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Jesse 07-08-2005 07:22 PM

Yea, my computer wasn't the DMZ host. I thought it was, but somehow my computer was assigned a different IP.


GT2000 07-08-2005 11:23 PM


Cool, I'll check out what ya have later.

Mr Biglesworth 07-08-2005 11:32 PM

hey why am I temporarily banned? I bring you love!

GT2000 07-09-2005 12:25 AM

Temp ban? That happened to sharkz last week, not sure what caused it, all I had to do was stop and restart the server and it was fine, try now.

GT2000 08-02-2005 06:54 PM

I added the server to a

Already had a few random/foreigners pop in, couple of them are staying, ya'll should start idling in there more, always see neil and sharkz boy though.

(my files are in disarray because of the crash lastnight, will take a while to sort that back out...)

GT2000 08-03-2005 12:54 PM

Will be down for a bit, got the raid controller and 2nd drive in, apparently it takes a long ass time to get the raid array to duplicate drive A onto drive B. After that's done I have to solve the blue screen I'm getting on boot, "inaccessible boot device", probably has to do with needing the win2k drivers installed for the raid card, booted the first time through and then I shut it down while it was "setting up network connections", it probably had enough time to detect the card and now it's being a cunt about it.

fuck it, I'll set it up on my main machine in the mean time.

GT2000 08-03-2005 05:08 PM

Ok, server raid 1 is good to go, also using a new hub, this one runs smoother, using YNhub now, might look into a bot or two later on for random crap, I think more people should check it out if you haven't, TTT's chat room, booya.

GT2000 09-09-2005 02:20 PM

Weird..there's 220 people sharing 1.26TB, and, they're talking, don't understand why people find an unused hub and randomly populate it..

johnny 09-09-2005 03:11 PM

tell them all to register at the forum and talk here

testtubebaby 09-09-2005 04:13 PM

how do i use this program and where do i get it? please, someone explain all of this nonsense to me...

GT2000 09-09-2005 10:16 PM

the rest should be self explanatory, just set it to auto-connect to in the preferences.

Mr Biglesworth 09-10-2005 09:00 PM

dude, when did we get 197 members?

and a censor?


GT2000 09-10-2005 10:02 PM

I'm considering banning any kind of "clan" tag, because of this...


<[OFF]Deus> is their any difference between and
<[DEN]Sndtech-Laptop> yes and you should be connecting to all three hubs,
<[DEN]Sndtech-Laptop> stargate atlantis season 2 ep 9 up
<[DEN]Sndtech-Laptop> ep8 sorry
<sarah> why do you need to be connected to all three?
<sarah> ... and isn't working
<Josh> ..
<[DEN]Sndtech-Laptop> yeah its not up right now they are fixing the network card on it, because if one goes down then the acadia hubs dont really suffer, its called redundancy and its great to have if the hub OP gets caught
<sarah> ah ok, thanks!
Apparently they just find floating hubs to infest until the hub gets shut down?

Someone a little more familiar with the faget scene of hubs confirm or concur this?

thecreeper 09-11-2005 12:30 AM

that's fucking lame. it's like a bunch of assholes who won't talk to us came into our house and started watching stargate.

i wouldn't mind it so much if they would post or something, but come on. if it gets to be a problem, get rid of them.

johnny 09-11-2005 06:58 PM

i just checked out this dc++ shit, and i have instant dislike of these people!

testtubebaby 09-11-2005 07:01 PM

ok, i got connected... then i tried to check out donnies files, and now it auto disconnects me everytime i try to rejoin

GT2000 09-12-2005 12:16 AM

Don't worry, I'm about to ban all clan tags now, heh.


GT2000 09-12-2005 12:17 AM

Seriously though, the script I'm using doesn't ban properly I guess..heh.

GT2000 09-12-2005 07:19 AM

<GT2000> god, persistent retarded mother fuckers aren't they
<GT2000> anyone that isn't a queer bot, explain why this hub is getting over run by OC loving fagets
<DENSndtech-Laptop> ok who changed the nick rules, basically kicking all of acadia?
<DENSndtech-Laptop> this hub is stupid, cause no on e can go on it...most have no idea how to change their nick, therefore the test tube is broken to them, and useless to me
<DENSndtech-Laptop> you guys are stupid
<Money> .avi
<GT2000> useless to you? i don't want it useful to you ;p

GT2000 09-12-2005 10:21 AM

Lmao, they keep going and going, but I'll have fun messin' with them until I kill the server or make it private, whatever.

And all these people are from some canadian school, acadia.

johnny 09-12-2005 11:45 AM

it's a university on the east coast. (nova scotia)

GT2000 09-12-2005 05:56 PM

I let them back in, I actually have fun messin' with them..

thecreeper 09-12-2005 09:03 PM

just tell them that thetesttube is devoted to chicks fucking horses, and anyone who doesnt choose to share videos will be promptly booted.

GT2000 09-24-2005 04:10 PM

I'm actually trying to talk to someone in there, I think they've just got their main hub and are using this one as one to redirect to...I'm just gonna keep doing little things to annoy them until they leave, more fun that way.

Probably start by passwording it or requiring accounts, that is if anyone still has any interest in actually using it, otherwise i'll just shut it down completely.

GT2000 09-24-2005 06:39 PM

Btw, someone else hop on there and tell me if you have problems connecting to everyone on there, might just be my dc app, but I'm not behind a firewall atm and still don't get any connections though people occasionally download from me on there...

Jesse 10-17-2005 02:08 AM

I'd use the hub now, but my connection at school is horrible.

thecreeper 10-17-2005 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jesse
I'd use the hub now, but my connection at school is horrible.

you too? my connection is awful, some days i think 56k would be faster.

GT2000 10-17-2005 07:38 PM

Hub is gone now anyways.

Mr Biglesworth 10-17-2005 09:02 PM

was wondering about that...

GT2000 10-18-2005 07:48 PM

Yeah, I actually killed my server altogether...dropped one of the 2 250gbs in my main workstation, and the other 250gb in a usb external case, just gonna do the occasional backup and then leave the external turned off the rest of the time, make the drive last longer, keep the backup a little safer than the constant running of the raid 1...

Jesse 11-05-2005 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
you too? my connection is awful, some days i think 56k would be faster.

Good. So I'm not alone.
I was told by the tech club at my school that my campus has 6 T1 lines, but I guess they are setup completely incorrect. Which makes me smile.

thecreeper 11-06-2005 01:56 AM

its gotten better, but jesus, its still fucking terrible. 200k/s is the absolute fastest my line at school will go.

GT2000 11-07-2005 09:52 PM

Wow, your techs are morons. That, and, even with 6 T1's (that ain't shit), it wouldn't take much for a few people hogging bandwidth to kill it for everyone else, not saying that's what's happening, but, kinda...pretty likely, especially in a college, heh...

And also, back on the DC++ topic..yeah, never really cared for it anyways, and since I'm not running my server anymore to cut back on power usage, not doable.

Thought about setting up an irc channel like was requested a while ago, and like I used to do several years ago, but no one went to and I stopped keeping it open...I'll just hold the channel again, #thetesttube on, be there..or not, I don't give a shit either way...

thecreeper 11-07-2005 10:57 PM

i think the #thetesttube channel might actually be a good idea for future projects, dude. go for it.

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