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Plain Old Jane 11-08-2004 09:06 PM

OMFG Halo 2!!!
I'm grabbing this bad boy when it comes out on PC!

It has a +2 to the ass kicking trait.

raublekick 11-08-2004 10:08 PM

It also has a +100 to the "I don't have an XBox and thus don't give a shit" trait.

thecreeper 11-08-2004 10:43 PM

yeah im another in the whole "no xbox, shitty pc that wont run it that great, and wasnt that into the original" group. maybe the sequel will change my mind. who knows.

GT2000 11-09-2004 11:33 PM

I'll check out the PC release, I know I'll be able to run it no prob. But I'm still waiting to see if I get my free copy of HL2 when it releases, from that ATI deal a while back.

Plain Old Jane 11-10-2004 12:11 PM

as long as you registered it via steam before nov 1st

Mike 11-10-2004 06:11 PM

I bought HL2 the day they let you buy it and get CS:S. I've been mapping with the newly released SDK for the last couple of days ... the engine is so fucking awesome. Just the shit that you can do ... in Hammer (the level editor) is physically amazing.

It comes out in a few days, I'm wicked pumped... I'll be playing it the second that it is released.

HAs it been confirmed that Halo 2 is coming out for PC? I had heard that Halo 2 was X-Box exclusive ... though, I'm probably wrong.

Plain Old Jane 11-10-2004 09:49 PM

hmmm... I may have to d/l the sdk as well

I have the Silver pack of HL2 which will include HL2 CS:S and HL1 and DOD in the source engine, I paid some 60 dollars for it to. Cant wait for it, but with vivendi's lawsuit with valve over the distribution rights (Steam = no physical distribution) I wouldnt count too much on that release date, tho' it'd be cool if it was, I certainly hope 11/16/04 is the release date

Mike 11-10-2004 10:38 PM

I bought the silver as well.
To my understanding, VU and Valve settled out of court and the game is scheduled for the Nov. 16th release day ... Atleast, that's what I remember from a month ago or so. Regardless, I've been having a blast mapping for CS:S, just testing out the physics...

It's so incredible.

raditz 11-11-2004 02:55 AM

hey jep, girls don't like video games.... but i guess they do like making a big deal out of everything so nvm

heX 11-11-2004 06:07 PM

brando thats not cool. you need to be nicer to jep its not his fault he was born that way.

Plain Old Jane 11-11-2004 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by raditz
hey jep, girls don't like video games.... but i guess they do like making a big deal out of everything so nvm

Thats like saying girls dont like other girls sexually, but some do; stereotypes make me wanna stick a plasma grenade to ya.

But I just made my GF orgasm for over an hour, so I'm in a relatively good mood.

::eats more vannila pudding and ignores your otherwise humorous inference::

raublekick 11-11-2004 10:54 PM

don't take any offense to this, jep, because i am happy that you're happy. but, it saddens me that you have a girlfriend, and i do not.

Plain Old Jane 11-11-2004 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by raublekick
don't take any offense to this, jep, because i am happy that you're happy. but, it saddens me that you have a girlfriend, and i do not.

not only do I have a beautiful and smart GF, but I also have 5 stalkers (more precisely Social Clingers that I'm not attracted to, but they dont like to hear "no.") Its a tradeoff really, its an ego booster, but its annoying as frell.

anyway raub... We're open minded... if your ever in the area... (just kindding, I'm still a virgin)

raditz 11-12-2004 03:34 AM


jep knows i was playin

but... are you saying that you're a girl that likes other girls now?

thecreeper 11-12-2004 10:14 AM

andrew you have to remember, he's in jersey, and not having a girlfriend is better than having a jersey girl.

raublekick 11-12-2004 10:30 AM

true. anyways back to Halo 2 discussion... I might play it today after class, my friend invited me to play with some other dudes here in the compsci lab.

Plain Old Jane 11-12-2004 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
andrew you have to remember, he's in jersey, and not having a girlfriend is better than having a jersey girl.

For every letter in that statement, I will kill you...

I heard its much different than the teaser thats been floating around online. And at one point of the game, you play as a covenant...

thecreeper 11-12-2004 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by NorthernCross

Originally Posted by thecreeper
andrew you have to remember, he's in jersey, and not having a girlfriend is better than having a jersey girl.

For every letter in that statement, I will kill you...

come on, you know its true. your state sucks, and so do all the people in it. it's a widely believed fact. :wink:

Plain Old Jane 11-12-2004 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper

Originally Posted by NorthernCross

Originally Posted by thecreeper
andrew you have to remember, he's in jersey, and not having a girlfriend is better than having a jersey girl.

For every letter in that statement, I will kill you...

come on, you know its true. your state sucks, and so do all the people in it. it's a widely believed fact. :wink:



raublekick 11-12-2004 04:29 PM

I got to play this today after class. We commandeered a classroom and hooked an XBOX up through a projector. Nothing quite like playing 4 player split screen when each player has a 30+" portion of the screen to look at:twisted: The picture quality was pretty shabby though. Overall I think it is really fun, I liked it more than I thought I would. The levels are a little too big for only 4 people, so that kinda hindered things.

GT2000 11-13-2004 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by NorthernCross
as long as you registered it via steam before nov 1st

Hah, actually no, as, I had forgotten all about having the free copy, up until this post, I just now went to download/install steam, miraculously remembered the password for my account, and, then went to the HL2 option under games (coming soon), then selected that activate already purchased key button, or whatever it says, typed in the reg. code from the ATI insert I had scratched off a while ago, and, it went through, cool deal.

Plain Old Jane 11-14-2004 12:30 AM

musta been because the release date used to be nov 1st. times change as they say, and so have you, I think I'd rather CRUCIFY THAN LEARN!

Take so much away from inside you! Makes no sense! You know he can't guide you! He's your fucking shoulder to lean on! Be strong!!!

obeyasia 11-14-2004 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
andrew you have to remember, he's in jersey, and not having a girlfriend is better than having a jersey girl.


teensupernothing 11-19-2004 02:45 PM

yeah, a little late on this one...

i'm glad to say, that i'm not technically a jersey girl (yay being born out of state!) . i just live here (which to some, might qualify me as one, but still, i was born in st. louis, last time i checked, that's not jersey.)
and yes. jersey sucks. hate it. so dumb. nothing to do. ever. i'd much rather be elsewhere, anywhere else really. with the rediculous laws regarding child abuse, and rape and all that, the rediculous drivers, crazy expensive car insurance, and just so many dumb people... well, jersey just sucks. period.

raublekick 11-19-2004 02:47 PM

30 Helens agree, Jersey sucks.

thecreeper 11-23-2004 01:16 PM

Good-Evil's review of Halo 2 - My friend who reviewed it was really disappointed, considering he was one of Halo's biggest fans. Surprisingly, I haven't seen many other sites giving it any shit. just throwing praise at it because it is hyped doesn't add up to me.

Plain Old Jane 11-23-2004 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by raublekick
30 Helens agree, Jersey sucks.

touche, fan of canadian skit shows

creepa, I was slightly dissappointed as well, the graphics were... well, they didnt wow me. Maybe it was because I was doing coop and couldnt see well, but the gameplay was STILL repetitive, and the maps, although newly textured, we still just, walk through various similarly built rooms and shoot people in the head. Although these two facts ARE what made the first entertaining, its nothing groundbreaking. I wont go out and buy an xbox just to play a game I may like on a hulky clumsy controller that in the way of assico, just feels like a cancerouse testacle. I will put forth the effort to pirate the fuck out of it when it comes out for pc tho...

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