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Cid 05-18-2007 09:58 AM

YOU'RE great.

testtubebaby 05-20-2007 04:23 AM

your mom was great... last night... when she was in my bed.

having sex with me!

malta 05-20-2007 06:08 PM

It's strizaight with work. See you guys there.

p.s. all you other motherfuckers should come now.

thecreeper 05-20-2007 07:59 PM


raublekick 05-20-2007 09:15 PM

looks like i will have a job soon, so it is pretty much solid on my end. just a matter of getting a half day that friday i guess.

Mike 06-01-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by malta
It's strizaight with work. See you guys there.

p.s. all you other motherfuckers should come now.


Cid 06-02-2007 10:53 AM

Well fuck. Turns out I'll be in Georgia the weekend of the trip. Sorry to ruin the trip, since I know everyone was dying to meet me.

Well, maybe we can make it an annual thing.

thecreeper 06-04-2007 05:58 PM

the hope is that it will be annual. turn out is looking good so far.

p.s. mike: ead.

Mike 06-05-2007 01:00 AM

Eh, I'd be a weird fit anyway. I'll send my regards.

squirrels2nuts 06-07-2007 08:50 PM

so ya cant just renew yer passport, but i guess you dont need it if yer drving

thecreeper 06-07-2007 10:33 PM

so are you coming then??

its almost a month away, i'm pretty excited to meet you guys.

hex, i'm hoping you can make it.

i need to organize the PA foiks and get Zell and Subsy to come. and maybe sharkz if at all possible.

Jesse 06-08-2007 02:59 AM

Finding a job in Boston is proving to be a bit more complicated than I anticipated. I should be hearing back soon from some places, but as of right now, I have zero money coming in. If this keeps up, I'll have to move back to Maine.

So, right now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it.

Here's to hoping though.

testtubebaby 06-08-2007 11:22 AM

waa waa WAAAAAA

and here it begins...

Stormy 06-08-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse
Finding a job in Boston is proving to be a bit more complicated than I anticipated. I should be hearing back soon from some places, but as of right now, I have zero money coming in. If this keeps up, I'll have to move back to Maine.

So, right now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it.

Here's to hoping though.

Like cameras? Like Fenway Park?

There might still be a spot open as a photographer. My friend is in Boston right now doing that.

raublekick 06-08-2007 05:29 PM

so is this just going to be me, zach, and optimus plus donnie and his wife?

squirrels2nuts 06-09-2007 01:34 PM

oh yeh, i guess im still not coming. its such a long fucking drive, god thatd be boring

Jesse 06-10-2007 01:37 AM

Stormy, if you had a friend working at Fenway Park, and there's an opening. Get me a contact number, please.

thecreeper 06-11-2007 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by raublekick
so is this just going to be me, zach, and optimus plus donnie and his wife?

nah, we've got others. i just need to confirm they are definitely coming.

malta said he is coming for sure last i talked to him, stormy has to come, im gonna make zell come, testtubebaby is going to come or i wont love him, and me and hohman still have cash to get a few people there.

raublekick 06-11-2007 06:20 PM

oh ok.

malta 06-11-2007 11:09 PM

I'll be there. I was worried about money because I was supposed to be moved out by now, but one of my would be roommates caught a DWI and has to pay out the ass for it, so I'm living at home for a little longer.

thecreeper 06-12-2007 09:51 PM

ok me and jesse worked things out.

he's going to come.

testtubebaby 06-14-2007 08:49 AM

really bad (or good , depending on how much you like me) news from my mother today...

i got a jury summons for when i get back. any takers on what the date of my appearance is?

yea, so needless to say i was fairly pissed. i have to go in on the 13th at 10 am, stay there for as long as they might need me that day, and if i am selected for jury duty i will have to be there first thing bright and early on the monday as well. so this will seriously limit my time there to like... oh, about a day and a few hours. not really worth it, for me. i was really looking forward to it... especially meeting justin, tristan, jonah, and zach in person.


GT2000 06-14-2007 02:12 PM

Cry more. I had jury duty on my birthday back in 2003, the same day I bought my first car.. or had scheduled to take delivery at least..

Do what I did, go in to the courthouse dressed like a bum and give short/blunt answers when they ask you and the other jurors questions, needless to say, your visit will be quite short stayed.

thecreeper 06-14-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by testtubebaby
really bad (or good , depending on how much you like me) news from my mother today...

i got a jury summons for when i get back. any takers on what the date of my appearance is?

yea, so needless to say i was fairly pissed. i have to go in on the 13th at 10 am, stay there for as long as they might need me that day, and if i am selected for jury duty i will have to be there first thing bright and early on the monday as well. so this will seriously limit my time there to like... oh, about a day and a few hours. not really worth it, for me. i was really looking forward to it... especially meeting justin, tristan, jonah, and zach in person.



either do what donnie says or don't go. you can claim you were out of the country and didnt know about it. seriously, it would be pretty hard for them to argue that you had to be there anyway. thats a pretty solid excuse, especially if you tell them you have piles and piles of mail you have had to go through upon returning home.

heX 06-14-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper

either do what donnie says or don't go. you can claim you were out of the country and didnt know about it. seriously, it would be pretty hard for them to argue that you had to be there anyway. thats a pretty solid excuse, especially if you tell them you have piles and piles of mail you have had to go through upon returning home.

ive had jury duty twice. both times i just didnt show. eventally i had to call some number about it. i basically just said "whawt?", and that was the end of it.

thecreeper 06-14-2007 11:32 PM

see, hex doesnt do it and you shouldnt either.

testtubebaby 06-15-2007 12:23 AM

well, under normal circumstances those would all be fine ideas... however, right now i am in the process of being granted residency for florida so i can get my masters. i've already been accepted, but i think that fucking something like this up might not sit well with people wanting to grant a person who has been out of the country for a year residency.

sorry guys.

