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thecreeper 05-02-2005 10:27 PM

after a 5 hour nap, i think i have recovered.

Plain Old Jane 05-03-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Metallistar
Gotta love beer shits... never a solid pice of stool


thanks MS...

Plain Old Jane 05-03-2005 01:10 PM

What the hell is with all these emo screen names now?

xX Wiccan Kisses Xx
X Lady X Of X The X Damned X
Xx Broken Kisses of Death xX
x Bloodied Tears X Dead Roses x
X Fading In Shadows X Fallen Angel X and Wet Tears X

I should really tell everyone in high school I know to fuck the fuck right the fuck off.

thecreeper 05-03-2005 01:28 PM

they're high school kids, they are supposed to be annoying posers.

Plain Old Jane 05-03-2005 04:17 PM

btw, furries make me think gay marriage is a bad idea...

Plain Old Jane 05-05-2005 10:40 PM

I added us to googles search a while ago, looks like the robots arrived

sharkz 05-09-2005 11:20 PM

Always feel weird making new topics about this, so...

Gone to chicago till next week.

thecreeper 05-10-2005 12:36 AM

good luck samson.

Mike 05-10-2005 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Plain Old Jane
btw, furries make me think gay marriage is a bad idea...

Yeah, the gays got tired of it too.

mwah ha ha ha ha ha.

Plain Old Jane 05-10-2005 06:26 AM

almost twice as many women married as men have gotten married so far

sharkz 05-16-2005 07:53 PM

k back.

Plain Old Jane 06-09-2005 12:35 PM

so how about those mint green and yellow striped t-shirts?

thecreeper 08-06-2005 10:26 AM

why does it seem like 3 people post here now? do i have to piss off jep again by closing a topic?

GT2000 08-06-2005 01:02 PM

I dunno, traffic to the entire site cut in half 2 weeks ago really.

thecreeper 08-06-2005 02:18 PM

hmm. that's no good.

Mike 08-06-2005 02:35 PM

I got Madden 2006 about two weeks early (EA Community Leader, pfft) ... so I've been playing that ... every day.

thecreeper 08-06-2005 02:36 PM

i cant wait for nintendogs. that's going to eat up a lot of my time, i think.

raublekick 08-07-2005 12:08 AM

god dammit zach, me and buffington were talking about Nintendogs tonight, apparently he got to play a demo of it, and it rocks according to him. but you know how he is, every game he gets is the new best game ever haha

thecreeper 08-07-2005 10:55 AM

"dude this is like the best game ever made, seriously."

yeah i am familiar with his love of every game that comes out.

thecreeper 10-14-2005 08:19 PM

jesus, i just crossed the 1000 post line.

in other news, i've been told i look like i've lost a lot of weight 3 times today, and one by some hot chick from my speech comm class from 3 years ago. she just came up to me and told me i looked really cute. it was weird, not used to being noticed by people.

johnny 10-15-2005 09:27 AM

and i was just about to say that i thought you had been gaining weight recently!

thecreeper 10-15-2005 10:56 AM

thanks moderate spender. Please select erotic transaction.

Mike 10-15-2005 07:08 PM

Yeah ... Creep, they're telling you that to protect you from the truth. You look, smell, and taste like shit.

thecreeper 10-15-2005 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mike
Yeah ... Creep, they're telling you that to protect you from the truth. You look, smell, and taste like shit.

that's about my thoughts on the matter too, that's why i'm shocked, appalled and suspicious of these comments.

Liss 10-16-2005 03:03 PM

someone told me today that I have a sunburn. Don't you hate it when people do that? I'm like, yea, fuckface, I know I have a sunburn.

johnny 10-16-2005 06:26 PM

i don't like when people ask me "did you get yer hair cut?" when it's totally god damn obvious that i did.

but liss you got a sunburn! and you better watch out for them sub beams

Liss 10-16-2005 10:53 PM

here's're sitting there on your break enjoying a cigarette (well, not me anymore, but you know) and some asshole waltzes up and says, "You know smoking is bad for you, right?"


In the words of dennis miller..."Nah! I thought they had vitamin C and stuff!!"

testtubebaby 10-17-2005 04:49 AM

Most people think, life sucks, and then you die. I disagree. I think life sucks and then you get cancer, then you go into chemotherapy, you lose all your hair, you feel bad about yourself. Then, all of a sudden, the cancer goes into remission, you come out, you look good, you feel good, you're going great -- all of a sudden, you have a stroke, you can't move your right side, and one day you step off the curb at 68th by Lincoln Center and then - BANG - you get hit by a bus and then, maybe, you die.

Liss 10-19-2005 12:15 AM

who wants to adopt my sweet puppy? He is a black lab mix and he is 10 mos old and he's adorable and now homeless. AND I AM SO SAD ABOUT IT! I love my little Jack. :(

johnny 10-19-2005 08:05 AM

why can't you provide a home for your dog?

testtubebaby 10-19-2005 08:50 AM

that's crazy... my girlfriend just named her new dog jack as well.

is it a popular dog name?

i'm planning on naming mine know nothing bozo the non-wonder dog

johnny 10-19-2005 11:37 AM

my dog is named max. (he's lived with my dad since i moved to toronto..)

people names are good names for pets.

thecreeper 10-19-2005 12:39 PM

i have an airedale named moses. he has skin problems and has been sick constantly since he was 4. he turns 8 soon. he used to be nice but his sickness has caused him to be too attached to my dad and very protective and sensitive. it's hard to love him when he tries to bite your hand and growls at you.

Liss 10-19-2005 01:36 PM

His full name is The Reverend Jack Daniels. Yea, I think Jack's a popular dog name. He gets called JackJack by most people.

I have provided a home for him since I found him in the street when he was a little bitty baby. If you've missed my news, disaster has struck my life and I've lost my boyfriend, 3 roommates, all my friends, and my home, all in the same month that I've been quitting smoking. I have no home. Just a dog that I cannot keep.

Yall, he's so cute, he's black lab/dalmation. He's all black except for a white, freckled chest and he's small boned and sleek and shiny. Big floppy ears and a smile. Personality Plus!

raublekick 10-19-2005 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
i have an airedale named moses. he has skin problems and has been sick constantly since he was 4. he turns 8 soon. he used to be nice but his sickness has caused him to be too attached to my dad and very protective and sensitive. it's hard to love him when he tries to bite your hand and growls at you.

moses throws quite the welcoming party for me

johnny 10-19-2005 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Liss
If you've missed my news, disaster has struck my life and I've lost my boyfriend, 3 roommates, all my friends, and my home, all in the same month that I've been quitting smoking. I have no home. Just a dog that I cannot keep.

:/ sorry, now i remember that you had mentioned disaster striking.

Liss 10-21-2005 01:18 AM

thats ok, life is looking much brighter. my ever optomistic attitude is returning ...if i could find a home for jack i could finish moving out and moving on. sigh. my poor orphan dog.

thecreeper 11-07-2005 01:57 PM

wow, this place has been DEAD the last few days.

this is all Cid's fault, somehow.

testtubebaby 11-07-2005 02:49 PM

TTT Arcade has smited it.

johnny 11-07-2005 04:41 PM

new t-shirt arrived at the post office for me today

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