment. I've been with the same guy for 2 years, but I won't be getting married any time soon. I do want lots of kids though, maybe after I finish my masters, though I don't know if I'll be back in school in 2010 or 2011. Time is flying by, but I feel like a have a lot of it and can take it easy.

Cid 01-27-2009 03:04 PM

Aw, thanks Liss. She's a doll. I'm pretty much insane for her.

All fucking around aside, you're ridiculously pretty. I really had no idea who I was talking to all these years, lol. Looks like things are going well for you, which is awesome. So you're a teacher? That's super cool.

Everyone seems to be doing great, and that makes me smile. We're a fucked up group, but I think we've turned out OK.

Cid 01-27-2009 03:12 PM

Hex...I just saw on your myspace that you were riding what LOOKS like the Magnum at Cedar Point in Ohio. Is that right? Why didn't you call?

heX 01-27-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cid (Post 17926)
Hex...I just saw on your myspace that you were riding what LOOKS like the Magnum at Cedar Point in Ohio. Is that right? Why didn't you call?

I don't remember which ride that was. I did call, you didn't answer.

Cid 01-30-2009 02:18 PM

You DIDN'T call. And I would have fucking GONE too! I normally have a season pass for that place. You could have hung out with me and my ex. She had huge boobs and she was a crazy sex-crazed freak...and YOU missed it.

Way to go.

Liss 02-08-2009 07:42 AM

Thanks Cid. I don't take compliments very well. I think my cheeks are going to burn off from blushing about now.

malta 02-10-2009 01:26 AM

"I love you guys. I love what I know about your online personas."

I think I'm scared of what you guys might know about me because of this place. I think I love you guys, but to say that sure makes me feel all kinds of funky inside. I mean I sure love everyone here way more than any other person I've never met from the internet, but like cid said most of us haven't ever actually met eachother. I can easily say you're all the coolest muh phuckas I could ever ask to spend time chatting with on the internet when I probably should have been doing school work or something.

Oh, and do we have a date for TTTCon yet?


shout outs go,

Mike, Neil and Justin: You guys were some serious friends to me at times, as funny as that might sound. Thanks.

TTB: Funniest dude I've ever talked to on the internet, period.

Zach and Raub: I was gonna say I'll try and make it down to mag fest but I think it already happened. Oh well.

Liss, Amelia and Jen: I probably had a crush/boner for any combination of you. Not to be outright lewd or nothing, I remember having lots of fun and intelligent conversations with you all. But yes you're all hot.

Jeperal: I always spelled your name wrong and I probably just did. Sorry.

Cid: I've become a big misfits fan within the last couple years, if that vibes with you much. Them and black flag are the only punk I get around to listening to anymore.

Donnie: Can't believe this place is still around. Congrats on the house and everything. I'm years and years away.

Everyone else: You think you can beat my R4/Wipeout 3 time trials? What!? Put a Dex save up bitch!

edit again: oh yea I forgot bunny. He cool. NYUH!

Stormy 02-11-2009 03:38 PM

Somehow, you guys are like family. I like you all, even though I don't really know that much about you, and sometimes you can be unclefuckers. But I still think of each of you fondly. <3

thecreeper 02-11-2009 07:06 PM

i still need to meet some of you guys. we just need something of common interest to be at at the same time

malta 02-11-2009 11:09 PM

I would probably go wherever within reasonable driving distance.

Jesse 02-12-2009 10:32 AM

I was all set to take a bus last time, but, unfortunately, I had to withdraw, because I got a job that really cramped the schedule.

GT2000 02-12-2009 03:23 PM

Sup Malt, good to see you again, and thanks for the congrats, we've been really lucky.

We had been planning on the whole get together thing a couple years back.. Summer '07 I think? Anya and I still went to Ocean City even though everyone else backed out, one of Anya's friends from Russia (now Rhode Island) joined us there with her husband.

There's a beach here, and we have a spare room, the rent ain't too bad! :p

squirrels2nuts 02-14-2009 01:36 PM

nobody cares but here it is anyway

thecreeper 02-17-2009 05:24 PM


heX 02-20-2009 03:43 AM

facebook confuses and scares me.



Mr Biglesworth 02-20-2009 08:45 AM

Man, I love looking back at those albums. If we ever update them we should just make a new one and not overwrite those oldies.

Liss 02-20-2009 10:47 AM


Seph 02-20-2009 02:23 PM

Wow, hows everyone been as of late?? Its been a long time, I know that probly noone remembers me in the slightest and that I disappeared off the face of the internet for a few years.. But its just me, bad old Seph... (I used to host this site for Donnie at one point in time)

Well, heres my facebook for what its worth, but I'm still fairly new to it..

squirrels2nuts 02-20-2009 03:37 PM

hm thought i was in one of those.. oh well

Stormy 02-23-2009 01:22 AM


squirrels2nuts 02-23-2009 09:58 AM

hi amelia : )

Thatsmypunk 02-23-2009 06:16 PM

I got a brainfart today and got the urge to see if these forums are still around. I don't think any of you but Donnie would remember me, but I was Codeman on the old DD forums from back in the day. Never owned one of those things myself, but always thought it was cool talking to you guys. Lurked these forums for a while, but as you can tell by the post count, never had much to say.

Anyway, I'll keep checking in and see if the forums come alive again. In the meantime, if you want my facebook/myspace for shits and grins:

thecreeper 02-23-2009 11:37 PM

damn, this thread is luring some oldies out of the woodwork.

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