Cid 06-15-2007 10:07 AM

Well that's cool. Just makes me feel better about not going.

thecreeper 06-18-2007 12:04 AM

i'm displeased.

thecreeper 06-20-2007 08:49 PM

ok very important announcement, as this will decide whether or not testfest happens or not:

Optimus will not be able to be there for Saturday or Sunday. He works in a hospital and his request for time off was not accepted and/or changed. He can be there for all of Friday and Sat morning.

This leaves us half in, half out as far as attendance. I absolutely need to know some definites from people as to if they are coming in order for this to happen right now.

Jesse told me recently he can definitely come.
Tristan has told me he is coming, but I haven't followed up.
I'm pretty sure Raub will be there, I still need to talk to our friend and sometimes poster Art, but its likely he could come as well.
Donnie is still confirmed as far as I know.
Stormy I'm still not sure is coming, the same with Zell and Subsy.

I need to get definites out of the questionable people, or i dont know that we can do this. a lot of financial liability will fall on me with fewer people, and i dont want this to crumble last minute for me.

anyone who is going please confirm if you can make it or not for sure.

malta 06-22-2007 12:00 AM

I can go. If it doesn't happen theres always next time.

GT2000 06-22-2007 10:37 AM

That's a bummer, Anya and I are definitely going to be there, I've already paid the deposit for my room, and as far as I know her friend from R.I. and her hubby have paid their deposit for their room, she hasn't seen her friend, or any of her friends from back home in a while, so it's just more of a reason why we are definitely going to make it barring anything major.

Need to find my confirmation email again so I can double check the stuff, we will be there.. "sylin' profilin', in a black corvette...", ok, so it's an alloy ford fusion.. fuck it, whatever.

Jesse 06-22-2007 11:35 AM

Hmm, and even though I just got a job, I don't think I'll be getting my first paycheck til the 15th, because they pay semi-monthly. But I'm gonna try to find some freelance Flash stuff to get some extra cash until then.

thecreeper 06-26-2007 08:08 PM

i'm not sure what to do about this.

i really feel bad that donnie is already financially committed, but i would go anyway if i could just get a few more people to say yes.

my biggest worry right now is that i'm simply going to be spending too much money to make sure 4 or 5 people have a good time.

malta 06-29-2007 04:35 PM

My best friend just landed a dj slot opening for freaky flow (,, a big drum n bass dj from toronto. It's on the 14 and its only his second gig, so there's no way I wouldn't be there for him.

Sorry. Next time you want to do this I'll definitely try and make time for it.

raublekick 06-30-2007 12:33 PM

so at this point the only people "definitely" going are creeper, jesse, myself, and donnie / bride of donnie. seeing as how donnie is getting his own room, that leaves 3 of us to get a room for ourselves, which i cannot really afford / do not really want to spend money on.

i feel bad that donnie kind of got conned into a vacation that he might not have taken otherwise, but i think it would be best to call this off...

thecreeper 07-02-2007 11:04 PM

i feel really guilty about this. but i don't want to do this with no support.

donnie, if you want some cash for the room, i can give you some. I apologize for how this has bottomed out. I tried up till this past weekend to make it happen, but i've just run out of supporters this time around. optimus canceled the room a couple weeks ago and never even told me, and it would cost way too much for me to do this by this myself.

I hope we can re-plan something later this year.

fuck. i'm not happy about this at all. i'm really disappointed.

Cid 07-05-2007 02:42 PM

Well Donnie and his wife can have a nice vacation with their friends...which is kind of what it looked like they wanted anyway, and the rest of us can do it another time. It'll be OK man...we've gone this long, we'll make it happen.

heX 07-05-2007 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cid
Well Donnie and his wife can have a nice vacation with their friends...which is kind of what it looked like they wanted anyway, and the rest of us can do it another time. It'll be OK man...we've gone this long, we'll make it happen.

i blame cid for it falling apart

Torre82 07-24-2007 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Liss
Bunny, Jesse's right, we were never old enough to do anything like this before. I still lived with my mom in your "glory days"...I can see it now..."No, seriously mom, it's okay, they're just my internet friends, not rapists and con artists.


Originally Posted by thecreeper
it's not just wishful thinking this time.


Originally Posted by Torre82
Hmm. I smell compromises in the air. I think the plans are crumbly like various brands of blue cheese!

Sooo... this one time I posted something.. and it was true. Oh wait.. it's the text right above me! ^^^

But noone else saw the crumbly.

:walks away shaking my head: People dont see the obvious, huh.

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