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raublekick 06-06-2006 10:10 AM

i installed openbox and having quite the time getting it all configure... part of me is kinda scared because it looks like some of the openbox config stuff is intrusive to Gnome, KDE, or whatever other WM you have installed.

sharkz 07-09-2006 03:01 PM

i don't think i ever added that i'm finally using linux again (ubuntu dapper) and loving it. using KDE... looks to have progressed very far since 2002.

raublekick 07-09-2006 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by sharkz
i don't think i ever added that i'm finally using linux again (ubuntu dapper) and loving it. using KDE... looks to have progressed very far since 2002.

haha yes, it's amazing how far linux has gone since just a few years ago.

with XGL and Compiz, linux has beaten Vista and surpassed OSX into the cool window effects realm.

johnny 07-10-2006 06:06 PM

i put xubuntu on my laptop about two weeks ago, 'cause running xfce makes the most sense considering my laptop's weak hardware, and i'm thinking i'm liking it even better than gnome. but now i'm using gnome on my desktop.. i guess i like both. but kde?? :(

raublekick 07-10-2006 07:09 PM

that's the Openbox guide I wrote. i've been using Gnome lately, but Openbox would be my favorite if i could figure out all i want to do with it. it's just so... god damned customizable.

raublekick 08-23-2006 11:44 AM

i just installed Kubuntu on my laptop. i've always been a Gnome/GTK guy, but i decided on KDE for a few reasons:

lots of config option
better networking
GTK apps run much better in KDE than KDE apps run in Gnome

i still use Gaim, Synaptic, Firefox, Gimp, and lots of other GTK apps, and they all work perfectly in KDE.

johnny 08-27-2006 02:16 PM

so i went ahead and decided to mess around with openbox today. it's pretty nifty. yer howto was helpful raub, because i probably would have been to lazy to figure out a few of the customizations on my own. also, that olive window decoration is pretty neato. i might actually stick with it for a while.

johnny 09-03-2006 09:05 PM

y'know, a few weeks ago i was actually using kde quite regularely, and now i find myself using it more again. it's kinda like i'm turning over to the darkside?? i dunno, the more i toy with kde and get to know it better, the more i prefer it to gnome. and reading about kde 4 also makes me want to use it.

it's too bad they faggotted up the kubuntu colour scheme (the purple!!?) in the latest edgy eft beta release.

raublekick 09-03-2006 09:09 PM

yeah, i really like the Dapper theme, but i use the plastik window decoration. kde 4 should be hella awesome.

hey johnny, you ever try visiting here with Konquerer? for some reason it doesn't render links for the first half of the page (at least for me)

raublekick 09-03-2006 09:10 PM

anything above Computers, to be precise... (this post coming from konquerer)

speaking of... it's nice that konquerer has aspell built in.

johnny 09-04-2006 07:42 AM

you know, i have noticed that. there have been a few times that all the links worked fine on thetesttube, but typically i get the same problem you did (and i get into the computers forum by doing a search, haha..). but it's never happened on any other site.

raublekick 09-04-2006 01:27 PM

yeah exactly, it's just this site that i've encountered problems with. it sucks, because konquerer is such a nice browser to use, such usefulness.

johnny 09-04-2006 02:41 PM

it's weird. the links in the top menu work, and the links in the shoutbox work. the links in the moderator column of the forum display work. but the links for the forum names, and most recent topics don't.. all the way until the testing forum.

and once i'm viewing a thread, all the links work okay. it's very strange.
i'll think i'm going to find another vbulletin site and see how it works in konqueror..

johnny 09-04-2006 02:48 PM

hey raub, try this: click the up arrow in the top-right corner of the shoutbox to hide it. now do all the links work? they do for me. and when i click the arrow again to make the shoutbox visible once more, the links go fucked up again. odd. same deal for the front page which displays the shoutbox and news posts.

raublekick 09-04-2006 03:26 PM

hey yeah, that did the trick! awesome find dude.

johnny 09-06-2006 09:23 PM

i had a go at installing gentoo 2006.1 on my laptop tonight, to mess around with that. but there were some issues, and x couldn't start, so i couldn't do the nice livecd graphical install. the system installed okay through the command-line dialog, however.. my screen is still fucked and running startx throws errors back at me. i was googling for help through links until i got fed up. i have a feeling that the solution to the problem may involve a re-install anyways..

i think i'll have fewer headaches if i stick to more useable distros. (i tested the livecd on my desktop; it just hangs up at a black screen after starting x and gdm.. and, like i said, x totally fails running from the livecd on my laptop.. wtf machines does it actually work on!?!)

what's annoying is really, all i have to do is type "emerge kde" and it's all systems go on my laptop, if i could get x to start. this shit makes me angry too easily.

raublekick 09-07-2006 12:13 AM

i'm too wary about trying hardcore distros like that on my laptop. on a desktop i could manage most problems, but i just don't feel like dealing with getting wireless and all that to work.

raublekick 09-08-2006 11:27 AM

hmmm... gnome 2.16 is looking pretty keen. i'll stick with KDE for now, but I might start my Edgy trip off with Gnome first when it is released.

johnny 09-08-2006 06:03 PM

i think i'm going for kde from the start, when edgy is released. i'm looking forward to that. i do still like gnome; up until recently it has always been much better than kde.. but things seem to be turning around.

i think i'm going to fire up gentoo on my desktop this weekend. i know once i get the system going x should be okay; it just fucks up on the livecd. so i can run the installer through the cli dialogs, and then set up x, and xdm or gdm.. and i think i'll go with openbox. it'll probably take forever to compile kde or gnome.

raublekick 09-09-2006 11:20 AM

woorrrd, i love openbox, i should install it on here.

i think i'm gonna install ubuntu-desktop on here today and just do some heavy fucking menu editing so each one has it's own menu without made KDE apps showing in the gnome menu.

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